One Sword to Immortality

204. Twisted Shadow

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Xu Zuo was stunned for a moment and nodded reluctantly.

It is true that human cultivators and monsters cannot restore their demonic power in the Demonic Prison, just like humans cannot breathe in water, but Xu Lio does not have this problem at all. With the help of the Star Swallowing Style to refine demonic energy into demonic power, he is almost as good as in the Demonic Prison. Just as relaxed and at ease outside.

Ren Lingxuan stuck out her tongue and whispered: "Although it is a waste of demon power to sacrifice to the Little Demon Flag, it is still useful after all. We will just not practice it in the future."

Bai Xuanzai also laughed and explained for Xu Liao: "These small demon flags can be used to explore nearby areas to know the movements of the monsters in advance to avoid being surrounded by a large group of monsters. This is also a common tactic in the Seven-Day War."

Only then did Xu discover that everyone knew something about the Seven-Day War. If he didn't have the Black Beetle, knew about the Demon Prison in advance, and had the Heavenly Demon Killing Immortal Technique to refine the demonic energy, he might not be as good as everyone else. After entering the Demon Prison, he also tried to summon black beetles several times, but with no results. The insect swarm that could be sensed at Yunlan Peak almost seemed to be missing.

After a battle, everyone strengthened their friendship to some extent, and even the cold Shi Ji began to integrate into the group.

Xu Ruoru Bai Xuan was advising, and he turned all the small demon flags into demon spirits and dispersed them, patrolling nearby.

Ordinary cultivators and monsters are as conspicuous as torches in places like Demon Prison, which can be seen hundreds of kilometers away.

The demon spirits on the small demon flags have pure demonic energy in their bodies. In a place like Demon Prison, they are just like ordinary demon beasts and will not attract any special attention from the demons in Demon Prison.

Taking advantage of the rare free time, a few people took out supplies from their stored magic weapons and managed to eat a meal. Originally, after cultivating spiritual power and demonic energy, it would be less likely to be hungry, but there was no way in the Demon Prison. He can only rely on this method to recover his physical strength.

Xu Zuo also managed to eat something, then he took a can of Coke and sat on the mountain overlooking the distance. Ren Lingxuan also came over. She looked at the sky for a while, and then said cautiously: "The great formation formed by the voids of the two realms emits black light, which is the most attractive to the demons in the Demon Prison. You have cleaned up the demons stationed in our land. Prison plants. We also eliminated the first batch of monsters and bought some time, but as time goes on, more and more monsters will attack us. I don’t know if we can win the Seven-Day War this time!"

Xu shook his head. Said: "I have never participated in the Seven-Day War, and I don't know what it will be like. However, there are small demon flags patrolling the outside. We can try to detect the monsters passing nearby in advance. It should last longer."

Xu Liozheng said this,

My heart suddenly became alarmed, and I shouted: "There are monsters coming nearby. I'm going to kill these monsters."

Ren Lingxuan whispered: "I'll go with you!"

Xu shook his head and refused: "Guarding the formation flag is important, I can handle it alone." He jumped out of thin air. It turned into a bright moon and flew towards the direction where the monster was charging.

Cui Ying, Bai Xuanzai, and Shi Ji immediately raised their heads and looked at the direction he left. Everyone's expressions were slightly different. Cui Ying was worried, Bai Xuanzai was curious, and Shi Ji raised his head. He lowered himself again, actually feeling a little nervous.

Xu Ruo flew more than two hundred kilometers. Only then did I see a group of monsters.

Although this group of monsters was quite large in number, with hundreds of them, they were individually weaker than the group he had just killed, so Xu led them away casually. A bright moonlight fell, and the monster illuminated by this bright moonlight silently decomposed into dust. This group of monsters is not only extremely weak in strength, but also has a very low IQ. They actually have no reaction to this strange thing, just like a herd of antelopes being caught by a lion. Instead, it will become quiet, and no one will run away in panic.

Xu urged the moonlight to shine one by one, and killed more than ten monsters in an instant. The remaining monsters were slightly panicked, but instead of running away immediately, they actually fought with each other and attacked their companions crazily.

Xu did not expect that this group of monsters would be so stupid. Under the Huayue style attack, in just over ten minutes, all these monsters were blown into dust. He killed all the monsters and slowly withdrew from the battlefield. , flew back towards the mountain peak where they were stationed.

Halfway through, Xu Liao always felt something was wrong. He even activated the Heavenly Demon Killing Immortal Technique to sweep the area several times, but he only killed some demonic hell plants and found nothing.

Xu Zuo slowly retreated to one of the two peaks where he was stationed, and found that Bai Xuanzai had also disappeared. After a while, Bai Xuanzai slipped back with a smile. Although he never mentioned it, everyone knew that he had just gone to attack Killed a group of monsters.

The beginning of the Seven-Day War was almost like this. In order to avoid being attacked by several groups of monsters, one had to attack in advance and kill all the monsters that passed by. But after two or three days, all the nearby monsters will know that there are creatures from the outside world here, and the attacking monsters will appear in an endless stream. This tactic is useless, and everyone can only fight side by side and endure the hardships.

A whole day passed in the blink of an eye, and it was rare that there was no large-scale attack by monsters. This made the five of them relax a little. Even Xu Le had his turn to take a two-hour rest.

Xu Luo safely entrusted the task of attacking and killing the passing monsters to his companions. He sat cross-legged and meditated for a while, refining all the essence of the swallowed monsters and the aura of the devil's prison. When he opened his eyes and arrived, he felt energetic. He seemed to be more refined than when he first came in, and he was in a good mood. Suddenly, a warning sign rose in his heart, and he performed the Moon Transformation Style almost without thinking. Pushed to the limit, countless silver hairs gathered into the bright moonlight and shone in the past.

A twisted snake-like shadow suddenly popped up in the air. Although this shadow was forced out by the Moon Transformation Style, it didn't panic at all. It twisted and twisted in the air and broke through to Ren Lingxuan's side. He actually saw it. Among these five people, the candidate senior sister of the Dongxuan Immortal Sect is the weakest, so she is regarded as a breakthrough.

Ren Lingxuan held the small exquisite sword between her hands and stabbed it hurriedly for more than a hundred times, drawing a dense jungle in front of her, with hundreds of twists and turns, like a maze. But this shadow was just a simple and direct punch, but it produced great power, shattering the Linglong sword intent, and bullied Ren Lingxuan in one step.

Although Ren Lingxuan had exerted her Linglong sword skills to the limit, she knew that she would never be able to withstand this shadow's devastating blow. Despair emerged in her heart. Before joining this team, the girl from the Ren family must have never thought that she would fall. So fast.

Bai Xuan reacted very quickly, activating the Qilin avatar and punched hard, but Xu was faster than him, and his whole body turned into a vague light and shadow. He came first and rushed towards the shadow. 's back.

Will he have time to save Ren Lingxuan? (~^~)

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