One Step to The End

Chapter 1580: live

The rain falls fast and slow, the water on the street has long submerged the roof of the car, and the interruption of electricity makes the surrounding dark, but it can be seen by the flashlight. Masses of corpses fluttered in the water, or scurried through the shallows like dogs.


The shrill screams came one after another, and the flashlight suddenly shone towards the opposite community. Many households had corpses transformed, beasts attacking the living. Either the blood sprayed the windows, or someone jumped off the building, but the living was still alive. The corpse also jumped out to kill.

"Help me!!"


There was also a cry for help in the Panshan Building, as if a corpse had been agreed, followed by screams one after another, and then someone jumped downstairs, and the ground of the mall was pounded.

"Achen! What happened..."

Su Xiao's mother and daughter shouted in horror next door, Zhao Guanren hurriedly closed the window and rushed out of the bedroom, seeing Tiangua mother and son also running to the window, he immediately said loudly: "Tiangua! Come out and follow me, Su Xiao, you close the doors and windows Lock them all up!"

Su Xiao hurriedly asked: "A-Chen! What is that down there, how does it look like a human?"

"Living corpse! Humans who have turned into corpses, take out the bone spurs under the bed to defend themselves, and the spines are effective..."

Zhao Guanren pulled Tian Gua and her mother and closed the door, and led them out the door. He didn't know how Tingting's mother was infected, but judging from the large area of ​​corpses, it might be that the stagnant water was contaminated. The mother and child of the melon will also morph into corpses.


As soon as Zhao Guanren opened the door, he heard a cry for help. A neighbor with a **** face fell in front of him, and a large piece of his scalp was ripped off. His wife, like a beast, jumped out on all fours, her mouth still full. He was holding a **** thing in his mouth.


Zhao Guanren went up and stabbed the woman to deal with it. The frightened neighbor turned over, but before he had time to speak, he was stabbed and fell to the ground with a stunned face, but he knew he was infected by looking at his wound, so he kept him. Only the survivors can be harmed.

"Master Han! What happened..."

Two veterans ran out of the corridor, and the other two also came out of the house, both with bone knives and bone spurs in their hands, but Zhao Guanren was relieved when they saw that they were not corpses, and they kept talking with Su Xiao. Together, and did not wade through sewage.

"The corpse poison of monsters has been leaked, don't be merciful when you see corpse changers, stab them in the head..."

Zhao Guanren stepped over the corpse and rushed to Shi Xiaomei's house, but the Shi family sisters pulled open the security door, Gu Youyou and Da Tingting also stood behind, looking at him nervously and blankly, but Zhao Guanren didn't expect that Da Tingting There was no corpse.

"The corpse poison has leaked, you go to my house to hide, Da Tingting stays here..."

Zhao Guanren hurriedly dragged them out, and let Tiangua mother and son also enter, but when Da Tingting saw the corpse in the corridor, she immediately noticed something, but just about to pull Zhao Guanren's arm, Zhao Guanren pushed her away. .

"Tingting! Your mother is infected, you stay in the bedroom separately and don't come out, wait for me..."

Zhao Guanren slammed the door shut, not giving them a chance to ask questions at all. His task is to ensure the safety of Su Xiao's mother and daughter, and never expose them to danger. He has not yet determined the source of infection, and maybe even rain is in danger. .



The two living corpses rushed down from the upstairs, their **** appearances obviously just had a full meal. Shi Xiaomei and the others screamed and rushed into his house, but the four veterans were also a little panicked. People are about the same.

"Shoot! Stab them in the head, don't let the blood splatter on the body..."

Zhao Guanren raised his flashlight and shouted loudly, and the four of them bravely stepped forward, but a door in front suddenly opened, only to see the little flight attendant standing behind the door in horror, trembling: "You, what are you doing? , why did someone jump off the building?"

"The corpse poison broke out, close the door and don't come out..."

Zhao Guanren walked past the door impatiently, but looked at her house inadvertently, and suddenly kicked the security door open, the little stewardess screamed and fell to the ground. But rushed over very quickly.

"Watch out! Get out of the way..."

Zhao Guanren held the bone knife high but didn't cut it, and slammed his flashlight at the other party's eyes. It was a naked middle-aged man. The other party's eyes were blurred, and he suddenly stumbled on the little flight attendant. Two were broken.


The little flight attendant screamed again, instinctively kicked the man away from her body, and threw herself into the corner in a panic, but Zhao Guanren suddenly closed the door, the little girls cried for help, and then heard her rolling away. With crawling sound.

"Da Qiang! Give me the walkie-talkie..."

Zhao Guanren seemed to walk away from the door, but just after taking the walkie-talkie from Da Qiang, he suddenly retreated back very quickly, kicking open the false security door, while the little stewardess was standing beside the sofa. But the head of the living corpse was shot through by a bone spur.

"Are you surprised? I'm back again..."

Zhao Guanren smiled wickedly and held her with the flashlight. The little stewardess took a half step back in shock. Four bone spurs immediately grew out of her fists, and said angrily, "You're cruel! I didn't expect you to be testing me, but what can I do? Do you have doubts?"

"You disguise very well, a real flight attendant, with a flamboyant personality, and waves of men looking for you..."

Zhao Guanren slowly walked into the living room and said with a smile: "It's a pity that your accomplice exposed you, if you really got into bed with him, can you not get infected if his corpse has changed, besides, the traffic was long overdue when he came, But his trousers were only wet to the calf, did he come here in a submarine?"

"Don't come here, say something, this is not our plan..."

The little flight attendant took two steps back and said nervously: "There are so many infected people at once, there must be a corpse poison accidentally leaked, the dose is still quite large, and the infected people's nose is very sensitive, they will attack this building in groups, I I can help you fight!"

Zhao Guanren frowned and said, "Why should I believe you, unless you call out all the people in the King Kong group!"

"I only know my partner, and we're all one-liners..."

The little stewardess said anxiously: "There must be corpse poison in the water, and our mutants are also afraid of infection. Do I still need to lie to you? If I betray my colleagues, the boss will definitely kill me personally, so I can only talk to him. You secretly cooperate!"

"Cooperation requires sincerity...

Zhao Guanren said: "I don't say who knows who you betrayed your colleague, and you just need to tell me how many people came to the King Kong group, whether your boss is a man or a woman, it's enough to be here!"

"Okay! But you must not betray me, only I know the infected..."

The little stewardess retracted the bone spurs in her fists and said, "My boss is a man, and he commanded by remote control nearby. After the accident, he dispatched additional staff. I estimate that the total number of people is no less than eight, but I can tell you one more. , the deliveryman at 501 in Building 1, codenamed Shatuo!"

"Hua Long! Where are you, surround 503..."

Zhao Guanren picked up the walkie-talkie and walked out, but he suddenly threw his hand back, and the bone knife was thrown out by him, piercing the chest of the young stewardess, but two bone spurs also shot from above him, bang It slammed into the hallway wall.


The little stewardess lowered her head in astonishment, looked at the sharp bone knife that was not in the handle, and suddenly fell to the ground weakly.

"Little monster! You don't cherish the opportunity given to you..."

Zhao Guanren got up again and pulled out the bone dagger, stepped forward and said with a savage smile: "Don't play dead with me, this knife won't kill you, but your head can't hold a knife, where is your boss, and how many people are there? Say it and I'll give you a minute to escape!"

"Ten, Twelve King Kong, each has an ordinary partner..."

The little stewardess raised her head tremblingly, and said in a trembling voice, "We are all out, there are twenty-four people, in addition to the people who were killed and fled in the villa, there are still sixteen people left. The chief and deputy team leaders are all nearby. One man and one woman, you have our people by your side, but I don't know who they are!"

"Run! Don't let me see you again..."

Zhao Guanren suddenly pulled out the bone knife on her chest, the little stewardess fell to the ground with a cry of pain, turned over and stumbled to the bedroom, and jumped out of the window, but Zhao Guanren really didn't make a move, just walked away with a smile to the window.

"You have to live up to your expectations, you have to run back..."

Zhao Guanren leaned against the window and looked down. The little stewardess smashed into a car on the roof. After a painful struggle, she began to transform, but there were at least a dozen living corpses around, and they all rushed towards her. , she immediately let out a growl.

"Hold on! Rush out, don't drop the chain..."

Zhao Guanren actually cheered her up, only to see the young stewardess knocking out a few living corpses, jumping more than ten meters away in one vertical jump, but just after landing, she fell again, and immediately began to vomit blood and twitch, and her mutated body became more It expands and shrinks.


The group of corpses who were about to besiege suddenly stopped, and they stepped back in fear. How could the little stewardess suddenly roared, and four bone claws were pierced through her back, which were slender and sharp like spider legs, and directly pushed her away from her. Stand up on the ground.

"It's over! It won't become a corpse king..."

Zhao Guanren muttered in surprise, his bone knife was covered with corpse blood, and piercing the little flight attendant would naturally make her infected. Go back and kill the boss of the King Kong group.


The little stewardess suddenly roared wildly, and her body quickly grew to more than three meters. Like a hedgehog, many bone spurs appeared, and her two eyes were even blood red. Then she jumped out and grabbed the living corpse and bit it. Lost my head.

"Master Han! Can you hear me, what the **** is that in the parking lot..."

The intercom suddenly sounded the voice of the dragon, Zhao Guanren raised the intercom and said: "The corpse poison has leaked into the stagnant water, and the infected people will become living corpses. It is only useful if you have to head first, but the speed of corpse transformation is relatively slow, it's alright. People don't mean it's okay to wait!"

"How can I live, it's everywhere..."

The flower feces dragon let out a mournful cry. Zhao Guanren didn't expect it to be like this. A torrential rain unexpectedly leaked the corpse poison. The flood water also surrounded him and caught him by surprise. No wonder Sorin's There is only one last wish - to live!

"Guard your floors, and clear the living corpses to block the corridors, otherwise you won't be able to survive tomorrow..."

After Zhao Guanren finished speaking, he climbed up to the windowsill and shone on the little stewardess with a strong flashlight. The little stewardess even gnawed on three living corpses and became stronger. The small bone spurs immediately shot with a thousand arrows...

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