One Sword to Immortality

210. Condensing Gangmai

After promising to activate the Heavenly Demon Killing Immortal Technique, I only felt that the demonic energy was surging and unparalleled. It was even fuller than before I blew up the Immortal Killing Demonic Body. In just an instant, I opened up a "Tiangang Evil" that had never been seen before. Pulse" comes out. ●⌒,

After condensing a Gang Vein, it is like stepping into the Demon King level. Not only will the quality of the Demonic Qi jump to a higher frequency, but the amount of circulating Demonic Qi will also increase dramatically.

Xu Ru condensed one Gang Vein, but felt that the aftertaste was lingering and that there was still room for action, so he was not polite and used the two methods of Heavenly Demon Killing Immortal together to condense the second Gang Vein again. This Gang Vein was just formed and connected with the first Gang Vein. The demonic energy in the whole body was connected from head to tail. Xu Liao immediately transformed into a monster like a ghost, with green and black skin, long arms and legs, and five short horns on top. , the whole body is full of majestic strength, and he can move as fast as flying.

Xu did not expect that after the demonic energy boiled and the gangang veins were condensed, he would become a demon again.

This kind of ghost form only lasted for a moment, and Xu Ruo transformed into an ordinary boy again. However, within a few seconds after he regained his human body, he transformed into a ghost again, because Xu Ruo found that all the clothes on his body were completely torn. , is it better to be naked or in the image of a ghost when the human body is restored?

Ru Kuangsha boasted of his extraordinary strength and resourcefulness, but he did not expect that this "demon" was actually so brave that he even swallowed the demonic energy, exploded his demon body, and killed four of his own race.

He was awestruck for a moment. Although he also noticed that Xu Le's self-destruction was a bit strange, he did not dare to rush forward and add another blow.

After being allowed to transform again, Ru Kuangsha looked around and saw that the other three members of the same clan had the same expression. He immediately gave a loud shout and turned into a black shadow and went into the ground. The other three Shadow Demon clan also separated. He ran away, fearing that Xu Ruo would rush up and kill him.

Xu Ruo was determined to pursue him, but he had to work hard to condense the Gang Veins and condense as many as possible. Otherwise, if he wanted to condense another Gang Vein in the future, he would have to spend countless energy. At this time, he felt that he still had some strength left, so he did not chase down Ru Kuangsha and other demons. Instead, he silently activated the Heavenly Demon Killing Immortal Technique to condense the third Gang Vein.

The third Gangmai is condensed. Xu Luo's demon body has changed again, with gold and silver demon patterns appearing all over his body, and there are many more inheritances in his mind.

Xu Lao didn't have time to rejoice, so he began to condense the fourth Gangmai. You must know that Ren Lingxuan was still before participating in the Seven-Day War. He has just condensed the third Gang Vein. He has been able to cultivate to this point, and his future potential has exceeded Ren Lingxuan.

Condensing the fourth Gang Vein was nearly twice as difficult. It took Xu Zuo nearly ten times the time to condense the fourth Gang Vein into shape. The gold and silver demon patterns on his body rotated, creating something like a biological armor. Structure. The hard armor covering the body is not purely a demonization of the body, but is also mixed with demonic energy to protect it. It has many wonderful uses.

Xu took a deep breath,

Knowing that I can no longer condense the fifth Gang Vein, I only have the opportunity to be brave and diligent when I condense the Gang Vein for the first time. In the future, I can only rely on the hard work of water grinding to accumulate bit by bit to polish the demonic energy and condense the Gang. pulse.

Xu Zuo opened his hands and used Qi to control the wind. The airflow from the Demon Prison was rapid. As long as he is good at controlling the wind, which is easier to fly than the earth, he has this feeling of freedom for the first time. He no longer has to be bound by the earth, and he can't even feel the existence of the earth's gravity.

"This is the boiling of demonic energy. Condensing Gang Veins?"

Xu urged the Star Swallowing Pose and the Moon Transformation Pose, and a bright moon appeared outside the body. It was much brighter than before, cold and transparent, and the hundreds of millions of silver cents gathered were slightly more subtle than before. The lethality increased several times.

He was slightly regretful that he could not chase down the last four demons. With his current strength, it was easy to kill Ru Kuangsha and other shadow demons.

Xu Lao looked into the distance and was about to return to his camp when he was suddenly startled. He saw the void shrouded by the formation flags constantly collapsing. The formation flags of the Shadow Demon Tribe had not yet had time to destroy the voids of the two realms to form a large formation, and no one else had activated them. The changes in the formation flags gave Xu Lio a bad feeling.

In just a few minutes, the formation formed by the two realms of void completely collapsed. All the void within a radius of dozens of miles disappeared, leaving only a large dark hole in place, but this large hole only existed for a moment.

Then, a white stone jumped out and fell to the ground.

Xu Tan picked up the white stone with his hand and sent a ray of Zhuxian's demonic energy over it. However, within a moment, the white stone turned into the color of black jade. He had seen this thing before, when he destroyed the sealing platform in the Emperor's Garden. , the seal stone obtained is exactly the same as this stone.

Xu Leo was almost crazy and flew towards his position at full speed. He didn't even cover up the surging demonic power in his body and had no scruples. However, when he rushed back to the two peaks he was guarding, he was still a step too late. Except for the small demon flags and black beetles he had placed around them, the two peaks had disappeared without a trace, as if the place never existed in the first place.

It didn't take much effort for Xu, because the white stone would emit the power of the void, so he found the second sealing stone. Holding this sealing stone, he suddenly looked up to the sky and roared, filled with sorrow in his heart.

He did not expect that he had not reached the point where he could no longer hold on. Seeing that he would win the Seven-Day War in a day or two, he successfully advanced again and his strength increased sharply. However, the passage on the earth was destroyed, cutting off his return. path.

Xu was abandoned in the devil's prison!

"Why? Why didn't you wait for me to go back? Why did you close the Demon Suppressing Monument in advance just one or two days later? Why is this?"

Xu was so furious that he shouted several times, but there was still a glimmer of hope in his heart. He was reluctant to waste time and hurriedly searched nearby. He even dispersed all the black beetles and the remaining small demon flags and searched in all directions. Other teams.

A day and a half later, Xu was completely desperate. He found two more sealing stones, and also found some corpses of the participating teams. They all died horribly, but none of the two realms of void formations were still preserved. Intact, there was no way he could leave.

Xu Liu couldn't guess what happened to the Demon Suppressing Monument, and he couldn't know why such a thing happened. The only thing he could comfort himself was that fortunately Bai Xuan was here, and Ren Lingxuan, Cui Ying, and Shi Ji had all gone back. , but he immediately panicked...

He has always placed the petrified statue of Bai Qiu Lian in his own small universe. He has always thought that this is the safest way. As long as he wins the Seven-Day War and obtains the Fruit of Wishes, he can immediately make Bai Qiu Lian Practice resurrection. But he never thought that he would be abandoned and never return to Earth. He couldn't go back, and Bai Qiulian's last hope of resurrection was gone! (To be continued.)

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