Chapter 95 Big Trouble

"Good morning, respected Lord South.

Greetings from my master, Ebene Arbor, and my sincere thanks for that powerful magic item that you have put so much effort into crafting.

This is the 50,000 gold coin reward he promised, and a small gift to express his heart. "

The sun had barely risen above sea level when a well-dressed butler arrived at the Happy Hour Inn, offering his hands a locket wrapped in gold, silver and precious stones.

The value of this box alone cannot be less than 500 gold coins.

Not to mention that there are 50 money orders with a face value of 1,000 gold coins in the box, which can be used directly as gold coins in most transactions, or exchanged at the temple of the Goddess of Wealth.

But the money is secondary!

What really caught Zuo Si's attention was the blue leather glove in the box.

Although it has not been identified and identified, he already has a hunch that the gloves must be made of blue dragon skin.

Because when the fingertips touch the leather surface of the glove, you can immediately feel a slight numbness.

That is the static electricity overflowing from the surface of the dragon scales.

Out of strong curiosity about magic items, Zuo Si did not hesitate to release a ring of magic [identification technique] that was prepared a few minutes ago.


The information about this glove came to mind completely.

【Dragon Transformation Gloves】

This is a powerful magical equipment that allows the wearer to obtain part of the blue dragon's abilities.

Lightning resistance increased by 50%

[Lightning Art] three times a day (power equivalent to LV9 Warlock)

Gloves can be transformed into dragon claws to attack (considered as +2 natural weapons)

Transform into a half-dragon once a day for one minute.

In the half-dragon state, it is completely immune to all forms of lightning damage, immune to paralysis and sleep effects, the strength attribute is increased by 8 points, and the constitution, intelligence and charm attributes are increased by 2 points each.

Gain breath ability, darkvision similar to a juvenile blue dragon, as well as a pair of dragon wings with the ability to fly and a strong and powerful tail.

Since the whole body is covered with dragon scales, the physical defense is also greatly improved.

"Are you sure this is a 'little' gift from Albenny Arbor?"

Zuo Si raised his eyebrows in surprise.

Based on his current understanding of the value of magic items in Faerun, if this item is sold, it will cost at least 100,000 gold coins.

In particular, transforming into a half-dragon once a day is very, very practical, whether it is for a melee profession or a spellcaster.

On top of that, it's just a little too expensive as a gift.

The butler smiled and replied: "That's right! Before leaving, the master specifically told me not to refuse. He said that he might ask you to help make some magic items in the future."

"In that case, I will not be polite. Express my thanks to your master for me."

Zuo Si quickly took off the ram ring, and put this [Dragon Transformation Glove] on his right hand.

The moment the dragon skin came into contact with the skin, the glove, which looked a little big at first, immediately shrank rapidly under the action of magic, perfectly fitting the thickness of the palm and forearm.

Like most high-level magic items, this glove is blessed with spells that adapt to the wearer's size.

"I will definitely convey it on your behalf. If you have nothing else to do, I will go back and report back first."

After finishing speaking, the housekeeper bowed with one hand on Yaya's chest, then turned and left the hotel.

Standing on the window sill, watching the other party disappear in a carriage at the end of the bustling street in the morning, Zuo Si quickly took off his gloves and checked carefully.

It's a pity that many of the magic and skills used above are things he has never seen before, so there is no way to judge whether there are any problems or defects with this magic item.

After tossing and tossing for a long time, Zuo Si rubbed her chin and muttered to herself: "Weird! Why did Ebene Abbe suddenly give me such a big gift?"

As the saying goes, if something goes wrong, there must be a demon!

He didn't think that the current owner of a big family that had been passed down for hundreds of years, a big slave owner who had raised hundreds of slaves, would feel conscientious that he wanted to repay someone who had helped him.

However, Zuo Si didn't struggle for too long, and quickly put on the [Dragon Transformation Gloves], directly took out the follower card - Alena of the Flame, and paid a full 10 points of general magic power in one go.

next second...

The whole card released a golden light!

Immediately afterwards, a woman with a red body all over came out of the flames.

She looked twenty-six or seven years old, with long fiery red hair and three-dimensional facial features. Even through a large robe of the same fiery red, she could vaguely feel the proud figure inside.

Coupled with that proud and arrogant expression, you will be attracted by its powerful charm even just by looking at it.

"You little one is the master I'm about to follow?"

Alena raised her chin slightly, her eyes revealing an undisguised scrutiny.

Unlike summoned creatures with strong obedience like soldiers and leopards, she obviously has her own thoughts and subjective consciousness.

"That's right! My name is Zuo Si, you can also call me South, I'm a novice planeswalker. Nice to meet you." Zuo Si briefly introduced himself.

"My name is Alaina of Flame, you can call me Alaina. If you don't mind, can you give me some coins from this world first? I'm addicted to alcohol and I want to drink it urgently Two cups."

The follower who had just been summoned unceremoniously reached out for money.

From the constant licking of her lips and swallowing, it is not difficult to see that she is probably an old alcoholic who is addicted to alcohol.

After realizing that the other party's personality seemed a little difficult, Zuo Si immediately frowned and asked, "As an arcane spellcaster, you actually drink alcohol?"

"Why not?" Alena shrugged nonchalantly. "Don't worry, alcohol doesn't affect my fighting and spellcasting. On the contrary! Spirits can even enhance the power of fire magic to a certain extent."

"Hmm... okay. Here is 100 gold coins. I think it should be enough for you to drink for a while. But the ugly thing is before that, drinking is drinking, but you are not allowed to leave this hotel, let alone cause trouble."

After hesitating for a few seconds, Zuo Si finally took out a small purse full of gold coins from his satchel.

According to the card's description, if you want to win the loyalty of the "Alena of Flame" in front of you, you must first win her favor.

Satisfying the other party's desire to drink is obviously the easiest and most direct way to win favor.

He didn't want to be unhappy when they first met.

"Aha! The sound of gold coins colliding is always so sweet! Thank you very much, dear little master. I knew you would not disappoint me."

Alaina bent down boldly and kissed Zuo Si on the cheek, then grabbed the purse, rushed to the lobby on the first floor in three steps, and ordered a cup of the most powerful and also the most expensive cup in the shop. The wine—Dragon's Drunk.

And the price of this wine is a gold coin!

Then she threw her head back and gulped it down, opening her mouth to spit fire from her throat while laughing like a madman.

She has proved with practical actions that she is by no means an obedient "good baby".

The soldier who witnessed all this with his own eyes walked into the room with his breakfast and said in a slightly worried tone: "Master! I have a hunch! That woman will be a trouble! A big trouble!"

Zuo Si nodded approvingly: "I understand what you mean. But the problem is, because of the danger of this journey, we need Alena's strength and help. So keep an eye on her for me, don't Let her make a big mess."

"I'll do my best. But she's obviously not the type to take advice lightly, so you'd better not get your hopes up."

While talking, the soldier placed the food on the dinner plate on the table.

"I know……"

Zuo Si muttered helplessly, sat down and began to eat at an extremely fast speed.

His daytime schedule today is quite tight, and he has no time and energy to waste elsewhere.

(end of this chapter)

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