One Step to The End

Chapter 1579: Corpse

"Master Han! We're here..."

Four veterans walked into 403 one after another. The bone knives and bone spurs were wrapped in their clothes. The leader, Da Qiang, smiled bitterly: "You want us to live here, we really can't go back, the rented houses are all Flooded, but how can your neighbor be a monster?"

"To tell you the truth, Hua dung dragon and I are informants of the police, assisting the police to deal with monsters..."

Zhao Guanren closed the door and said: "At the same time, the monsters also stared at us, and sent a group of people to investigate our details. These lurkers are called King Kong, and there may be others that have not been discovered. They may just be ordinary people, such as this room. Mistress!"


The four looked at each other in surprise, and Da Qiang said in shock, "Young Master Han! You are playing so big, what do you need us to do?"

"The police will send plainclothes agents here. I need you to assist the police and protect Su Xiao and the others..."

Zhao Guanren took out a bank card and said, "600,000! The four of you have a month's salary, and the bonus for finding the monster is all yours, but this work has certain risks. If you don't want to, you can leave. I won't force you to die!"

"Don't look down on people, we came out of the army, and it is our duty to destroy monsters, not to mention that you have given so much, even if we die..."

Da Qiang took the bank card without hesitation, the other three nodded, and a young man asked in a low voice, "Young Master Han! These bone spurs came from monsters, right? We just tried it, really It's too sharp!"

"That's right! This is for you to kill monsters. It's better than a gun if you modify it..."

Zhao Guanren ordered some things in a low voice. The four veterans are not elite, but they are much stronger than ordinary people. The sturdy physique is also there, and you know what to do with a click.

"Come over to get the food later, make it yourself and eat it separately, and implement it in accordance with the chemical prevention regulations..."

Zhao Guanren patted their arms, went into the bedroom and packed the hostess' clothes, and then dragged the box back to his home. Tian Gua and Tingting were making dinner, and the bed in the master bedroom was made. Su Xiaozheng Sit on the bed with the pregnant woman and share parenting experiences together.

Zhao Guanren walked in and said with a smile, "It's been a few months for you, where is the child's father?"

"It's almost nine months, and the due date is only ten days later than me..."

Su Xiao introduced: "This is my former colleague Ai Baihe. Her husband went abroad on business. She is a foreigner. She was taken care of by her mother-in-law. , she is at risk of premature birth!"

"Sorry! It's really disturbing..."

Ai Baihe owes her body apologetically. This young woman is not too beautiful, but she is very attractive. She has a kind of generous temperament. Zhao Guanren chatted with her casually, rubbed her belly generously, and then turned her head again. went out.

"Auntie Xiaomei, tell your friends not to use mineral water for cooking, I really thought they didn't need money..."

After Zhao Guanren went upstairs and walked around, he strode into Shi Xiaomei's house. The sisters of the Shi family were washing clothes in the toilet. Shi Xiaomei's ex-husband and nephew were sitting on the sofa, watching the TV news attentively. Tingting sat in the room talking.

"Jiang Lei! You don't have a TV on the sixth floor..."

Shi Xiaomei walked out and said angrily to her ex-husband: "We have divorced a long time ago, and I won't remarry you. If you have nothing to do in the future, don't go to my house. Go up and tell Li Muxue and the others that you can't waste food even if you pay, who knows that it will rain. When will it be!"

"I'll just say it, why are you mad at me..."

The ex-husband's brother left with his nephew depressed, and Shi Xiaomei took Gu Youyou and the others out, and then closed the security door and said, "Brother Xiaobei! You would rather build a floor and separate people, do you think Su Xiao Is there a problem with your friend?"

"Is your ex-husband alright, and your two friends upstairs, do you dare to guarantee..."

Zhao Guanren walked into the master bedroom and turned on the monitor. Shi Xiaomei's house also had several probes. The sisters hurriedly followed and closed the door. They followed him to check the picture of the newcomer coming in, and found that besides their house, many other houses also came. people.

"My ex-husband should be fine, but my friend can't tell..."

Shi Xiaomei shook her head uneasily, but her sister said, "Jiang Lei flew all the way back to find you, and at such a critical moment, who knows what he did behind your back, but I think Su Xiao's teacher and husband Two, they are even more suspicious!"

"Guessing is useless, spies who dare to come will be very cautious..."

Zhao Guanren turned around and leaned on the desk, and said, "This heavy rain has also disrupted my deployment. The main thing is to prevent people from being rhetorical. Yoyo is their primary goal, but Tiangua Mama may not be clean, she is easy to be caught. People coerce to commit crimes!"

"I'm going to die..."

Shi Jinlan hurriedly said: "If you say it like this, then no one can believe it. It's really annoying to rain this rain!"

"You can go, no one is stopping you anyway..."

Zhao Guanren lit a cigarette in disdain, Shi Xiaomei hugged his arm and said, "Brother Xiaobei! My sister was really confused before, but she is not a bad person, please forgive me once, she promises to listen to you, if she If I kill her again, I will kill her with my own hands!"

"Okay! That's what you said..."

Zhao Guanren suddenly picked up the ruler on the table, handed it to her, and said, "Your sister always remembers to eat but not to beat, the main thing is that she beats less. You make her memory better, and the next time she touches her butt, she will remember what she did. It's a stupid thing, and if you do something wrong, you have to be punished, don't you?"


Shi Xiaomei looked at her sister subconsciously, Shi Jinlan just changed into a pair of sports shorts, and as soon as she gritted her teeth, she lay down beside the big bed, knelt on the ground, and said, "Hit! Beat it hard, who made me lose my mind, and beat me until Brother Xiaobei is satisfied!"

"You kill yourself, you are satisfied, but don't rely on me..."

Zhao Guanren smiled and sat on the computer chair. Shi Xiaomei stomped her feet and walked over. She picked up the ring ruler and began to fight. The fist kept groaning.

"I'm exhausted, brother! Come and fight..."

Shi Xiaomei pretended to be tired and handed over the ruler. Shi Jinlan had a few red marks on her thigh. She raised her head with tears in her eyes and cried, "I really know I'm wrong, but I'm willing to be punished. Kill me, too!"

"Spanking is cool for a while, and it's always fun to hit..."

Zhao Guanren blew a breath of smoke on her face, stood up and said, "I don't beat women, but I just think, you will hurt her by hitting like this, but you are sisters, you really can't do it, okay. Let's talk about it tomorrow!"

"You sit back, you must be satisfied..."

Shi Xiaomei hurriedly pressed him back, and suddenly picked up the ruler and slammed it down. Shi Jinlan, who was pumping this time, made an "Ow" and rolled back and forth, covering her buttocks, but Shi Xiaomei was also determined to pull her out. Pressed on the bed and slapped again.

"Stop hitting! Forgive me..."

Shi Jinlan rushed out and threw himself directly onto Zhao Guanren's lap, hugging his waist and crying, actually seeking his protection.


Zhao Guanren touched Shi Jinlan's head with one hand, blocked Shi Xiaomei's ruler with the other, and said, "If you spank again, you will be beaten, Xiao Lanlan! Does your **** hurt? Will you dare to do it next time?"

"It hurts! I don't dare anymore..."

Shi Jinlan's crying snot bubbles came out, Shi Xiaomei covered her mouth with a "puchi" laugh, and left a few harsh words on the scene, and only then did she open the door to go to the toilet.

"Your sister is too ruthless, and she is willing to start with such a raised ass, let Dad see..."

Zhao Guanren wickedly helped Shi Jinlan, Shi Jinlan wiped her tears and hugged his neck, letting him take care of him for a while, then shyly sat in his arms, and said shyly: "It hurts, you rub it for others. Well, good father!"

"Damn it! The power went out, let you wave..."

Zhao Guanren slapped her on the buttocks. She bared her teeth in pain before she got up and went out. As expected, all the neighbors came out. He hurriedly walked into the balcony of his master bedroom, lifted the curtain and looked out.

"I'm going! The water is so high..."

Zhao Guanren stared out the window in astonishment. The sky outside had turned black, and the surrounding buildings were almost plunged into darkness. The water level had reached the point where it was completely impossible to drive. Even the roof of the off-road vehicle was submerged. Only the rescue boats were saving people.

"Oops! The running water also stopped..."

Tian Gua's mother shouted in the living room, Zhao Guanren shook his head depressedly, and quickly took out the emergency lights and candles, but the left and right neighbors ran over to borrow them, and even the sixth floor ran down, even if he was fully prepared. Nearly borrowed.


After dinner, it was already 7:30. The shopping mall downstairs had a backup generator, but they were closed. Both buildings were dimly lit by candlelight. Only a few people had emergency lights. feel too hot.

"If you can't sleep, read a book, if you can't, go out for a run..."

Zhao Guanren was sitting at the dining table, writing and drawing, Tiangua was lying on the ground on the grass in a daze, his mother and Tingting's mother changed into pajamas, and lay in bed bored doing their homework. Su Xiao's mother and daughter next door were also reading on the bed, but for ventilation Neither side was closed.

"My sister doesn't know what's going on at school. She originally said she was coming over..."

Tian Gua turned over helplessly, Zhao Guanren got up, lit a cigarette, took a picture tube with a bone knife and a flashlight, and went out the door. Brother, a few people communicated for a while and then dispersed.

It's almost half past nine...

Zhao Guanren gently pushed open the door of his house, and a small night light was lit in the living room. Little Fatty was already snoring in the living room, and Su Xiao and her daughter also fell asleep, but Tian Gua's mother in the master bedroom was not asleep, lying on her side. There were big eyes by the window.


Zhao Guanren walked to the door and smiled softly, and pointed to her big white legs under her nightgown. Her pretty face turned red, and she bit her lip and looked at him shyly, but Tingting's mother suddenly sat up and turned her head straight. He stared at him, and tilted his head in a daze.

"Uh~ what's wrong? Are you sleepy..."

Zhao Guanren waved his hand in surprise, feeling that Tingting's mother's expression was not right, but Tingting's mother suddenly stood upright from the bed, her body twisted like a puppet, and her bones made a "crackling" sound. Get out of bed.

"My mother! This is sleepwalking, it's scary..."

Mama Tian Gua quickly got up and went to the toilet. Who knew that Mama Tingting roared suddenly, black tendons like spider webs bulged out of her face, and suddenly she jumped towards Mama Tian Gua like a big toad, throwing her to the ground from behind. , she screamed again in fright.


Zhao Guanren's startled eyes almost fell out, and he stepped forward and kicked Tingting's mother. She turned on the flashlight and found that her corpse had changed. Yelling, woke up the entire building.


Tingting's mother let out another roar, and swooped at Zhao Guanren with all four limbs, but Zhao Guanren had already opened the painting tube on his back, pulled out the bone knife and stabbed it abruptly, piercing Tingting's mother's head, making her kneel with a thud on the ground.

"Da Bei! You, you kill people..."

Tiangua was terrified to protect his mother outside the door, but Zhao Guanren was just about to check Tingting's mother's body when there was a sudden sound of water splashes outside the window, as if many people were wading in the water, he immediately rushed to the window in surprise, Suddenly a series of screams were heard.

"not good!"

Zhao Guanren hurriedly flashed his flashlight down, and the water surface immediately reflected sparkling light, but his eyes suddenly popped out, and he even took a deep breath.

Living corpse!

There are living corpses fluttering around in the water, black as if fish are churning, and some people keep jumping from upstairs and downstairs, splashing water, most of them are dead corpses...

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