One Sword to Immortality

249. Flashy as a dream

The two big men holding giant swords said with some difficulty: "Our ancestors lived like this, why should we abide by the rules of the fairyland?"

Xu Luo raised his head slightly and sighed deeply in his heart, then he understood what the problem was.

Although the Jade Cauldron Ancestor has eight million disciples and disciples, what these Jade Cauldron disciples are diligently pursuing is to cultivate stronger strength, kill more demons, or escape from the sixteen-level demon prison and re-enter the world.

The Glorious World is just a by-product of the Jade Cauldron Patriarch's teachings. They can also practice the general outline of the Jade Cauldron Heart Method. Even all the mental methods spread in the Glorious World are mixed with the general outline of the Jade Cauldron Heart Method. As long as they have a little cultivation, they can Resist the infection of demonic energy, and even refine the demonic energy from the root.

The Jade Cauldron Sect regarded these people and monsters from the flashy world as strangers. No one thought about managing them at all, but just allowed them to fend for themselves.

Yin Suhua once said: "As long as these creatures are given enough land, they can support themselves, and they don't need anyone to manage them. Everyone chooses to live where they like, and no one should care about other people's lives. Isn't that right? Very good?"

At that time, I didn't think there was anything wrong with it, but now it seems that there is a big problem. People in the flashy world don't respect the fairyland at all, let alone think that the rules of the fairyland are very important.

However, people in the Flashy World rarely even have the opportunity to violate the rules of the Immortal Realm. Most of the Jade Cauldron's disciples will hardly come to the Flashy World. People who frequent the Flashy World, such as Yin Suhua, know the rules of the Flashy World. The rules of the fairyland have collapsed in the flashy world.

The last time Yin Suhua took him to a restaurant for dinner, she had pressed Dun Guang early, obviously knowing all the taboos in the flashy world.

After this, Xu's good impression of the glitzy world disappeared!

He had always thought that the Fairyland had great control over the Flashy World. After all, only by relying on the Fairyland could the Flashy World survive in the Demon Prison. Without the descendants of the Jade Cauldron lineage, the hundreds of millions of people and monsters in the flashy world can only be affected by the magic of the moment.

Xu sighed slightly and realized that something was wrong with his mentality. He regarded himself as a being higher than the creatures in the flashy world, so he would follow the rules of the fairyland.

"Perhaps no one from the Immortal Realm has been seen here for hundreds of years. It's because the disciples of the Yuding Sect deliberately avoided this place."

Although Xu Lio didn't think there was anything wrong with killing someone. After all, these people were the ones who attacked him first, but they suddenly lost interest in delving into the matter. He waved his hands at the two people, raised his escape light, joined Bai Qiulian, and left the neighborhood.

The two big men holding huge swords waited until Xu and Bai Qiulian left.

Only then was his whole body shaken, and he regained consciousness from Xu Zuo's lust. Inexplicably sad, he called the servants in the castle to collect the ashes of the castle owner. Collect the bodies of those who were promised to be bombed.

Although these two big men seemed to be close in age, they were from two generations. One was the younger brother of the castle owner, named Lixiu, and the other was the eldest son of the castle owner, named Li Gan, who was also the elder brother of the pale young man who attacked Xu Liao.

Li Xiu sighed and said helplessly: "The people in the Immortal Realm are poor and tyrannical. They occupy the most fertile land, but they still don't regard ordinary monsters like us as human beings. Although your brother is not qualified to attack them, they can just teach them a lesson." , why must you kill people? Even your father was killed when he went to reason with them!"

Li Qian was also very angry and shouted coldly: "I will definitely avenge this and make the people of the Immortal Realm pay the price!"

If he agrees but doesn't leave, he will definitely get furious and point his finger at the noses of these two uncles and nephews: "I'm trying to reason with you with an axe. Why don't I kill him? Do I want to keep him as my godson?"

Xu Liao was in a slightly bad mood at this time. After all, he was just out for fun, but he caused a murder. It was Bai Qiulian's soft words of comfort that made him feel a little more cheerful.

He learned from Yin Suhua's style. Dunguang landed outside a relatively lively neighborhood and walked in hand in hand with Bai Qiulian. This time, there was no trouble.

This block is also very close to the Fairyland. It is outside the third ring road and within the fourth ring road. At first glance, it looks a bit like Yaohuai Street. Monsters and humans get along quite harmoniously. There are eighteen streets in the block, each of which is unique. Very spacious and bright.

Xu Liao and Bai Qiulian wandered around for a while, and suddenly felt a strange feeling. He gathered some demonic energy and transformed into a Dingxuan mirror. Driven by Xu Zuo's magic power, the Dingxuan mirror changed countless scenes like a revolving door, and finally settled on a shop.

Xu Liao pulled Bai Qiulian, walked half a street, and saw the shop. The front was quite deserted, and no customers had visited it for an unknown period of time. The front door was cleaned cleanly. Although it was deserted, it was quiet and not dilapidated. a feeling of.

A young girl was lying on a green bamboo couch in front of the shop, with a pot of tea beside her and a very thick book in her hand. She was reading with gusto, but she was leisurely and elegant.

Xu Luo walked over and asked with a smile: "Do you have tea cakes that are more than 20 years old?"

Xu Lio didn't notice what was sold in this shop at all, but his sharp eyes saw that the girl brewed a pot of tea with a strong aroma, and half a tea cake was placed next to it. It looked like it was old, so he thought This is the huatou.

The girl put down the book in her hand, stood up, smiled, and said, "You were recommended by an old customer, right? Very few people come to buy our tea cakes, and those who come to buy them are all regular customers."

Xu Xu laughed but didn't answer. The girl welcomed them both into the store. Only then did Xu Xu realize that the items sold here were all weird things. No wonder the front door was deserted.

Xu Luo secretly activated the Dingxuan Mirror to change, and his eyes immediately changed like two very small mirrors. After just a glance, he discovered the thing that he had a strange reaction to just now. It was a dark stone, placed in a beautiful The bottom of the box serves as a base.

The girl quickly brought dozens of tea cakes over. Xu Zuo didn’t understand this. What he drinks most on the earth is iced black tea and mint green tea bottled drinks, real tea leaves soaked in hot water. For a boy of his age People don’t like to drink at all.

Xu Ruo casually threw a silver ingot to the girl, bought all the tea cakes, then pointed at the stone and asked, "Can this be sold?"

The girl was slightly stunned, then smiled and said: "This stone was brought back by my grandfather. It was originally sold as goods, but after being left there for decades without anyone paying attention, I relegated it to a base. If it were something else, If you are willing to buy it, I will sell it, but my grandfather said that this stone must be exchanged for a secret cultivation method, and there is no price for it in money."

Xu Liao was slightly surprised and asked: "Why is this?" (To be continued.)

ps: ps: Sorry, sorry, first of all, I have to explain that I am not busy during the Chinese New Year, nor am I busy with anything, nor am I sick. The reason for not updating in time these past few days is to catch up on the draft of Dragon God Jue. It will be back to normal starting tomorrow. Well, at least there will be no further delays this month.

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