
148. Chapter 148 The ultimate sight and color, the young man smiled! (2-in-1) 148. Chapter 148 The ultimate sight, the young man smiled! (2-in-1)

Chapter 148 The ultimate sight, young man – a smile! (Two in one)

From the corner of the tavern, there were bursts of exclamations.

Enichi Jiguo, who was chatting with the bartender, also heard the movement over there and turned his head slightly, looking over there.

At this time, in the corner of the tavern, a group of drinkers were sitting or standing around a small long table, staring at a middle-aged man who was sitting at the table.

On the table in front of the middle-aged man, there is a dice cup. The three dice on it show the number two, three, and three.

Directly opposite the middle-aged man, sitting is a young man with a Chinese character face. It is July, and the young man is wearing Wearing a loose kimono, a pair of wooden geta’s on his feet, and his hands resting on the table, in front of the young man, there were piles of Baileys. Tsukikuni Enichi briefly inspected them visually.

In front of the young man with a square face, there were already nearly a million Baileys piled up.

It’s just a small venue in the tavern, and the amount of dice bets is not small.

“Won eleven games in a row?”

“Aren’t you a cheater?”

Haijun, who was walking to the gambling table with a drink in hand, muttered subconsciously when he heard this, and then glanced at Guozi, who was holding out his hand to collect the money. He had a young face, but the moment he saw the other man’s face, the sailor couldn’t help but feel guilty, and immediately apologized:

“Uh, sir, I’m sorry.”

“I didn’t mean that.”

The reason why the sailor apologized was also very simple. , just because the young man with a Chinese character face whom he suspected of being a cheater had several terrible scars on his face.

Two of the scars ran from the forehead through both eyes and extended to the cheek.

The young man with Chinese character face raised his head in order to sense the things around him while collecting money, but when he opened his eyes, his eyes were full of whites.

This young man with a Chinese character who has won eleven games in a row is simply blind!

Seeing the other party’s appearance, it’s no wonder that the navy immediately took back what he just said. Because there is really no way to imagine that a vulnerable group like a blind man can still cheat on the gambling table.

Not being led around by others is considered an honest middle-aged man in the bank!

“Hahaha, it doesn’t matter.”

The young man with the Chinese character smiled gently when he heard this. After holding the money in front of him, he put his hand on the pile of Baileys, groped for two stacks of banknotes, and put them away. Before settling the case, he said:

“Proprietor, continue!”

While the young man was talking, the middle-aged man sitting in the village couldn’t help but take out a handkerchief from his arms and wiped the cold sweat on his face, embarrassed. He said to the people around him:

“Wait a minute! Wait a minute.”

“I’ll adjust it.”

The middle-aged man had been sitting in the tavern and rolling dice until the young man with a Chinese character in front of him sat down on the gambling table. The banker has never lost, because the risk of rolling dice is very small for the banker. The winners and losers are the money in the hands of the opponents who bet on each other.

Even if sometimes the compensation is not enough, he, the banker, does not need to subsidize much more.

The probability of rolling three dice is almost equal, and there is a leopard left. This leopard is equivalent to the “net income” of him as the banker.

After all, people who can defeat leopards and win money only appear in movies and TV series.

On the real gambling table, almost no one would fight this so-called leopard.

But it was such a “business” that the banker would never lose money. After the young man with a Chinese character in front of him sat down, everything changed.

It was okay at first. After all, no one knew the details of this young man with a Chinese character. The guests, big and small, all had their own judgments and predictions. Although the young man with the Chinese character’s face won money, he didn’t win from the banker.

But as the young man won several games in a row, the bettors became more sophisticated and followed the young man’s lead.

In this case, the person in charge will be the one who suffers.

In this short time, he had already exported millions of beli.

And at this time, he had to keep driving, otherwise, who would come to his “place” next time?

After a slight adjustment, the middle-aged man put away the handkerchief. Looking at the young man with a Chinese character face who had a “peaceful” expression in front of him, the middle-aged man felt a little panicked. He stood up and moved his hands and feet before sitting back at the table.

After closing the dice cup, it began to shake rapidly.


After shaking for more than a dozen times, the dice cup was slammed on the table. At the same time, the surrounding drinkers all focused on the young man with the Chinese character face.

“I’ll squeeze this one!”

The young man said loudly as he threw the two bundles of money on the table. Seeing him placing bets, the surrounding drinkers followed suit and made big bets. Not only did they all follow the bets, but they also said “all in” from the beginning. They bet as much as they had in their hands, as if the money in their hands was not theirs. .

And I don’t worry about losing at all.

In one round, there are already hundreds of thousands of Baileys on the field.

When the middle-aged man sitting at the bank saw this scene, he couldn’t help but take out a handkerchief to wipe his sweat, and then opened the lid of the dice cup at the urging of everyone.

“Five, four, five!”


A drinker who placed a bet happily slapped the table and shouted excitedly. After the people around saw the numbers of the three dice in the sieve cup, they also cheered, high-fived and hugged each other in celebration.

“Oh, it’s really awesome!”

“Sir, are you interested in playing with me?” The

middle-aged man sitting at the bank dejectedly took out money from a suitcase at his feet and threw it on the table. And at this moment, a crisp voice sounded in everyone’s ears.

The guests turned to look in the direction of the sound, and happened to see a red-haired young man wearing a navy uniform and a cloak of justice coming to the square table and looking at the young man with a Chinese character.

The sailor who came here earlier saw the red-haired boy and quickly moved out of the way, saying hello in a low voice: “Brigadier General Jiguo!” ”


“Hehehe, this little brother, if you are interested, just place a bet. That’ll be good.”

The young man with the Chinese character’s face seemed to know exactly who the other party was talking to, and he said with a smile, facing the direction of Enichi Jiguo.

“Betting with others is different from betting with you.”

“I don’t want to play too much, just play three games. I don’t have much money, one hundred thousand beli at a time.”

“Just treat it as entertainment.”

As soon as Ji Guoyuan came to the side of the young man with the Chinese character face, he gestured to the middle-aged man sitting in the banker, who immediately handed over the dice cup.

Savior! Jiguo Enichi is his savior!

“It’s for entertainment.”


“But brother, how do you plan to bet? Are you going to sit in the banker and roll the dice instead of him?”

The young man with a Chinese character seemed to have accepted the bet proposed by Jiguo Yuanyi and asked with a smile.


“I’ll roll the dice, and you’ll place the bet.”

“However, I have a request. You place your bet first, and then I’ll roll the dice.”

Hearing this, the spectators around looked at him with doubts on their faces. Following the country’s fate. What is the difference between this kind of gambling and cheating? For some masters of rolling dice, it is not a problem to roll a specific number, let alone a big one or a small one.

Rolling the dice first and then placing your bets also prevents this from happening.

The bet that Ji Guoyuan is proposing now is simply unfair. Everyone felt that Ji Guoyuan was a master at rolling dice, and he did this just to defraud the blind man of his money!


“It’s a very novel way of betting, you can try it.”

Just when everyone thought that the young man with the Chinese character face would refuse, they heard that the young man with the Chinese character face agreed directly.

After hearing the other party’s reply, Ji Guoyuan didn’t waste any time. He picked up the dice cup and looked at the other party. And as soon as Ji Guoyuan picked up the dice cup, the young man with a Chinese character said: “Big!”

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Ji Guoyuan looked at the other person, shook it gently, then put it on the table, opened the dice cup, The three dice inside were 663.


Seeing that the dice cup really hit big, Ji Guoyuan couldn’t help but raise his eyebrows and said, “Continue!”

“Big!” The young man with the Chinese character responded quickly and immediately opened his mouth.

Ji Guoyuan nodded and closed the dice cup, shook it slightly, and then opened it without any hesitation, 655, still big.

After two consecutive times, the surrounding drinkers all exclaimed in surprise. Ji Guoyuan looked a little solemn and said: “Last bet, bet big, bet small.”

Without any hesitation, the young man with a Chinese character heard this. Smiling, he replied: “This time, little one!”

Ji Guoyuan closed the dice cup. This time, he shook it twice in a row before placing it on the table and opening the dice cup.

223, small!

Seeing this scene, Ji Guoyuan suddenly showed a bright smile and asked: “This little brother, may I ask, what is your name?” ”


“My name is Yixiao.”

Ji Guoyuan As soon as he heard this, the smile on his face became brighter, and he suddenly asked in an arrogant manner:

“Mr. Yixiao, how about you join our navy?”

“I recommend you!”

“With your level of knowledge, color and arrogance, It would be too wasteful to use it on the gambling table.”

The surrounding drinkers had no idea about the “sense of dominance” that Ji Guoyuan suddenly said. They only knew that the red-haired young navy in front of them was gambling with the blind man. After losing a few games, he invited the other party to join the navy.

Can a blind man become a navy? !

Thinking of this, the drinkers all cast strange glances at Ji Guoyuan.

It was a lie to invite this blind young man to join the navy, but it was true that he wanted to renege on his debt, right? !

Ordinary people in the New World have neither a good nor a bad impression of the Navy, but judging others by their own judgment, these people don’t mind speculating on the Navy with the greatest malice, because if it were them, they might actually do this. !


When Yixiao heard this, his face was startled, as if he didn’t expect that things would actually develop in this direction despite their bet.

Listening to this overly young voice, he smiled and shook his head. He fumbled with his left hand to grab the “crutch” leaning on the table. He smiled and refused, ”

Sorry, I have no intention of becoming a navy.”

“And I’m blind. I have neither the ability to steer the helm nor the ability to look out for patrols.”

“It would be a bit funny to find someone like me as a navy officer.”

Yixiao laughed, said slowly, stood up, and had no money to go to any table. It means that when the crutches touch the ground, they are about to leave.

When the drinkers saw that there were so many Baileys piled on the table, they all looked at Yixiao. Some enthusiastic drinkers saw Yixiao and were about to leave, so they quickly reminded him: “Sir, your money!” As he said this,

he smiled. With a look of surprise, he smiled and thanked: “Haha, I’m sorry, I forgot about it.”

“This money is mine, you can divide the rest.”

He said with a smile, and fished out almost five dollars from a pile of Baileys. Wan Bailey put it in his arms, turned around and was about to leave. When the people present heard this, they rushed towards the pile of money on the table.

“What’s mine, it’s all mine!! Don’t grab it!”

“Share it equally!! Share it equally!!”

For a moment, the drinkers at the gambling table scrambled into a group, shouting and grabbing the money. Jiguo Yuanyi was standing at the square table at this time. Some of the drinkers felt that Jiguo Yuanyi was too intrusive, so they pushed Jiguo Yuanyi away and jumped towards the money on the table.

Yuanyi didn’t mean to argue with these people. He deliberately moved away some positions, caught up with Yixiao, stopped him, and said,

“Wait a moment, Mr. Yixiao.”

Jiguo Yuanyi’s shout came from Yixiao. Hearing a smile from behind, he couldn’t help but stopped, turned slightly, turned around and asked, “Mr. Brigadier, do you have anything else to do?”

“I owe you three hundred thousand beli, if you just leave like this I’ll have a headache.”

“To be honest, I don’t have the habit of owing people money.”

“Although I know that you most likely won’t want it, but you don’t have to, but I can’t refuse to give it.”

” I don’t have so much money with me now. I’ll go back to the ship to get it for you. I’ll send it to you wherever you live.”

Hearing this, he smiled and shook his head, saying, “Don’t bother.” He turned towards Walking towards the door, he didn’t pay attention to the 1.8 million Baileys at all. Although he is blind,

Ji Guoyuanyi can be sure that Yixiao is the kind of person who doesn’t care about money!

Often such people have higher pursuits.

Jian Yixiao insists on leaving, and has no interest in joining the navy. Ji Guoyuan has no intention of pursuing him. If the other party is unwilling, there is no point in forcing him to join the navy. Moreover, for such an independent person, forcing him to join the navy is pointless. is that useful?

The gears of fate are rolling forward, and one day, they will meet again!

“Mr. Yixiao!”

“My name is Tsukikuni Enichi.”

“If nothing happens, in half a month, I will be a lieutenant general at the Navy Headquarters.”

“If you figure it out one day, you can go to the Navy to find me ! No matter where I am, I will come to see you!”

Before Yixiao left, Ji Guoyuan shouted towards Yixiao, and when his words came out, the tavern suddenly fell into a strange silence, Everyone turned to look at Jiguo Enichi, with curiosity, surprise, awe, and deep excitement in their eyes.

“Enichi Tsukuni?!” ”

Is that Enichi Tsukuni?!”

“The red-haired young man seems to be real!”

The drinkers looked at Enichi Tsukuni and started talking in low voices.

As for Yixiao, who was about to leave the tavern, he paused and turned his head when he heard this.

Yixiao was obviously blind, but at this moment, Jiguo Yuanyi could clearly feel that Yixiao seemed to be “looking at” him seriously.

Yes, look closely!

After “looking” for a while, he turned around with a smile, tapped the blind stick in his hand on the ground, and walked out of the tavern. At the same time, his voice also reached the ears of Enichi Jiguo.

“I will remember it.”

Watching Yixiao leave, Ji Guoyuan walked back to the bar and continued to chat and relax with his subordinates.

However, after he revealed his identity, the atmosphere in the entire tavern was completely different from before.

Everyone looked cautious. Even the bartender who had previously boasted and chatted with Yuanyi became more reserved in his speech and no longer looked like before.

The change in the atmosphere in the tavern was noticed by Yuanyi and others. They knew that it was time to leave the tavern. What’s the point of drinking in a quiet tavern with no one chatting?


Just as everyone stood up and prepared to leave, a loud noise suddenly came from outside, and then, a violent hurricane carried dust, broke through the cowboy door of the tavern, and swept into the tavern.

For a moment, the drinkers were knocked off their feet by the violent hurricane, and the wine tables were knocked to the ground.

At the same time as the muffled sound came, the ground beneath people’s feet began to shake violently. Jiguo Yuanyi seemed to sense something, grabbed the knife and disappeared in front of the bar.

“Quick! Go out and take a look!”

Cyrus reacted a moment too late, immediately shouted to his subordinates, and quickly rushed out of the tavern.

Just as they walked out of the tavern, a huge pit on the street immediately attracted everyone’s attention. In the huge pit, there was a burning “rock ball” about one meter in diameter.

The rock ball seems to be an alien object from the sky. The surface is pitted and incompatible with the surrounding environment.

Although the diameter of the rock ball was only one meter, the pit under the rock ball was surprisingly large. At the same time, everyone also saw a burning corpse in the pit.

Right in front of the rock ball, the blind young man who had just left the tavern smiled and stood in the middle of the street. Around him, a group of men with fierce auras surrounded him, looking at him with fear on their faces. .

Today the two are in one, so I won’t break them into chapters for the sake of smoothness.

The protagonist finally starts to establish his own navy branch. Brothers, please give us your opinions. Who should be accepted? !

Although the harem in our book cannot be opened and the beauties cannot be collected, strong men with justice in their hearts will definitely catch them all!

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