One Sword to Immortality

211. The demon king promised

Xu Zuo's hands were slightly varicose, and he looked at the demon glove on his hand to feel if it was convenient.

He has returned to the appearance of a human boy. The clothes on his body are transformed from Zhu Xian's demonic energy. After several adjustments, he is now very suitable for fighting.

Xu Liu has stayed in the Demon Prison for nearly ten days, and still has not found any way to leave, nor has he seen any rescue. He has met several teams of shadow demons participating in large hunting, but he relied on condensing the Gang Pulse After that, the speed soared, and the ability to hide became unpredictable, and they all avoided it.

Although there was a problem with the Demon Suppressing Monument, Xu Luo still refused to give up. He continued to expand the search circle, hoping to learn more about the terrain of the Demon Prison and find a way out. In the past ten days, he had searched thousands of square kilometers and had a rough understanding of the scale of the Shadow Demon Clan's large-scale hunting. At the same time, he had also found the positions guarded by all the teams participating in the Seven-Day War.

According to Xu Leo's search results, the nine teams that participated in the battle this time, except Xu and his team who escaped, Bai Xuanzai, Cui Ying, Ren Lingxuan and Shi Ji, the other eight teams were completely destroyed, with no one left alive. , and also allowed Xu Lio to see the ferocity of the devil.

They are completely different from humans, especially in the environment of the Demon Prison, which makes the demons who grew up there even more cruel.

Under normal conditions, even if the demons are cruel, they may not be more cruel than the ancient demon clan. The ancient demon clan is also ruthless and regards life as nothing. The demons also have a social structure similar to humans. The shadow demon clan is a huge tribe. There are more than 10,000 people.

However, demons often suddenly change their temperament, become completely irrational, and act in reverse and unreasonable ways.

Xu Liao once saw a shadow demon clan in person. He originally had a small team and everyone looked up to him, but he killed all of his subordinates for no reason. After he regained consciousness, he did not show any sign of remorse. On the contrary, he Huan Huan happily treated all his subordinates as food and ate them for three to five days.

There are countless weird behaviors of demons. Even after thinking about it for a while, Xu didn't understand how these demons were thinking. They were not like human beings who regard morality and interests as criteria and would form various social binding forces and interpersonal relationships. It's not like monsters who take strength and survival as their criteria, with strength and weakness ordered from top to bottom.

The behavior of demons is completely incomprehensible and unscrupulous. The human heart is willful and has no bottom line.

After making a roar, nearly a hundred demon spirits roared in response from a distance, and tens of thousands of black beetles also sent the message. He released the Yunxi beast and started on the journey again.

There will be battles at any time in the Demon Prison. When there is no battle, Xu Xu will try his best to save his energy.

He has escaped from the shadow demon tribe's large hunting team in recent days.

According to the prisoners of the Shadow Demon Tribe whom he killed, they were already in the territory of another Demon Tribe.

This demon clan is slightly weaker than the shadow demon clan. It’s called the Lingding Demon Clan!

Every Lingding Demon is very thin, and the adult Lingding Demon only has the figure of an ordinary human child of thirteen or fourteen years old. However, both men and women are very handsome, and even as they age, their appearance will only become more and more beautiful. Gorgeous and will not age.

After Xu spent two hours on the road, he communicated with the demon spirits and black beetles transformed by the little demon flags who were scouting the way, and summarized the findings along the way before continuing on the road again, one day and one night later. He calculated that he had entered the depths of Lingding Demon's territory. In order to avoid being discovered, he found a stable place to rest.

Xu Xu closed the demon cloak outside his body and spread out his fingers. A detailed and detailed map appeared in the palm of his hand. This was a system he refined using Xiaoxu Ling Jue, which could record the terrain he passed along the way.

The starting area of ​​this map system was quite large. Xu Liao searched there for a long time, and then there was a long and narrow straight line, which represented Xu Liao's path. A total of about 10,000 to 20,000 square kilometers. The young man looked at the map. Although he tried his best to encourage himself, he still couldn't hold back the rising frustration. He had no idea how to leave the devil's prison. All he was doing now was not to give up...

"It is said that there is a series of supreme demons in the Demon Prison, but I don't know if it is true. If the Demon Prison can even seal the supreme demons, it will be useless even if I cultivate to the realm of demons! What's more... There are no heavenly demons on earth now, and the strongest one is the demon god.”

"Unless we meet the team participating in the Seven-Day War again, we can use their flags to return. However, the location of each Seven-Day War is randomly determined. The Demon Prison is vast. If you want to meet another wave of people participating in the Seven-Day War, The Japanese war team really has a slim chance, unless I can spread the black beetles throughout the Demon Prison."

Xu Liao has seen hundreds of demon-suppressing tablets, each of which has thousands of optional territories. This means that the teams of the Seven-Day War can be sent to any part of the Demon Prison.

Xu gave a long sigh and took back the map system. He had a slight urge to eat something, but finally gave up.

Xu Yue has gone through the boiling of demon energy, condensed four gangang veins, and has been promoted to the demon king. He can live for thousands of years just by absorbing the essence of heaven and earth. He doesn't need to eat anymore. He doesn't know when he will be able to live forever. Go, although there are still plenty of supplies with you, they have been upgraded from daily necessities to "luxury goods". If they are wasted too early, you may have to rely on memories to remember the taste of food in the future.

Xu gave another long sigh and summoned the black beetles out of habit, but this time he had a different reaction. He actually summoned "another batch", that is, his Qingxu from Dongxuanxian Sect. On the Yunlan Peak of Cave Sky, the batch of black beetles were released into the Demon Prison.

In the heart of the young man who was already in a desperate situation, this was a great excitement. He was ecstatic, roared loudly, and without taking any rest, he immediately rushed into the sky, turned into a strange light that kept changing, and headed straight towards the group of black beetles. And go.

However, Xu Zuofei calmed down after flying for a few hours and landed with a wry smile. He had already sensed that although the group of black beetles could respond to the call, the distance was too far, more than 20,000 to 30,000 kilometers away.

The Heavenly Demon Killing Immortal Technique he practiced was breaking through to the realm of the Demon King, and his flight speed was almost as fast as that of the Yunxi Beast, but his speed was only over a thousand kilometers per hour, and he could not reach the place where the black beetles were entrenched in less than a few dozen hours. He didn't even dare to summon the group of black beetles to join him, because there were almost no demons in the place where the black beetles were entrenched, but all kinds of magical beasts emerged in endlessly. They survived very carefully. If they rushed on the road in a big way, they were afraid that they would be attacked by various monsters on the way. Almost all the monsters have been intercepted and killed.

Xu gave up and rushed to meet up immediately. He could be more assertive on the short journey. After all, he had already commanded the black beetle to explore this terrain. However, he had to be careful on the long journey, otherwise he would encounter powerful monsters or demons. , Don’t die too miserably.

ps: Please give me monthly tickets and recommended tickets. Tickets are much less than the previous few days (~^~)

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