One Sword to Immortality

220. Moon Transformation Style Breaking the Divine Hammer

There were more than a hundred people in this group of Japanese demons. This was a continuous battle, and a lot of people were lost, otherwise the number would not stop there.

After Xu had temporarily subdued the group of Sun Demons, he secretly thought about what to do next. Of course he would not go back to the tribe of the Sun Demons. There were only three-headed Demon Captains among this group of Sun Demons, and there was no one stronger than him. , but the Nisei Demon Tribe is led by two demon generals. When he meets these two demon generals, he is afraid that the first reaction of the opponent will be to ask him for the secret of cultivation of the Great Sun Demon Banner, and then kill him. The demon flag was sacrificed.

Xu Liao thought to himself: "If I can find the descendant of the Jade Cauldron Demon Lord, I can ask him many things and whether I can seek refuge with him."

Xu Luo made a decision and took this group of Japanese demons to avoid the tribal territory and search farther away. The other Japanese demons were so powerful that they did not dare to raise objections.

This team of Japanese demons, led by the young man, traveled further and further into the territory of another demon group.

On this day, he was taking the Japanese demons to hunt. More than ten Japanese demons surrounded a monster and worked together to subdue it.

Demons in the Demon Prison prefer to eat the meat of life. They often capture monsters without killing them. They eat them while they are still alive. After eating half of them, the prey can still breathe. Although Xu Leow couldn't stand this cruel habit, she didn't have the ability to care about it. She could only treat it as if she didn't see him, find an excuse to practice, and not participate in the meal every time.

Xu has indeed been practicing hard for the past few days, hoping to be able to condense another Gang Vein for the Sun Demon under his control. However, the qualifications of this Sun Demon are far inferior to him. Even with the help of the Great Sun Demon Banner, he still cannot enter the realm. Very slightly.

The Nisei demon tore into the monster and threw the bloody meat directly into his mouth, chewing it with excitement. Xu Zuo had been numb for a long time, after all, he had seen too much, and he slowly opened his claws. He urged the thirty-six Great Sun Demonic Flags to slowly rotate around him, and was about to practice some practice. Suddenly, a warning sign occurred in his heart, and the Sun Jing Fire Sword flew around his body, turning into a fire dragon-like shape and making a continuous sound of fighting energy.

After Xu calmed down for a moment, he saw a black-armored demon looming, his hands fisting and clawing, palms pointing, and he continuously launched close attacks with knees and elbows. Every inch of your body can become a weapon.

Thanks to Xu's vigilance and his superb swordsmanship, even though he used the Nisei Fire Sword against the enemy, he was still able to exert various magical effects and blocked the sneak attack of the black-armored demon.

Xu Ling didn't recognize this black-armored demon, but he saw that this black-armored demon was tall and exquisite. Although its whole body was covered with carapace, it was obviously a woman, so he remembered a rumor.

This time, the black-armored demon sent out a demon general named Meng Hai in order to capture the Jade Cauldron's successor. Among his subordinates is a demon captain-level female black-armored demon.

It’s called Yan Feiyan!

It is said that Yan Feiyan has condensed twelve Gang veins and is the best at assassination. Xu Lio didn't take it seriously at the time. It was not like he had never encountered a demon who had condensed more than ten gangang veins before, so he didn't think it was very powerful. However, this encounter made him secretly complain.

Xu Lioyi took action on his own, and with his demonic power that was more powerful than ordinary demon kings, he was never at a disadvantage whether he used the Nine Mysteries True Method or the Heavenly Demon Killing Immortal Method against the enemy. However, he manipulated the body of the Risei demon Ensei to take action, and the weakness of this demon who only condensed one Gang vein was fully revealed.

Every time Rijing Huo Dao and Yan Feiyan fought head-on. It all made his energy and blood surge, even though there was a Great Sun Demon Flag instilling demonic energy. After all, it is not cultivated by oneself, and it will be delayed for a moment when it operates. When dealing with the Japanese demon Yan Leng, Xu Liao didn't feel it because Yan Leng was far less powerful than Yan Feiyan and had no defense. But against Yan Feiyan, whose strength was much higher than Yan Leng, this shortcoming was magnified. Countless times.

Xu Luo and Yan Feiyan exchanged more than ten moves, and the Sun Jing Fire Sword was exploded. They could only use Sun Jing Demon's Directly Transmitted Sun Wheel Seal to fight the enemy with boxing skills.

Although Xu is good at swordsmanship and can still defeat the enemy with the Nisei Fire Sword, his boxing and kicking skills are average. Although the Sun Ring Seal is a profound technique of the Nisei Demon Art, its power is not inferior to that of the Nisei Fire Sword. But he He couldn't exert 100% of his power and couldn't sustain three moves. Yan Feiyan punched him in the chest. The bones in his body were all cracked and his chest was dented.

When Xu was in a hurry, he reached out and slapped it, and a big sun demon flag suddenly expanded and exploded into a ball of fire, covering himself and Yan Feiyan.

After all, Yan Feiyan didn't want to die with him, so she promised to self-destruct the Great Sun Demon Flag, and she immediately wandered away like a ghost, retreating a thousand meters away.

Thanks to the powerful body of the demon, it only takes a few breaths to recover from such injuries. After Xu took a short breath, he adjusted the demonic energy in the Nisei Demon Flame Sutra, activated the Nisei Fire Sword again, and at the same time, the three demons were The fifteen Great Sun Demon Flags were activated and turned into dozens of fireballs, all of which smashed towards Yan Feiyan.

Yan Feiyan sneered and shouted: "I didn't expect that there are still people in the Sun Demon Clan who can understand the Great Sun Demon Banner. Let me report it to Lord Meng Hai and see how many days you can survive!"

Yan Feiyan walked away, Xu felt awe-struck, and thought to herself: "If a demon general targets me, how can I live a good life? Let's just kill this black-armored demon!"

Xu let out a sharp roar and sped up to catch up. Yan Feiyan couldn't help but sneer in her heart. The reason why she retreated was not because she felt that she couldn't kill the opponent, but because she saw that more than ten Japanese demons had rushed up, and it was difficult to stand up to the crowd with her fists. Beat. Since she promised someone to catch up with her, she didn't mind luring him to a secluded place and killing him.

Xu took a big step and pulled away, with clouds of fire coming out from under his feet. He managed to keep Yan Feiyan from falling. However, after chasing for a while, the rest of the Japanese demons were all thrown away, including the three-headed demon captain-level Japanese demons. None of them caught up.

The two of them chased each other and fled for more than a hundred kilometers in the blink of an eye. Xu Luo was afraid of having a long night and dreaming too much, so he pressed the sun demon Yan Leng and stayed in place. He turned into a cold light and flew out of his eyes. The pupil went straight to Yan Feiyan's chest.

This female black-armored demon didn't expect that this enemy could have such a method. She clenched her hands into fists and punched him, causing a violent shock. She used the Concentration Hammer inherited from the black-armored demon clan. To block this blow.

But how did she know how powerful the Moon Transformation Style was? Countless pieces of silver finer than ox hair, although half of them were wiped out by her concentration hammer fist, but under the impact of the cold moonlight, her fist was shattered in an instant and penetrated into her chest, covering her from front to back. The back was worn with a cool feeling.

Xu killed this powerful enemy with one move. He couldn't help but feel proud. How could he use the cold body of the Japanese demon to have such ability? (To be continued.)

ps: ps: The author's moral integrity is seriously in arrears. Dear, please cast some recommendation votes and monthly votes to recharge him.

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