One Sneeze Destroys A Magical Civilization

Chapter 98 Fighting Is Killing, Fighting Is Death (4Th Update Please Subscribe)

Chapter 98 Fighting Is Killing, Fighting Is Death (4th update please subscribe)

After figuring out the cause and effect of the matter, Zuo Si took a deep breath to lower his rising blood pressure slightly, raised his head and stared into Alaina's eyes: "Is there anything else you want to explain?"

"No. I admit I overreacted a bit, but these guys are not innocent."

Alena didn't try to quibble, and freely admitted the mistakes she made.

After all, she had promised to only drink and not cause trouble.

But unfortunately, as a person who is used to doing whatever he wants, it is not an easy thing to keep calm when he is over alcohol.

What's more, this impulsive and irritable character comes from the nature of the warlock's blood, and there is no way to change it.

"Very good! Now that you admit that you made a mistake, you must be ready to accept punishment, right?" Zuo Si continued to press.

Obviously, he intends to use this matter as an excuse to directly establish his own authority, so as to ensure that this troublesome follower will seriously obey orders in the future, instead of causing a big mess after leaving for a morning like he is now.

Although strictly speaking, fighting in the tavern is not a big deal.

Many adventurers and mercenaries will shake their fists to defend their dignity and honor when they are provoked.

But the thing is, Zuo Si himself hates this senseless cathartic violence.

In his view, the meaning of fighting is either to defend oneself against attacks from the enemy, or to completely destroy the opponent once and for all.

But what about tavern fights?

Usually it's just a waste of time and energy to just beat people until they lose the ability to fight back and then stop.

If one day, Zuo Si is forced to fight others in a tavern, then at most half a minute, the other party will all turn into lifeless corpses.

To fight is to kill!

To fight is to die!

This is the idea that Archmage Asta repeatedly emphasized and instilled in the high tower of the floating city, and it deeply influenced and reshaped his behavior habits.

"Oh—whatever. Who made you the master." Alaina sighed helplessly, putting on a look of being bullied. "What kind of punishment do I need to accept?"

"It's very simple! No alcoholic beverages from now on! Until you show enough self-control to ensure that similar situations don't happen again."

Zuo Si thought about it for a few seconds, and soon announced his decision.

He felt that the culprit of today's incident, apart from those lecherous sailors lying on the ground crying, was alcohol that could make people lose self-control.

If there is no influence of alcohol on the brain, it will definitely not stop at such a level that the entire hotel is almost demolished.

As soon as she heard that alcohol was about to be banned, Alena immediately showed a painful and desperate expression.

But in the end, she gritted her teeth and nodded: "Okay! I accept! But how should these sailors who take the initiative to cause trouble be dealt with? They should at least bear more than half of the responsibility."

"Don't worry! These sailors will pay for their actions. Yelinia! Go to Chief Epke and ask him to help inform the owner of the merchant ship these sailors belong to to redeem them. If within two hours If the innkeepers don't get enough compensation, then they will all be thrown into the sewer to feed the rats."

Zuo Si directly gave orders to the Shadow Assassin hiding in his own shadow.

From the beginning to the end, he ignored the sailors who were knocked to the ground by the sperm.

Doesn't even care if these guys are crippled or dead from their injuries.

Because they deserved what they deserved, and they deserve no sympathy at all.

In this way, Zuo Si quickly dealt with the disturbance in the hotel in a cold and decisive way.

Then he took people to another hotel a few streets away to have something to eat, and at the same time he canceled the call of the leopard, intending to upgrade this creature card before departure.

Immediately afterwards, he rented a few carriages, took Alena, the werewolves and a few strong iron cages, and headed straight to the open wilderness outside the city wall.

After finding a relatively flat place, Zuo Si began to carefully draw the magic symbols and patterns needed for the ceremony.

As for the soldiers and the half-orc Rhett, they were left to deal with the aftermath.

After about four hours of arrangement, the preparatory part of the entire magic ceremony was finally completed in the evening.

After double-checking and confirming that there were no mistakes, Zuo Si then instructed the little werewolves waiting on the side: "Go to the cage before the sun goes down. After the moon comes out, you should start to lose control." The bestiality in my heart."

"Master, can this magic ritual really keep us sane on a full moon night?" Fangers asked in an uncertain tone.

As a born werewolf who inherited lycanthropy from her parents, as she grows older, she becomes more and more aware of the sharp conflict between her rationality and her bestiality.

Especially at night, I can't help but transform into half-human, half-wolf, or completely wolf, wanting to chase, bite and kill prey, longing for the taste of blood.

If she can get rid of this kind of trouble and torture, and completely control her transformation with subjective consciousness, then the girl is willing to pay any price.

Zuo Si replied confidently: "Of course! I spent thousands of gold coins inside and out, first buying research notes from the druid master of transformation, and then buying many materials, spell scrolls and potions needed for the ceremony. After tonight, you and your people will be free from lycanthropy forever."

"Thank you for everything you have done! In the name of the clan! We will always be loyal to you! Serve you! If anyone dares to betray! Let him be torn to pieces by the fangs of wolves!"

The werewolf girl knelt on one knee with a serious and serious expression.

And the little werewolves behind her also knelt down together.

Different from the previous relationship between "slave" and "master", this is a kind of recognition and loyalty from the heart, and it has a strong binding force.

Because in Faerun, a world full of magical power and gods, if someone solemnly swears an oath but deliberately fails to keep it, there is a high probability that they will suffer backlash from the curse.

"I accept your allegiance. But to serve me, you will need time to grow and learn a lot."

After finishing speaking, Zuo Si reached out and touched the thick and lush black long hair on the girl's head.

After eating a lot of food for several days in a row, Fanges has lost the scrawny and emaciated appearance when he first saw him.

This fifteen-year-old girl is now slender and well-proportioned, with amazing explosive power contained in her inconspicuous muscles.

If it weren't for the lingering wildness in the eyes, it is estimated that putting on a beautiful skirt will definitely attract the attention of many opposite sexes.

As soon as they heard the word learning, many little werewolves showed a painful expression unique to "students".

Fang Gesi even blushed and offered to propose: "Master, I don't think it's useless to learn those characters. It's better to spare time to practice fighting skills."

"No! You are wrong!

Knowledge is a powerful force at all times.

Even if you don't like studying, you should at least learn how to read and write the common language, and how to identify animals, plants, fungi, and various footprints in the wild.

Of course, it would be even better if someone could obtain the favor of nature to become a Ranger or Druid. "

Zuo Si bluntly stated his expectations for this group of little wolves.

It's not that he has any prejudice against warrior professions, but the racial characteristics of werewolves determine that it is more suitable to develop in the direction of ranger or druid.

The former will only be considered if you cannot become a ranger or a druid.

(end of this chapter)

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