One Sword to Immortality

250. Changes in heaven and earth

The girl shrugged her shoulders and said, "I don't know either. That's what my grandfather said. Otherwise, this stone would have been sold long ago and it wouldn't be kept today."

Xu Lio pondered for a moment and asked: "What level of secret practice do you want to change to?"

The girl was slightly surprised, then smiled and said: "Do you really want this stone? Then I won't ask a high price, as long as I can practice the secret method!"

Xu was slightly surprised and activated the Dingxuan Mirror to change. The light in his eyes was like lightning. He glanced at the girl and couldn't help but feel a little strange.

This girl is an ordinary human being. Not only has she not awakened any monster bloodline, she also has no potential. The East Palace has many inheritances from ancient monster clans, but unfortunately, there is no way for this girl to practice. , even on Earth, the Eighteen Immortals Sect would never accept such a disciple, because there is really no training value.

Xu Zuo could come up with a lot of techniques, but he really couldn't be sure whether there was one that this girl could practice.

Seeing that Xu was silent, the girl smiled softly and said: "Some people have given me some methods before and asked me to try to practice, but every time I failed, the guests don't have to force it."

Xu Lio thought for a moment and asked, "Does it have to be a magic formula? I wonder if I can cooperate with other means to allow you to practice?"

The girl said in surprise: "Of course it's possible, but if I have to practice it, I won't have the magic power at that time, and it will disappear in the future, or I can only use it a few times to fool people."

Xu Liao said: "I can hold off on taking this stone for the time being. When you are sure that you can practice, I will come and take it away."

The girl readily agreed: "This transaction is very fair, I promise you."

Xu Luo patted it casually and realized that the Nine Mysteries True Method he had originally practiced was not suitable for this method. The seed talisman of the Five Spirits Qi Refining Technique extracted and stored in the Small Universe was shot into the girl's top door, and at the same time, the Five Spirits Qi Refining Technique was also shot into her sea of ​​consciousness.

Xu Liao also worked hard in practicing the Five Spirit Qi Refining Technique, and the seed talisman he made was quite extraordinary. As soon as Pu entered her body, the girl immediately noticed a demonic energy growing in her Dantian, penetrating through her meridians inch by inch.

She tried to use the Five Spirits Qi Refining Technique to guide her into the sea of ​​consciousness. This demonic energy is as flexible as an arm and a finger, so it can indeed be practiced.

The girl closed her eyes, obviously enjoying this feeling. After a while, she opened her eyes and said, "You can take this stone away."

Promise and grab it casually,

Pick this stone up out of thin air. After entering the Small Universe World, he pondered for a moment and then said: "This set of Qi refining techniques is not at a high level, and it is quite slow to advance in practice. But if you don't plan to transform the demonic energy into spiritual energy, after you have a little foundation, I will I can teach you a more profound method, but I can’t teach you it in vain.”

Xu Ruo's Donghuang Palace didn't have many disciples. Although this girl's qualifications were extremely poor, he didn't need any powerful disciples. As long as your character is reliable, you can cite it to your followers and increase your popularity to some extent.

The girl waved her hand. Said: "My lifelong dream is to have such a shop. I can do nothing every day, look at the shop, read books and drink tea. If I can still do some small cultivation, I will be very satisfied. I have no higher pursuit. If you want If you want to accept a disciple, you can save your worries."

Xu smiled. I just think this girl is quite interesting, she is actually similar to his ideal for a while. He took Bai Qiulian's little hand and left the store. He said nothing more to this girl.

Bai Qiulian asked a little strangely: "I also see that this stone is quite extraordinary, but you actually exchanged the Five Spirits Qi Refining Technique for the seed talisman you cultivated. Isn't it a bit unworthy?"

Xu laughed and said: "It's not worth it. I can't use the Five Spirits Qi Refining Technique. On the contrary, this stone is not only useful for me, but also for you."

Bai Qiulian asked: "Why do I need it?"

Xu Liao said: "When you gave me the collection of demon spirits collected by the Bai family, there was a volume of "Flying Sands and Walking Stones" that requires two types of heavenly materials and earthly treasures to be obtained during cultivation. This is one of them, called Tiangang Sand! If you can get it again Once we get some earth evil stones, we can cultivate this demonic nerve."

Bai Qiu had mastered the Baijiao inheritance and didn't have much desire for other techniques. Hearing this, he just smiled and said: "You have practiced so much Kung Fu, how on earth did you master it?"

Xu Lio smiled slightly, he would not tell anyone the secret of Jiu Xuan Zhenfa, even if he was as close as Bai Qiulian. It was not that he couldn't trust Bai Qiulian, but because Bai Qiulian was unable to keep this secret.

Xu Liao and Bai Qiulian spent two or three days playing in this neighborhood. Suddenly they saw a bright light in the fairyland rushing through the sky and the earth. The earth also made a rumbling sound, and the celestial phenomena also changed. They couldn't help but feel a little chilled in their hearts.

He didn't know what was going on in the Immortal Realm, so he quickly grabbed Bai Qiulian and transformed into a banner of two realms. He escaped thousands of miles away in a moment, returned to the Immortal Realm in a few flashes, and moved out of thin air. Seven times, the Eastern Palace is already in sight.

Xu Lao looked around and saw that he could not see any disciples of the Jade Cauldron Sect. Instead, dozens of heavenly palaces were shining brightly, especially the central Jade Cauldron Palace.

He hurriedly used the Two Realm Flag Transformation again, and in more than ten breaths he arrived outside the East Palace and stepped inside in one step.

As soon as he stepped into the East Palace, he felt that a majestic mana was about to pour in. He hesitated for a moment and let go of the defense of the East Palace, allowing this majestic mana to penetrate. This mana poured into the East Palace, and he immediately wanted to activate the power of the East Palace to cooperate with it. Since Xu Lao let this mana come in, he would naturally not be in trouble and mobilized the power of the East Palace to join with this mana. Two become one.

Xu Xu controlled the power of the Eastern Palace and integrated it with this mana. Only then could he feel remotely that this mana came from all directions. Almost all the floating heavenly palaces were united with this mana and converged into the Jade Cauldron Palace. .

"What does Patriarch Jade Cauldron want to do?"

Xu Zuo didn't know why, but suddenly thought of the gold plate that Yang Banruo brought back, and felt a little uneasy in his heart. He said to Bai Qiulian: "You hide in the East Palace first. No matter what changes happen outside, don't come out."

Bai Qiulian nodded, knowing that in such a grand occasion, he couldn't do anything to help, so it was the best thing to do not cause any trouble to Xu Zuo. He immediately took off his escaping light and flew into the East Palace.

Xu Luo revealed his consciousness outside the East Palace and found that several heavenly palaces that had not yet been occupied were slowly collapsing. He couldn't help but feel deeply regretful... (To be continued.)

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