One Sword to Immortality

251. Little Heaven

"Although these floating heavenly palaces were left over by the senior brothers. They are either too desolate, too decadent, or too small, but after all, they are also the palaces of the ancient demon clan's heavenly palace. They have existed for tens of millions of years. It would be a shame if it collapsed like this.”

Xu Xu felt regretful in his heart when the two sacred trees guarding the East Palace shook slightly and actually came to life. They stretched out their branches thousands of feet away, wrapped up the six uninhabited palaces together, and then pulled them back with force.

Xu Zuo was startled and horrified, and secretly shouted: "Why did these two sacred trees wake up?"

The Khotan Palace, the Huatian Palace, the Yima Prison, the Hercules Prison, the Fishing Prison, and the Chaxing Post... A total of six floating heavenly palaces were swept up by the branches of the two sacred trees, and landed around the East Palace one after another. Take root and become one with the Eastern Palace.

The land and dome formed by the two sacred trees have also slightly expanded three times. The land around the East Palace, which is shaped like a giant bell, was originally vast, and now there are countless more palaces.

The dilapidated buildings of Khotan Palace, Huatian Palace, Yima Prison, Lishi Prison, Huiyu Prison, and Chexingyi seem to have been built here originally, and they are scattered among each other, as if they have been planned.

The two sacred trees rolled up the six heavenly palaces, so they collected their branches and turned them into domes to protect the Eastern Palace.

Xu Luo was originally worried that when these two sacred trees woke up, they would not know how to deal with him, who pretended to be the "prince of the heavenly palace of the ancient demon clan", but he did not expect that these two sacred trees fell silent after taking over six heavenly palaces. It's like not waking up.

Xu looked at the newly purchased "furniture" and couldn't help but murmur to himself: "Did these two sacred trees give me the acquiescence to take over the East Palace?"

When Xu was thinking wildly, the entire sixteenth floor of the Demon Prison suddenly shook, and a strange light split between the heaven and the earth, shining like daylight, and even the void began to collapse. Large tracts of the sky fell, and ravines appeared on the earth, just like a doomsday scene.

A giant four-sided tripod rose from the Jade Cauldron Palace. Countless demon gods flew out and used their magic to protect all the floating palaces.

Xu Liao recognized that it was the transformation of Yuan Xiang Cauldron. This huge cauldron is so powerful, and the person who can have such magical powers is either the ancestor of Yuding himself, or the senior brother of the Yuding lineage, Chi Jingzhenren.

Xu Liao couldn't guess what happened to the Jade Cauldron lineage, so he could only sit patiently in the East Palace.

The turmoil between heaven and earth became more and more severe, but with the real-life Yuan Xiang Cauldron constantly spewing out illusions of demon gods and exerting immeasurable magical powers to protect the various floating palaces, especially the East Palace, which was protected by two sacred trees, there was no crisis for a while.

Xu Liao and Bai Qiulian were trapped in the East Palace.

Outside, the sky is falling apart. There is nothing that can be done about the endless signs of collapse.

This scene didn't just last for one day, it actually lasted for three months. The heaven and earth were destroyed, and the power of the collapse of everything gradually subsided!

Although the aftermath is not over, the influence of various apocalyptic scenes on this world is getting weaker and weaker. Even the Yuanxiang Cauldron, which has been protecting the floating heavenly palace, has also withdrawn its changes, leaving the defensive methods of each heavenly palace alone. The formation resisted the aftermath on its own.

More than ten days have passed, and although there is no time, there is still a rumbling sound. But clarity has returned to heaven and earth. The only thing that surprised Xu Liao was that the passage that originally led to the fifteenth level of the demon realm had disappeared.

A few more days passed. The followers of the Jade Cauldron appeared in various heavenly palaces again, and most of them were heading towards the Jade Cauldron Palace. However, the Jade Cauldron Palace was not open, so many people had to leave in frustration. Some people could not bear to go to other heavenly palaces to visit their relatives. friend.

Xu Liao felt relieved to see that the Jade Cauldron lineage had regained its vitality. However, he did not have many friends and was too lazy to leave the East Palace. He only observed changes in the celestial phenomena every day. He just keeps practicing hard and wants to advance his cultivation to a higher level.

Changes this time. It also made him yearn for magical powers even more, under such power of heaven and earth. The magic power he was so proud of was just the power of an ant and was not enough to protect himself.

More than a month passed in the blink of an eye, and suddenly a loud voice came from the Jade Cauldron Palace, shouting: "My direct disciples, please come to the Jade Cauldron Palace to listen!"

Xu Zuo was slightly surprised, but he did not dare to neglect. He said goodbye to Bai Qiulian and turned into a ray of black gold light and went straight to the Jade Cauldron Palace.

This time, the number of people who came to the Jade Cauldron Palace was much smaller than before. Only seventy-two Taoists sat down on the jade plate.

The Jade Cauldron Patriarch, who had been changing all kinds of brilliance and teaching his disciples and disciples the transformation of the Jade Cauldron, now turned into a handsome young Taoist, sitting on a golden plate, and shouted with a smile: "Not long ago, I I found the ancient golden plate, which is the hub of the demon clan's heaven. With the help of the golden plate, I have now separated the fourteenth, fifteenth, sixteenth, and seventeenth levels of the devil's prison from their original places, and I no longer have to suffer from the devil's prison. Trapped."

Some of the disciples of Patriarch Jade Cauldron were aware of this key point and remained calm, while others had poorer cultivation and were unable to participate in this matter, so they all started talking about it.

There are also people like this, who are suddenly surprised and happy, and their brains shut down for a while, and they are a little stupid.

The ancestor of the Jade Cauldron allowed his disciples to vent their anger. After a long time, he said with a smile: "I have used my great magical power to combine the four levels of demon prison into one. From then on, the world occupied by our Jade Cauldron lineage will be called Little heaven!”

The seventy-two direct disciples of the Jade Cauldron were all filled with surprises and shouted: "Teacher's power is boundless and his supernatural power is vast. From now on, our Jade Cauldron lineage will finally have a foothold."

Xu Liao also shouted loudly along with his senior brothers. In his excitement, he didn't know what he was shouting. There was only one thing on his mind: "Can I go home?"

The Jade Cauldron Ancestor chuckled, his face turned solemn, and he shouted: "I used the power of the golden plate to get Little Heaven out of the Demon Prison, but I also brought out the demons in the fourth level of the Demon Prison. If they can't be exterminated, These demons, Little Heaven is still suffering from the intrusion of demonic energy. Are you willing to work with me to exterminate all the demons in Little Heaven and restore a peaceful world?"

The Jade Cauldron lineage has never been afraid of demons. Originally, there were eighteen levels of demon prison, and the demons were endless and invincible. But now there are only four levels of demon prison left. Most of the demons are afraid of waiting here. Almost all of them died in the catastrophe, so it was no longer difficult to eliminate the demons.

Even Xu Ruo couldn't help but feel excited, roaring like a tiger, willing to do his best to wipe out the demons in the small heaven.

Patriarch Jade Cauldron waited until all the disciples calmed down, and then said with a smile: "Master has used the Dingxuan Mirror to scan the Little Heavenly Court. After this disaster, there are only 3.8 billion demons in the Little Heavenly Courtyard. I will The various heavenly palaces are located in various parts of the small heaven, and the area that is swept down can be included under one's own command."

The Jade Cauldron Ancestor raised his hand in vain, and a golden disk appeared in his palm! (To be continued.)

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