One Sneeze Destroys A Magical Civilization

Chapter 93 The Powerful Lord Of Symbols

Chapter 93 The Powerful Lord of Symbols

Having dealt with two potential "hidden dangers" in one go, Zuo Si returned to the room to make a few more magic cards, and then began to plan for tomorrow night's ceremony.

He knew very well that given the degree of danger on the west coast of Faerun Continent, if he didn't make sufficient preparations for this journey, the entire caravan might suffer heavy losses before reaching the Star Vortex Mountain Range.

No bandit gang or monster tribe would easily let go of such a huge caravan, or it might attract greedy and evil dragons.

If it weren't for Planeswalker's card system, with the current LV9 [Creator] and LV4 [Mage], Zuo Si would definitely not choose to gamble.

The reason is that the risk factor is too high and the rate is too low.

But now with the follower card [Alaina of Flame], as well as the "meaty" and "hard" [Large Stone Elemental] and the [Manticore] that can carry people, even if you encounter something that you can't deal with Enemies, there is always no problem in escaping.

Coupled with those few magic wands, even if attacked by a dragon, Zuo Si is sure to kill or repel it.

After all, the nearly two years of living in the tower of the Floating Void City had successfully changed his way of thinking permanently.

According to the necromancer-Asta, if a mage feels that he cannot defeat the enemy in front of him, it must be because of his thinking and strategy.

Because a truly prepared mage is omnipotent!

Although these words are suspected of boasting and being too arrogant, they also reflect the power of magic and the many means possessed by the caster from the side.

What Zuo Si has to do is to prepare as many emergency plans as possible before departure to deal with emergencies that may be encountered during the long journey.

Including when the Kingdom of Tethyr is in the midst of civil strife, wars between lords may occur;

Bandits that you may encounter when traveling through the Great Karin Desert;

Monsters and beasts abound near the Vortex and Shardtooth mountains.

In short, although this section of the road may look on the map, it may be about the same distance as from Baldur's Gate to Waterdeep City, but the risks it faces are not at the same level.

And it is rare to see large-scale caravans along the way.

Most of them are small traders limited to a certain range of activities.

This is also the reason why the big merchants from Waterdeep City, Baldur's Gate, and Amn still prefer to take the sea route even though they know that there are many pirates passing through the Nelanthir Islands.

However, Zuo Si didn't know that when he was busy, another group of idle "lao Yinbi" were gathering together, discussing how to make his journey more "billion points" more difficult and interesting.


"Rakask! Is your portal ready?"

[Entangling Symbols] Located in the secret lair deep underground, Lagon asked another "Lord of Symbols" who is also a Lich.

The latter nodded without thinking: "Of course! After receiving your notice, I went to the Kalin Desert to make two portals as soon as possible. But are you sure to send the "Book of the Dead" now?" Is it a good thing to hand it over to him in this way?"

Lagon replied meaningfully: "Are you doubting my judgment?

Although the "Book of the Dead" records a lot of powerful and dangerous knowledge of necromancy magic.

But certainly not too much of a problem for a talent like him.

Quite the opposite!

We can cultivate his interest in necromancy through the Book of the Dead.

Make it obsessed with creating those mighty undead, and eventually become one of us. "

""Book of the Dead"...It sounds really nostalgic. I also got this book at the beginning, and I have come to today bit by bit. Maybe I should arrange a few descendants to go to that ancient tomb , to add some fun to this adventure treasure hunt."

Another pale-skinned but extremely glamorous woman stuck out her tongue and licked her alluring red lips, revealing two sharp fangs in her mouth at the same time.

You don't need to ask, but like a lich, she is another powerful undead creature - a vampire.

"I don't think there's any problem. But dear Shelesa, you have to understand that participating in this kind of game is not just about placing a few descendants or monsters, but also providing corresponding prizes. I don't know if you are doing this for this young man named Soth What have you prepared?" Another lich "Lord of Talismans" asked playfully.

The female vampire named Shelesa slowly took out a long sword exuding an evil aura from her pocket, and put it on the table casually: "I think this vampire sword should be enough. What do you think, Dear Shangra?"

"Let me take a look. +2 magic long sword, every time it hits a target, it absorbs life force for the holder, immunity to immobilization, charm, paralysis and negative energy damage, and an extra two points to the strength attribute. Hmm! It is indeed enough. Since So, then you send two descendants into the tomb."

The lich named Shangra picked up the weapon and appraised it, and immediately made corresponding arrangements.

With a wave of his hand, there were suddenly two vampires in a certain room in the ancient tomb model on the table full of various mechanisms, traps and monsters.

With the addition of Shelesa, all the masters of the symbols present began to talk about how to make adjustments, delete or add monsters and treasures, so as to make this ancient tomb expedition more challenging.

While they were arguing endlessly, the figure of a giant dragon suddenly teleported over out of thin air, and directly threw a leather glove glowing blue on the stone table.



The originally lively atmosphere suddenly became quiet.

As the leader of [Entanglement Talisman], Lagon was the first to step forward to pick up the glove, and asked in an uncertain tone: "It's done so soon?"

"That's right! According to your request, I sealed the injured old blue dragon in this glove through the most terrifying magic ritual.

On the surface, it can bring many powerful and convenient abilities to the wearer.

But it is actually a cursed item, and every time it is used, it has to fight against the old dragon's strong will to survive.

On failure, the wearer permanently loses Constitution.

Until his physical condition became worse and worse, he finally had to turn himself into a lich to continue his life.

Of course, if one is lucky enough to keep winning this resistance of the will, the wearer will take away little by little the old dragon's life force, magic, and all that he possesses.

And I have hidden the part about the curse, any detection magic and appraisal magic can't find it.

Well, it fits your requirements perfectly, doesn't it? "

Saphrakta bluntly stated the true function of these gloves.

And in this meeting where only the "Lord of Talismans" participated, he did not hide his identity any more, and showed his true colors as a "dracolich" openly.

It was a huge undead creature made up of the remains of a giant dragon, with red glints shining in its two eye sockets, and the negative energy gathered in its abdominal cavity was even enough to kill all living creatures in the entire town in an instant.

"Perfect! Exactly what I wanted."

Ragon nodded in satisfaction.

"Tomorrow, I will ask my subordinates to give this gift to Sous in person to express his gratitude for making [Blue Dragon Buster] for us. I just don't know whether he will take everything from this old dragon in the end, or be killed by the old dragon." Drained and forced to transform himself into a lich."

Shangra agreed deeply: "It is precisely because of such uncertainty that the game will appear more real and interesting. Whether to become the master of one's own destiny or to be played by cruel fate, let us wait and see together .”

"For young Sous! To celebrate we have found another candidate who has the potential to become the master of the symbol! For the future of [Entangling Symbol]! I suggest a small event to celebrate."

"Oh? What kind of event?"

"Isn't the guild war in Calimport about to start? Why don't we make it more lively?"

"Sounds like a good idea."

"I thought it would be a good idea to raid the Harper stronghold in the Docklands."

"Just uproot the Harpers and Zhentarim from Calimport. I'm sick of their activity lately."


Amidst the chattering discussions among the "Lords of Runes", a terrifying plan that was enough to plunge the entire Calimport into turmoil was born.

Since each of them is an extremely powerful undead creature and legendary spellcaster, they don't care about the lives of ordinary people at all.

He even regards every living person in the Calimshan area, from the emperor to the slaves, as a chess piece that can be manipulated and played by him.

This is also what [Entanglement Talisman] has been doing for hundreds of years.

They use their huge intelligence network to control almost half of Calimshan's power, deliberately let the other half of the power go out of control, and then enjoy this kind of game in a complex environment.

Sometimes they will encourage the temples of paladins, adventurers and good gods to fight against the nobles, wealthy merchants and thieves guilds controlled by them.

For those who perform well, the "Lords of Symbols" will also provide corresponding rewards.

Because these "little guys" who know nothing about the truth add a little fun to their long and almost eternal life.

Of course, if anyone really discovers or touches the real secret of [Entangling Symbol].

Then the "Lords of Talismans" will immediately put on another face, gathering strength to destroy it mercilessly.

In Faerun Continent, there are not many people or organizations that can withstand the joint attack of several legendary spellcasters.

(end of this chapter)

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