One Sneeze Destroys A Magical Civilization

Chapter 94 God Knows Everything, He Has His Own Arrangements (Please Subscribe After The Fifth Updat

Chapter 94 God Knows Everything, He Has His own Arrangements (please subscribe after the fifth update)

Calimport slums.

Shrine to Irmat, the God of Suffering.

An old man with bare feet and only a tattered linen robe kneeling in front of the shrine silently prayed to the god he served.

He looked solemn, not at all ashamed of the tattered clothes on his body and the crude furnishings around him.

Unlike other gods in Faerun, the temples are either gorgeous, resplendent, or as strong as a fortress.

This temple of the God of Misery is nothing more than a hut made of discarded boards, cloth and miscellaneous things, just like other shacks around the slums.

But it makes people feel inexplicably calm and warm, as if no matter how difficult and desperate things in life are, it's no big deal.

Obviously, the church in Irmat is not really poor enough to not even be able to build a decent temple, nor can it not afford to wear those luxurious silk robes.

Just the opposite!

His clerics, like clerics of other gods, possess powerful spells.

It's just that the priests of the God of Suffering didn't sell these magical spells to the rich at a marked price, and then used them to build and decorate temples, or to satisfy their own desires for enjoyment.

Instead, it is provided free of charge to the poor and orphans who cannot afford the expensive cost of magic.

Let them be free from the torment of disease and injury.

Not only that!

The priests of Irmat will also use their only property to buy food and distribute it to the poor who cannot afford it.

No matter the cost, we will support those orphans who lost their parents and relatives, and shelter the souls of children who have died due to various reasons.

It can be said that if there is a god in Faerun who can truly represent "goodness", it must be Irmat, the god of suffering.

Although some organizations and individuals will laugh at the part of his teachings that advocates followers to bear the pain and suffering for others, that kind of selfless and unrequited behavior is undoubtedly respected by almost all kind and neutral people.

After half an hour, the old man kneeling in front of the shrine finally slowly opened his eyes and stood up.

The young paladin Eloline who was waiting at the side immediately leaned forward and asked, "Master Priest! How is it? Has God given us guidance?"

"Yes! The great God of Suffering has been guiding every believer."

The old man called the chief priest slowly took down a wood-carved amulet from the shrine, felt the sacred power endowed on it, and then said: "The young man named Sous has been shrouded in this A powerful evil force in this land has its eyes on it. Your next task is to take this amulet and help him resist the temptation from the darkness. Most importantly, make sure he doesn't get sick."

"What? Make sure he doesn't get sick?"

Erolyn blinked her eyes in confusion, unable to comprehend the meaning of this sentence.

"In the vision revealed by God about the future, once Sous gets sick, it will cause terrible plagues and disasters, and tens of thousands of people will die. In addition, try to influence him as much as possible, even if you can't walk on the path of kindness. way, and try to ensure that he does not fall completely into evil."

After all, the old man handed the amulet in his hand to the young paladin, with an undeniable seriousness and earnestness in his tone.

"You mean... this is a long-term mission?"

Eroline carefully took the amulet blessed by God, her face was full of excitement and anticipation.

After all, she was only in her early twenties, an age full of longings and fantasies about personal heroism and saving the world.

The old man nodded without thinking: "Yes! This is your trial.

During the mission, please be sure to stick to your beliefs and bottom line, and keep in mind the teachings of the God of Suffering, but you can make certain compromises on other issues.

If you spot a follower of Talona, ​​be extra careful and vigilant.

The Goddess of Poison and Disease is also seeking and longing for him.

Also, starting tomorrow you will not be able to report at the Temple.

Stay at home and spend more time with your loved ones, and pack up your luggage by the way. "

"Understood! Please don't worry, I will definitely complete this mission well." Eroline assured her confidently, patting her chest.

Soon, with excitement, she went to distribute food and clean drinking water to the orphans waiting outside.

This is something that priests of Ilmater do almost every day.

They will do everything in their power to ensure that every child within their sight does not go hungry or cold.

Seeing the young paladin laughing and frolicking with the children, Agor, who had been silent for a long time, finally couldn't help asking: "Master Priest, Eroline is just an apprentice who has just completed basic training.

Are you sure it's wise to let her go on such a dangerous mission alone?

I admit!

She does possess enough courage and a passion for a just cause.

But her impulsive personality will make her easily tempted and eventually go astray.

Especially the kid named Soth always gave me a kind of wisdom and maturity that didn't match my superficial age.

Who is he?

Why does sickness cause plagues and disasters?

If he's so dangerous, why don't we take him to the temple for purification?

And during the investigation, I found that he has a very strong negative energy atmosphere, which is obviously due to the frequent use of necromancy magic.

Coupled with that attitude of rejecting people thousands of miles away, I don't think he will accept Eloline to stay by his side. "

After hearing these questions, the old man was not only not angry, but showed a faint smile, and replied meaningfully: "God already knows everything, and He has his own arrangements."

"Oh—I hope so.

I've seen too many young paladins fall in my lifetime.

Even witnessed former friends become dark guards, escorting those slave owners and tyrants.

In Calimshan, evil has infiltrated the ground beneath its feet.

No matter how hard we try, this hopeless situation cannot be reversed. "

Agor sighed deeply, and let out the most real thoughts in his heart.

The ubiquitous surveillance and hostility in the city exhausted this young paladin physically and mentally.

"Because there is such a powerful and hidden evil, it is even more necessary to stand up to protect and save the innocent and kind-hearted civilians at the bottom.

Do not be discouraged!

I guarantee that everything you do counts.

In addition, you have been too tired recently, let's put down your responsibilities and take a little vacation for yourself, and spend more time with your wife and children.

The warmth of the family can relieve mental fatigue and give you new motivation. "

The old man raised his hand and patted the shoulder of the elder paladin to comfort him.


The latter nodded with a wry smile, turned around and slowly walked out of this extremely simple temple.

He didn't realize at all that his worry and despair were signs of wavering in his faith.

In fact, many paladins have more than once fallen into the embarrassing situation where "lawful" and "good" conflict and they don't know how to choose.

And the [Entanglement Symbol], which holds the entire Calimport, will never let go of any chance to make the paladin fall.

If someone notices this and reports it to the "Lord of Runes", then an operation against Agor will start brewing immediately.

In contrast, Eloline, who hadn't experienced much, seemed very happy.

After distributing the food, he even asked the priest some tips on getting along with other people.

Especially the part about necromancy.

But unfortunately, the officiant did not give a positive answer, but only let her make her own judgment based on the situation at the time.

In this way, the young and energetic female paladin soon returned home to share the good news with her family.

Zuo Si, who was sleeping soundly on the hotel bed, did not realize that a conspiracy, struggle and game surrounding her had quietly begun.

And he himself is in the very center of the storm vortex.

After all, in Faerun Continent, the confrontation between good and evil, order and chaos is almost an eternal and inescapable topic.

It's a pity that Zuo Si is not a native of Faerun in the traditional sense, let alone agree with those definitions of "good" and "evil".

Most importantly, he resents other people's interference and manipulation of his own destiny, whether it's a god or a [Symbol of Entanglement].

(end of this chapter)

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