
147. Chapter 147 Return, the world begins to shift! 147. Chapter 147 Return, the world begins to shift!

Chapter 147 Return, the world begins to shift!

Several senior leaders of the Navy have already agreed on the reward for Jiguo Enichi.

He jumped two levels in a row, directly from brigadier general to lieutenant general, and lost none of his promotions, honors, and rights. After the top management successfully formulated such a reward, this battle report from the G-ICE branch began to be widely circulated among the navy.

The generals of the Navy Headquarters were originally tight-lipped about Enichi Tsukuni, for fear of saying something inappropriate and getting involved in Enichi Tsukuni. But after Ji Guoyuanyi’s achievements were reported to the entire army, this so-called “taboo” disappeared.

14 years old, powerful lieutenant general.

After doing something like that, Ji Guoyuan was promoted again and again. Anyone of this age and rank, no matter how stupid he is, knows what this means.

Calling Jiguoyuan “the future of the navy”, no one will say no.

Not to mention that Jiguo Yuanyi is endorsed by his merits.

The Golden Lion’s Flying Pirates! In today’s navy, in terms of merit, only the marshals and generals can stabilize the country’s relationship. Among all the lieutenant generals, only Lieutenant General Garp and Lieutenant Tsuru can stabilize the country’s relationship. .

Although Tsukuni Enichi’s achievements are outstanding, they are inferior to those of Sengoku and Tsuruichi who planned and participated in the destruction of Rocks Pirates. Garp was the number one fighter in the Valley of Gods battle that year.

As for Cyborg Kong, he was the man who personally took down the Red Earl.

In the entire navy, except for a few of them, there is really no one whose achievements can be compared with Jiguoyuanyi. When Tsukuni Enichi was fighting against the Flying Pirates, the few pirates he killed “randomly” might have been big pirates that a certain major general or brigadier general had never taken down in his life.

After seeing Tsukuni Enichi’s achievements, in fact, even if the headquarters promoted Tsukuni Enichi to the rank of general, there would be no objections in the navy.

If anyone is dissatisfied, then go to the sea to prove yourself. Although the Golden Lion is dead, the Whitebeard Pirates are still here!

“You are really a formidable person!”

New World Neil Kingdom, Navy G-10 branch. After receiving the “battle report” from the Navy Headquarters, Major General Lorca looked at the broad coast and praised with a smile, his old face full of smiles.

A naval branch in the East China Sea.

The battle report came, and the sailors in the navy branch were all discussing the deeds of the headquarters’ quasi-founded successor, Enichi Kuni.

“The marines of this headquarters are really powerful!”

“The Golden Lion Shiji and his flying pirates were actually destroyed.” ”

This time, justice wins!”

In the branch canteen, Bellemere had just eaten After finishing the meal, looking at the battle report that was circulated to him, he couldn’t help but light a cigarette and praised happily.

The Navy successfully wiped out the Sky Pirates. How could such news only circulate within the Navy? This was a major victory in establishing the prestige of the navy and combating the arrogance of pirates.

The next day, Cyborg Kong took the initiative to contact “News King” Morgans and revealed the big news to him.

After receiving the news, Morgans directly published the news of the destruction of the Sky Pirates on the front page of the newspaper. As Newsbird distributed the newspaper to various places, the news spread rapidly around the world.

In a small town in the East China Sea, Long, who lived a peaceful life with his wife, received this newspaper early in the morning.

“It’s really amazing! Yuanyi!”

Looking at the message published in the newspaper, Long’s face was full of smiles.

At the same time, Wano Country.

The Whitebeard Pirates who sent Kozuki Oden back home had just driven away Kaido, and the Whitebeard Pirates who were holding a banquet also received this newspaper.

Edward Newgate looked at the newspaper in his hand and sighed with emotion: “Ski, a guy like you would die in the hands of that brat.”

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“It really surprises me!”

Same thing ! Not only the Whitebeard Pirates received the news, but Roger, who was already hiding incognito on Patrila Island in the South China Sea, also received the news of the death of Golden Lion Shiji.

“The future of the Navy?”


“Amazing boy.”

“Is this the only reward the Navy has for such achievements? You’re really stingy!” ”

Haha, I want to see how the Navy will face you in the future!” ”

Uh-huh… Cough!”

Looking at the message on the newspaper, Roger’s expression moved slightly. He slowly put the newspaper into his arms and walked towards home. The sound of violent coughing dissipated in the air as Roger left.

As the news of the Sky Pirates’ demise spread throughout the sea, the entire world was shocked by the news.

However, Ji Guoyuan didn’t have time to care about the external affairs at the moment.

Most of the pirates in the Flying Pirates were indeed killed and captured, but there were still many pirates who escaped the navy’s pursuit and hid in Miguo Town.

During this period, Jiguo Yuanyi and Kuzan kept their feet on the ground and led the navy to search the island every day, trying to uncover some hidden pirates.

The two of them have very good domineering power, covering a very wide area. Wherever there is a strong aura, they can just lead the team to attack, and there is a high probability that they will not miss.

But after all, we were in a town, so we were a bit constrained when fighting pirates. The pirates didn’t care about it, but the navy did! In order not to hurt civilians, Jiguo Enichi and Kuzan were more restrained during the battle, which also made the pursuit extremely difficult.

The navy’s large-scale hunt for pirates in towns cannot be hidden from those pirates. Smart pirates are already looking for ways to leave the island.

In less than a week, after catching more than twenty pirates, Ji Kunoyuanyi and Kuzan could not find any more pirates.

It seemed that the pirates who had reacted had already left.

There was nothing the two could do about it.

The hunt for pirates came to an end, and G-ICE was officially notified of the summons from the Navy Headquarters.

Shuixianxing Island is far away from the headquarters, and this voyage will take a lot of time.

After receiving the news, Jiguo Enichi led more than 20 naval officers and took his deputy Cyrus with him. After saying goodbye to Kuzan and others, he boarded the warship and rushed back to the headquarters.

Haiyuan calendar, the end of July 1499.

Ji Guoyuan’s fleet, which led the team back to the navy headquarters, traveled for nearly half a month, and most of the supplies on board were consumed. On this day, the warship passed by Cuiluan Principality and chose to dock in Cuiluan Principality for supplies.

Cuiluan Principality.

One of the participating countries of the World Government is called the country on the mountain.

The warship docked at the port. On the pier, pedestrians stopped to watch, quite curious about this strange warship.

The name of the Cuiluan Principality is the same as the country’s topography. Except for a plain near the port, the island is full of towering mountains and giant trees at a glance.

After getting off the ship, Ji Guoyuan did not immediately ask his subordinates to buy supplies. Instead, he led his subordinates to a bar near the dock, intending to let his subordinates relax first.

After sailing for such a long time, proper relaxation is very necessary.

In front of the bar, Ji Guoyuan ordered drinks for his subordinates, served himself a bunch of drinks, and then started chatting with the bartender. The sailors were sitting around the bar drinking wine. Some bored sailors saw someone sitting on the side of the bar playing dice, and they gathered around curiously.

Yuanyi didn’t stop his subordinates. As long as he didn’t go too far, Yuanyi didn’t mind this kind of thing.

“Ohhhh! Won! This guy actually won again?”

“Eleven games in a row, so awesome! Won eleven games in a row!”

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