Chapter 99

At eight o'clock in the evening, after the sky had almost completely darkened, a bright full moon hung in the very center of the sky.

The little werewolves, including Fanges, had already turned into beasts at this moment, raised their heads and howled harshly and loudly at the moon.

Not only that!

Some of them had obviously lost their minds, staring at Zuo Si and Alena who were close at hand with their flooded eyes, and opened their mouths to reveal a mouth full of fangs.

At the same time, he waved his claws and kept tearing at the cage, trying to bend the strong and thick iron bars.

If it was replaced by a stronger adult werewolf, it might really be possible to do it.

Unfortunately, these are all underage werewolves.

Even Fang Gesi, the oldest, can only leave a few tooth marks and bite marks on the iron bars.

Ordinary people would have been scared out of their wits long ago in the face of such a group of crazy little werewolves.

But Alena didn't care, and used a wooden stick she picked up from nowhere to tease the little werewolf who was closest to her through the iron cage, and commented with a smile: "What a bunch of energetic little things. Master, Shall I get some fire to quiet them down?"

"No. Just keep an eye on it and don't let the wolves or other people who are attracted by the howling sound disturb me."

Zuo Si hurriedly assigned a task to this follower who made him feel very headache.

He figured it out, Alena was the typical chaotic neutral camp.

Impulsive, capricious, freewheeling, unscrupulous, neither feels obligated to help others, nor interested in playing and torturing others, just wants to have some fun for himself whenever possible.

Zuo Si felt that she needed some time to let her mind and heart get used to and adapt to the sudden situation.

Otherwise, it is likely to suffer from high blood pressure and heart disease at a "young age".

In addition, he also found that he should belong to the more "orderly" camp, and he doesn't like the chaotic camp's behavior style by nature.

"No problem! I promise not to let any animals or people get close."

Alena readily agreed, then ran straight to a place a few hundred meters away near the main road, and sat on a rock.

After a while, maybe because it was too boring, she started to catch fireflies around her like a child.

This guy has proved the truth of "chaos has been funny since ancient times" with practical actions.

Seeing this scene, Zuo Si couldn't help shaking his head slightly, and quickly cleared the messy thoughts from his mind.

I saw that he first picked up a wooden bowl, poured the fruits of flower stone grass, twigs of belladonna and oak seeds infused with natural energy, and smashed them vigorously with a stone mortar.

Immediately afterwards, add the [Recovery Technique] potion and stir thoroughly.

After finishing all this, Zuo Si evenly sprinkled a pack of pre-ground wolf fang and silver powder mixture on the little werewolves in the cage.

When those crazy little werewolves saw the silver powder mixed with wolf teeth, they immediately backed away with terrified expressions.

Some of the younger ones were even so frightened that they curled up into a ball and trembled.

Taking advantage of the confusion, Zuo Si performed a zero-ring trick [Magic Trick], divided the mixture in the wooden bowl into small portions, and stuffed them into the mouths of the little werewolves one by one, forcing them to swallow.


All werewolves who swallowed these mixtures fell on the ground as if poisoned, and began to vomit violently and convulse.

At the same time, the beastliness in his eyes gradually faded, and his rationality began to slowly recover.

You don't need to ask to know that this is the effect of the curse being suppressed.

Realizing that the time is ripe, Zuo Si immediately entered the spell-casting focused state, activated the two scrolls [Remove Magic] and [Remove Curse] successively, and personally guided the huge magic circle depicted on the ground.

After a while, the green natural energy, guided by the magic ritual, entered the bodies of the little werewolves one after another, and combined with magic and potions, they began to entangle with the curse in the blood.

Since the night of the full moon is when Su Lun, the goddess of the moon, has her strongest influence over the physical world, the curse part of the lycanthropy is forcibly suppressed after only an hour or two.

Although the little werewolves were still howling like wild beasts, there was no trace of cruelty and bloodlust in their eyes.

Gradually, when the whole magic ceremony was over, the human part of them finally gained the upper hand, and the light of reason that only intelligent creatures had was restored in their pupils.

"Master...Master! I don't seem to be affected by that terrible animalism and bloodthirsty desire anymore!" Fang Gesi said in an excited tone through the cage.

Zuo Si got a little closer, and tentatively asked very cautiously: "Are you sure? Can you restore the human form?"

The werewolf girl closed her eyes and was silent for a few seconds, then quickly shook her head: "Sorry! It may be affected by the night of the full moon, I can't restore my human form now, I can only use half-human, half-wolf and wolf postures. switch."

"Me too!"

"And I!"

"It's nice to be able to stay conscious!"

"Finally, I don't have to worry about getting out of control and hurting people!"


All of a sudden, the little werewolves expressed their feelings one after another.

For them, this is undoubtedly a relief, a rebirth from endless bestiality and bloodlust.

After all, the reason why many werewolves went to the wilderness to be with wolves, and even completely abandoned their humanity to become beasts, was rooted in the hostility and defense against lycanthropes in many cities.

In addition, on the night of the full moon, they will completely lose consciousness and hurt people everywhere, and they are very easy to be killed on the spot by guards, adventurers, paladins, and priests of the good camp who heard the news.

So I can only avoid it far away, and go into the inaccessible mountains and forests to struggle to survive.

Seeing that the ceremony had a good effect, Zuo Si immediately opened the locked cage and released these little guys one by one.

Not only that, he also distributed the armor and boxing sword he designed and manufactured by himself to the three oldest children, asking them to wear them to see if they fit well, or if there were areas that needed improvement.

Just as a few little guys were happily testing the performance of their weapons and armor, there was a loud noise suddenly and without warning in the direction of the road in the distance.

boom! ! ! ! ! !

At the same time, a bright fireball exploded on the spot, sweeping everything within a radius of six meters.

Three-ring magic [Fireball]!

Zuo Si recognized this famous and astonishingly powerful evocation magic almost instantly.

Obviously, there is only one person around who is capable of this kind of spell, and that is Alena, who is a pyromancer.

"Damn it! Didn't that guy get into some trouble again?"

Zuo Si's complexion changed slightly, she didn't have time to think about it, she immediately blessed herself with [Mage Armor], and then quickly ran towards the scene of the incident.

The three little werewolves who put on their weapons and armor followed closely behind, their eyes shining with desire for battle.

They couldn't wait to try to see how effective their armor and weapons would be in actual combat.

But before a few people ran close, a bright flame was lit in the direction where Alena was.

Only this time, it was no longer a fireball, but a burning high-temperature ray, like a flame whip in the night.

In addition, heart-piercing screams and fierce quarrels could be vaguely heard.

"AHHH!!!!!! My hair! My eyes! My handsome face! Ruined! Ruined! Bastard! Kill that woman for me!"

"Shut up! Idiot! If you didn't take the initiative to provoke her! How could we be in this situation? Mo Ke, Leia and Taris were all killed by your stupidity!"

"Enough! Now is not the time to quarrel! Take up arms and prepare to fight!"

"Damn it! When I catch that woman, I will let her taste the most painful death in the world."

"Be careful! She seems to be on our left!"


(end of this chapter)

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