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For those who participated in the Seven-Day War, the most troublesome thing was the demonic vines and demonic trees in the Demon Prison. These twisted plants were overwhelming, numerous, and extremely fertile. They were almost non-stop for 24 hours. The attacks stopped, and many teams participating in the Seven-Day War were either attacked by the powerful Demon Hell Demon and unable to withstand the collapse, or they were harassed by the twisted plants of the Demon Hell and had to turn back after exhausting their demonic energy. ↑,.

Everyone was overjoyed that Xu Ruo was able to tame these Demonic Hell plants easily, especially Cui Ying. She had participated in many Seven-Day Wars and was most troubled by these Demonic Hell plants. This time, she just hugged them and followed them. They thought of waiting until the war was over, but they didn't expect that they wouldn't have to worry about this big trouble.

Ren Lingxuan and Bai Xuanzai both breathed a sigh of relief. Ren Lingxuan just gave him a sweet smile, but Bai Xuanzai shouted directly: "For this seven-day war, my family specially gave me a special tool to deal with these demons." The treasure of the prison plant can buy us some time to rest, but there is no way to use it like Xu! Xu you really gave me too many surprises."

Shi Ji also loosened his grip on the giant sword and said lightly: "You did a good job. I thought you were a burden."

Xu felt a little angry and shouted: "Everyone, get ready to fight! When I was floating in the air just now, I saw a monster passing by in the distance. They will definitely be attracted by the black light emitted by the large formation formed by the two voids. At most half You can kill them in an hour."

Bai Xuanzai immediately asked: "How many heads are there in total? What are their levels?"

Xu Luo hesitated for a moment and said: "There are more than a hundred of them, but there is no demon king level beast. The strongest one is equivalent to a ninth-level spiritual warrior."

The remaining four people's expressions were slightly relaxed. After all, except for Xu, all the members of this team were demon kings or Tiangang warriors, and no one was afraid of demon warrior-level monsters. Even if he agreed, he didn't care much about enemies of this level. His skills were most suitable for fighting in the Demon Prison, and he could even exert stronger combat power than the other four team members.

There's still half an hour left. Bai Xuanzai and Cui Ying got together, and they seemed to be very passionate about each other. Shi Ji silently sat cross-legged and meditated to save his spiritual energy. Ordinary cultivators in the Demon Prison cannot restore their spiritual energy and must use it sparingly. Ren Lingxuan is very relaxed. She plays with the exquisite sword as if she is "turning a pen". No one takes the upcoming battle to heart at all. superior.

Xu Liao was quite free. He grabbed it with his hand and captured all the nearby demonic energy. He casually cast a magic spell and made a small demon flag out. The aura of the Demon Prison was much stronger than that of Yunlan Peak, but in an instant, the young man made a small seven-layer poleless flag.

As a daily consumable magic weapon, the Little Demon Banner is mainly used for human practitioners and monsters to explore and it is inconvenient to enter.

In the secret realm where you have to go, many dangerous things can drive the demons captured by the banner to do it, reducing personal risks.

Xu Liao was stationed on Yunlan Peak. He made several Little Heavenly Demon Flags and later handed them over to the sect. He had no use for the Little Heavenly Demon Flags.

There is a need for small demon flags in the Demon Prison, but these are too easy to refine, so no one carries them around. Xu Luo plans to refine a batch of them while he has some free time.

Ren Lingxuan looked at the small demon flags for worshiping Xu, and couldn't help but her eyes lit up, and said: "The demonic aura of the devil prison is strong, but it is a place for worshiping the small demon flags. If you can sacrifice hundreds of them, you can help us make something. It’s a small matter, let me help you with the sacrifice.”

Xu Liao and Ren Lingxuan came from the same sect, and the method of worshiping and refining the small demon flags was also inherited. The two of them worked together to prevent the monsters from attacking. He actually made more than ten small demon flags and came out.

The attacking monster was covered in fiery red magic patterns and looked like a giant elephant, but it had no proboscis and only had a huge mouth full of sharp teeth.

When this group of monsters saw the five people, they all became crazy and bloodthirsty. The leader of the group of monsters paddled lightly on all fours. It actually floated into the air, and its speed suddenly increased.

It was quite interesting for Xu Liao to meet this magical beast. He and the king beast collided head-on. There was no sound. The moonlight passed by like water, and the king beast disappeared and was included in the moon wheel. among.

After taking a step forward, he collected the king beast and continued to charge forward. In an instant, he collected more than ten magical beasts, and then retreated faster than when he was attacking. With a flick of his hand, he threw the collected magic beasts into the small demon flags. Suddenly, the shadows of the demon beasts appeared in these small demon flags, and they started to fight towards the same kind.

While Bai Xuan was there, Cui Ying didn't make a move at all, and Shi Ji sat still, as if he hadn't seen these monsters.

Ren Lingxuan originally wanted to come up to help, but soon changed her mind. She cheered loudly from behind and applauded hard, fulfilling her duty as a cheerleader.

Xu shrugged his shoulders, and did not accuse his colleagues of not being strong enough. He rushed forward with all his strength, and used the two moves of the Star Swallowing Style and the Moon Transformation Style to kill the immortals. In a moment, he collected the remaining 20 or 30 monsters. The remaining monsters roared and fled in all directions.

He activated the Moon Transformation Style, controlled the moonlight, turned into a bright moon, and then chased after him. The silver hair flew down, and in the moonlight, he killed more than ten monsters in just a moment, and chased them for more than a hundred kilometers. Kill all these monsters.

Xu Luo rode the moonlight around in a circle, then flew back leisurely and landed on the ground.

Bai Xuanzai clapped his hands and shouted: "Thanks to you, we are much more relaxed. Why haven't I seen you use these methods before?"

Cui Ying's face also looked a little strange. Although she was confident that she could deal with this group of monster-level monsters, she expected that even if all five of them were to fight together, it would not be so easy. Xu Liao is not particularly powerful, but his skills are extremely restrained against the demonic beasts, which is why he can achieve such easy results.

Shi Ji and Ren Lingxuan had different expressions. Shi Ji moved his lips and was about to say something, but finally endured it.

After the first battle, there were almost no changes in Xu Ruo's team. Xu Ruo and Ren Lingxuan teamed up to sacrifice dozens of small demon flags and put all the collected monsters into them to refine them into flag spirits.

Shi Ji had been watching with cold eyes, and after waiting for all the magic beasts to be refined into the little demon flags, he said coldly: "There is no way to restore the demon energy and spiritual energy in the demon prison. You can waste your demon power to refine the little demon banners when you have time." Heavenly Demon Banner, it is better to meditate and rest and preserve your strength. The biggest crisis in the Seven-Day War is not that the monsters are powerful, but the constant consumption. Eventually, the spiritual energy and demonic energy will be exhausted, and we will not be able to fight for a long time."

Cui Ying also said sternly: "I promised you the means to restrain the demonic energy, but please remember that there is no way to restore the demonic power here. I didn't say it just now because I was afraid that you wouldn't believe it. Now you should also be aware of it. Is the consumed demonic power still there?" Can’t even recover?” (To be continued.)

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