Chapter 97 Tavern Brawl

After a whole morning, Zuo Si finally made all the things that may be used during the trip in the plan.

These include more than a dozen bottles of [Blazing Glue] that weighs almost half a kilogram and will burn violently when exposed to air, seven or eight [Acid Bottles] that can cause strong corrosion effects on the target, and [Holy Water Bomb] that is specially aimed at undead creatures. .

If he hadn't mastered the dosage well, he originally planned to make tens of kilograms of nitrated starch, then stuff them into sealed iron buckets, add hundreds of small steel balls, and make a large-scale throwing bomb.

Unless protected by magical power, with ordinary armor and shields alone, even if they are not killed on the spot, they will be riddled with small steel balls.

But unfortunately, Zuo Si has never been exposed to explosives, so he doesn't know the killing radius of this thing at all, so he is afraid of accidentally injuring his own people, so he can only give up temporarily in the end.

The only way to do some tests in this area is to wait until later when he gets his own mage tower.

Due to the convenience brought by the special ability of the creator profession, Zuo Si can often open his mind and perfectly combine technology and magic when making various weapons, equipment, magic items and wonders.

After saying goodbye to Aisha and leaving the Mage Tower at noon, the big cat had another largest dimensional bag worth 10,000 gold coins on its back.

You don't need to ask, it must be full of all kinds of "gadgets" that can kill people.

Just as one person and one leopard crossed the noisy street, planning to return to the "Happy Time" hotel for a sumptuous lunch, they suddenly found a dozen people lying in disorder at the door of the hotel.

Their common features are bruised and bruised faces, confusion, and a profuse flow of blood from their mouths and noses.

Zuo Si suddenly had a bad premonition, and immediately rushed forward.

As a result, at a glance, I saw the innkeeper who was slumped at the door and wanted to cry without tears, as well as several chefs and waiters who seemed to have been ravaged by ogres.

As for the lobby on the first floor, it was as if it had been hit by a tornado. At a glance, there were broken stools, chairs, overturned tables, and plates, food, and wine glasses scattered on the ground.

There were about twenty guys dressed as sailors lying on the ground moaning in pain.

Some of them had their heads broken, others their ribs and leg bones.

In short, although the injury is not fatal, it definitely cannot be cured within a few days.

At this moment, Alena in red is like a general returning from victory, sitting on the bar with her legs crossed, holding up a bottle to drink wine, and at the same time talking to the half-orc warrior Reiter with a lot of blood on her fist. Together, they unscrupulously used all kinds of insulting words to laugh at those unlucky people who were knocked to the ground.

Not far away, the soldier and the werewolves had just extinguished the fire in the kitchen with buckets, and they were so tired that they sat on the ground and panted heavily.

"Can anyone tell me what's going on here?"

Zuo Si's expressionless face revealed a chilling coldness in her pupils.

He couldn't believe that such a big mess happened after he left for only one morning.

But anyone who is not a fool can see that this fight must be inseparable from the newly summoned "follower".


Alena, who was complacent one second, dropped the bottle in her hand in a panic and jumped off the bar the next second.

The half-orc Rhett also quickly lowered his head, not daring to meet his master's sharp eyes.

Seeing that Zuo Si, who was able to calm down the situation, came back, the innkeeper immediately rushed over and cried, "Your Excellency! You are finally back!

The hotel I inherited from my father and grandfather was almost demolished by two of your subordinates!

Especially the lady with fiery red hair!

One fire spell sets the whole kitchen on fire!

If it is not extinguished in time!

Now it is estimated that there is only a pile of charred ruins left! "

"Don't worry, I guarantee that everything that is damaged will be compensated according to the price."

Zuo Si gave the other party a reassurance without hesitation.

Although he never felt that he was a "good guy", he would not let the boss who was innocently lying on the gun suffer losses.

As for the unlucky ones lying on the ground, we will decide whether to ask them to pay for compensation after we figure out the cause of the matter.

Perhaps aware of Zuo Si's brewing emotions, Rhett hurriedly stood up and explained: "Master, listen to me, we really can't blame us for this matter. Those damned sailors who were drunk and drunk saw the lust and wanted to join Come up to take advantage, that's why this tavern brawl started."

"Shut up! Did I allow you to speak?"

Zuo Si bluntly gave the orc warrior a "death stare".

Although the latter has a two-meter-tall figure, thick arms and thighs, and blood is still dripping from his fists, it gives off a vicious and brutal feeling.

However, he was still so frightened that he took a step back and decisively closed his mouth without daring to say a word.

He has already heard a lot of "brilliant deeds" about the "little master" from the mouths of the little werewolves.

It is very clear that in that thin body hides such a cold and decisive soul.

Whether it was poisoning and transforming more than two hundred pirates on a deserted island, or massacring ratmen in the sewers, or the wretch who died and turned into a shadow creature in the house on the edge of the market area, there was no question. One does not prove how serious the consequences of offending this little master are.

Alena also seemed to realize that she had caused a catastrophe, she hurriedly shook her head to force herself to get rid of the influence of alcohol on her brain, and wanted to say something several times, but in the end she held back.

Seeing that the two "culprits" were shocked, the soldier stood up and told the whole story in a helpless voice.

As Zuo Si expected, the origin of the whole brawl was a group of sailors who had just landed and suffocated. Under the influence of alcohol, they wanted to touch Alena, who was putting on a passionate and unrestrained attitude.

As a result, the latter was not polite, and directly took an empty wine bottle and smashed it on the head of a sailor who wanted to touch her butt, igniting the initial fuse of the melee.

Since these sailors were all from the same merchant ship, they immediately surrounded their companions when they saw their companions being opened.

Trying to use the advantage of numbers to forcefully drag Alena to the empty room upstairs to satisfy their primitive animal desires.


These idiots got one thing wrong!

That is, what they are facing is not some weak woman who has no ability to resist.

It's a warlock who masters amazingly powerful fire magic.

In the end, the hot-tempered Alena directly released a low-level fire spell, which blasted one of the unlucky ones into the kitchen on the spot, causing a terrible fire.

When the half-orc warrior Reiter saw that his "people" were under siege, he rolled up his sleeves and rushed into the crowd without hesitation, "killing a lot".

Relying on the terrifying strength attribute, he can almost make his opponent dizzy with one punch, and after two punches, he basically loses consciousness and lies dead.

In the blink of an eye, a bloody melee broke out in the lobby on the first floor.

The innocent melon eaters who were just watching the excitement were soon implicated and joined the fight under the stimulation of alcohol.

It wasn't until the two cooperated with each other, one cast a spell, and the other beat people with a headache, knocking down all the standing people, that the curtain finally came to an end.

And the guy who was smashed into the kitchen by the flame magic, it is estimated that even the body has been charred by now.

Fortunately, the leader of the Thieves Guild who manages this street, Epke, has warned the guards in advance not to intervene no matter what happens.

Otherwise, the patrolling soldiers would have rushed over long ago and arrested all those involved in the brawl and put them in prison.

(end of this chapter)

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