One Sword to Immortality

219. Great Sun Demon Flag

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Xu glanced at his "similar", then grabbed it with his hand, and condensed a group of flags out of thin air, and then inserted it into the body of his "similar", recited a mantra, and refined the sun spirit devil. It became a small demon flag.

He originally did not want to waste it, but he did not expect that when he was refining the Little Heavenly Demon Banner, the memory of the Sun Demon Banner he controlled actually separated a magic formula, which merged with the Little Heavenly Demon Banner's magic formula. At the same time, the small demon flag that was refined through sacrifice suddenly changed. Not only was it overflowing with demonic energy, but it was also filled with flames, which was in line with the great sun demonic energy of the Sun Jing Demon lineage.

Xu Liao was extremely curious, pinched the magic formula, gave a light scolding, and used the magic formula of the small demon flag on the remaining eight corpses of the Sun Demon Banner to stir up the memory of the Sun Spirit Demon again.

Xu was prepared this time and recorded it with his artificial spiritual sense. Then he looked at it carefully and couldn't help but feel something strange.

This magic formula is hidden in the Sun Jing Demon Art and has been passed down for unknown ages. However, because it lacks a certain introduction, no matter how high the Sun Jing Demon's cultivation level is, there is no way to accept its inheritance. The Little Demon Banner just makes up for this shortcoming, and can trigger this magic formula and fill it completely.

All laws in the world return to their source, either inherited from the ancient demon clan heaven, or from the thirty-third heaven. Even the unique magic formulas created by future generations are closely related to these two sources and are inextricably linked.

But Xu Liozhen didn't expect that Xiaotian Demon Banner was actually related to the Nisei Demon Art practiced by Nisei Demon, and could actually trigger the inheritance of Nisei Demon's talent and obtain new techniques.

Xu Lu gently squeezed the seal and drank, and the nine newly born "Great Sun Demon Flags" turned into nine scorching suns and slowly rose into the sky. The Great Sun Demonic Qi of the Nisei Demon he controlled echoed with the Great Sun Demon Banner of the Eagle Face, and was able to continuously improve his cultivation level, and even communicate with each other. Borrow the demonic energy of the Nine-faced Great Sun Demon Flag for your own use.

Xu Luo activated the Sun Essence Demon Art and borrowed the demon energy of the nine-faced Sun Demon Flag. Let the devilish aura of the Sun Demon he controls boil, and there will immediately be signs of breaking through the barrier.

The ten Japanese demons Xu captured were all demon warriors, and he originally just wanted to use the body of the demon to hide himself. Since the Great Sun Demon Banner has such a wonderful effect, he was naturally not polite when he promised it. He immediately pushed the Great Sun Demonic Qi Valley to the extreme, triggering an explosion of demonic energy, and the entire body of the Sun Demon was turned into a ball of fire.

He promised to use the Demonic Art of the Sun as the foundation to activate the demonic energy of the Sun. A perfect body of the Sun Demon was recast in the flames.

The newly born Nisei demon's body is covered with dark red magic lines. Under the dark red magic lines, there is a blue and black demon body. He is tall, strong, and powerful, with a brand new Gang vein brewing in his body.

Xu Liao relied on the demonic energy of the Nine-faced Great Sun Demon Flag, but it was still extremely difficult. It was more than a hundred times more difficult than condensing the Gang Pulsations on his own, and he had to stay in seclusion for several days. Only then can the condensation of this Gang Vein be completed, and there will be no more energy left to condense the second Gang Vein.

Although this demonic body is not as satisfactory as expected, there is no need to be picky about it. He controlled this demon version of the "battle beast" and slowly rose into the air, preparing to find other Nisei demons and hide himself among the demons.

The group of Japanese demons that Xu had raided had already left the camp, but with the black beetle guiding the direction, he quickly caught up with this "same race" of demons.

At this time, Xu Luo had transformed more than twenty small demon flags into big sun demon flags, flying behind him like the banner of the evil god. Fierce flames.

The Sun Demon Demon he controls has condensed a Gang Vein, and the ability to control more than thirty Sun Demon Banners is already the limit. But these thirty or so Great Sun Demon Flags alone are enough to make this Sun Demon look like a king.

It was promised that he would catch up with the "fellow race" of the Japanese demons. Almost all the Niijing demons showed disbelief. The leader of this group of Niejing demons gave a low drink and shouted: "Yan Jing! Weren't you captured by that person?"

Xu Luo deliberately manipulated the Sun Demon to smile ferociously, and said slowly: "Yes! I was indeed caught by someone, and that person didn't know what kind of evil magic he used to smelt me ​​and others into a magic treasure. In the end, I turned against the guest, sucked other people's energy and was promoted to Demon Captain, but killed him instead."

Promised to control the Sun Demon Flame Sutra, he waved his hand, pointed at the Great Sun Demon Banner behind him, and shouted: "Not only was I promoted to Demon Captain, but I also awakened the ancient inheritance of the Great Sun Demon Banner, and now my strength is far greater than yours. Yan Cold! Just call the leader’s position!"

Yan Leng, the leader of this Sun Demon Demon, suddenly sprayed out two jets of flame from his eyes. He was extremely angry and shouted: "Yan Jing! Are you looking for death? A certain family will help you..."

How could Xu Zuo talk nonsense to this Japanese demon? He clasped his hands together, raised them high above his head, and struck his opponent with a domineering Nisei Fire Sword.

Demons compete at any time, and there are no rules. A few of Yan Leng's subordinates hesitated for a moment, and seven or eight people rushed out of the team to help the leader, but most of the Niijing demons chose to wait and see.

Demons never show loyalty, and they may not even follow their own interests. The people who rush to help have multiple thoughts. The Nisei demons who are watching are even more complicated. Some Nisei demons see that the Yan Jing who is controlled by Xu is too powerful. He is worried that if he wins this battle, it will be detrimental to him, or he is just gloating about his misfortune, or he is indifferent and doesn't even bother to pay attention to this kind of battle.

Yan Leng never thought about fighting Xu Liao alone. He thought that as long as he survived one attack, he could call on several of his subordinates to attack Xu Liao. He also used the same force to stimulate the demonic energy of the sun and released a stream of sun essence fire. Dao, wanted to fight Xu Liao head-on.

However, Yan Lieng did not expect that when he shot the Japanese Fire Sword, he actually contained more than 30 levels of potential power. He easily defeated the first level of sword power, but it was quite difficult to cope with the second level of sword power. , the third level of sword power came towards his face, and he had to suppress the demonic energy to protect himself from the demonic energy of the great sun. Then the fourth level, the fifth level, the sixth level... the strength of the Japanese Fire Sword, It broke through his protective demonic energy with great force and cut him in half on the spot.

With the help of more than 30 Great Sun Demon Flags, Xu Liao made the Nisei Fire Sword contain thirty levels of potential power. Even Yan Leng's brain could not imagine this skill, and his natural death was definitely not unjust.

The seven or eight Japanese demons who rushed forward saw this scene, and almost without any hesitation, they changed their attack targets together, and jointly attacked Yan Leng's remains. They all tried their best, as if they rushed up just for the purpose. Help Xu, just like eradicating the former leader.

Even though Xu Zuo had seen more than ten kinds of demons and knew their temperament, he could only be speechless when he saw this scene! (To be continued.)

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