One Sword to Immortality

271. Coming back or not?

All the refugees wanted to live in the East Palace and did not want to leave again. Even the leader of Xu Xu's subordinates asked Xu diligently, hoping to stay in the East Palace and not go back outside.

Many refugees even risked their lives, gathering hundreds of old, weak and young children to come and make requests to Xu Ling, hoping to arouse Xu Ling's sympathy and retain the right to live in the East Palace.

Xu Liao also tried to explain several times, but even his leaders could not be convinced. Demons often make trouble outside, and no matter how powerful the demons are in the East Palace, they cannot break it. Everyone has seen that the East Palace is safe. , naturally no one wants to leave.

It was a headache to do so, but it was absolutely impossible for him to leave these people in the East Palace.

There are too many secrets in the East Palace and they are too precious. Even the closest relatives cannot know them all. Bai Qiulian and Yu Qingyuan can only know part of the secrets of the East Palace. There is no way he can keep them. Get rid of these people.

The East Palace was a residence given to him by Patriarch Yuding. It was originally his private property. No matter how philanthropic a person is, he would never let a stranger live in his home. Moreover, doing so was not considered philanthropy in the first place. After experiencing such a Doing a lot of things also cultivates a certain decisiveness.

After persuading him several times, Xu Lio no longer cared about the thoughts of these refugees. He transformed into a man thousands of feet tall. He touched the East Palace with his hand, and a strange force came out from the East Palace, which was like a giant bell. Wave after wave. Wave after wave, this force expelled everyone wherever it passed, even everything that did not belong to the East Palace was swept out.

Only by accepting the promise and accepting a few disciples, as well as the followers of these disciples, can they stay in the East Palace safely.

Xu Lioti shouted angrily: "You are so greedy that you actually want to occupy the Holy Land of Heavenly Palace. In this case. I won't protect you anymore, just get out of here."

During this war, the neighborhood under Xu Luo's rule suffered heavy losses. The population has also dropped sharply to 16.7 million, and Xu Luo was still thinking about how to protect these people. To make it prosperous, it doesn't require much. But after so many things and countless efforts, he was still extremely disappointed with these refugees.

They never believed in Xu, but gradually began to believe in it, but they began to want to keep asking for it, hoping that Xu would continue to give, and even knew about Xu. He protected these people and allowed them to survive from the demon army, but in the end he might not be grateful. Instead, he would feel resentment for not allowing them to settle in the Eastern Palace.

Xu Luo drove away the refugees and sat alone in the Eastern Palace sulking. He was also extremely disappointed with himself. Even though he had extraordinary means, he was not a leader who could lead millions of people. No matter how hard he tried, he could not do his best in many things.

Bai Qiulian understood Xu's feelings at this moment,

Just sit next to him and keep him company. There was no persuasion, just waiting for him to figure it out on his own.

Xu Zuo sat quietly for a while, then put his arms around Bai Qiulian. The two of them cuddled together, and Xu Zuo suddenly asked: "Tell me, after we go back, do we want to come back?"

Xu Liu had never thought about this question before, so he asked it casually without expecting any answer.

Bai Qiulian suddenly smiled lightly and said: "Here is your master, your senior brother, and your apprentice. There is also your neighborhood, and the East Palace. You and I will come back no matter what."

Xu was slightly startled, and then realized that he was deeply involved with Xiao Tianting. He had also become a disciple of the Dongxuanxian Sect, but not as a formal disciple. He was just a trainee and had no master, only a few instructors of his generation. Although he had taken the position of senior brother of the Dongxuanxian Sect, there was nothing Although I have many friends, I still sort out the Dongxuanxian Sect, and I even know that it will be difficult for me to go back in the future, because the Dongxuanxian Sect has sect rules, and disciples who leave are not allowed to come back.

Although this is to give the disciples a rarer opportunity to practice in the sect, it always makes Xu feel a little weird.

But the Yuding lineage is different. He is a direct disciple of the ancestor of Yuding. Several senior brothers are very good to him, especially several senior brothers from Daolu Palace, Taoist Lingyu, Gu Yangshen and others. Not only did they send their son to He became his disciple, helped him kill the seven-headed demon commander who coveted the Eastern Palace, and personally refined the Thousand Falcon Disk. Their friendship was extremely deep.

Xu took a long breath and said, "Yes, why won't I come back?"

Xu Zuo was in a low mood for a while, but finally regained his composure. He gave an order, and not long after, four disciples, Yu Qingyuan, Li Li, Fei Yan, and Zhou Shengyu, appeared in front of him.

After making an arrangement, he ordered: "You can go and take care of the refugees. If you are willing to stay, continue to rebuild the neighborhood. If you are not willing to stay, don't care about them. Let them fend for themselves."

Yu Qingyuan gave a clear whistle, called to the Qingtianque under his command, and went away happily.

Li Li and Fei Yan looked at each other, not knowing how to do this. They had only been apprentices for a short time, and they couldn't even fly away. They didn't have the ability to leave the East Palace. How could they complete their master's instructions?

Zhou Shengyu, on the other hand, after he paid his respects, he went back to his residence, called all the children under his command, and lifted the small cauldron with a pair of small hands. Suddenly, a small cauldron overflowed from his chest. He dragged the small cauldron back, He shouted: "You all come and gather the evil spirit energy into my little cauldron."

Zhou Shengyu was very skillful. He managed hundreds of children under him in just a few days. He tried to make hundreds of children have high and low cultivation levels, but they all had some level of cultivation. The magic power of hundreds of children gathered together, and Zhou Shengyu The small cauldron on the chest slowly exhaled a cloud of smoke, wrapped everyone up, and slowly flew off the ground.

Xu Lao also paid close attention to several of his disciples. Seeing that Zhou Shengyu could actually come up with this method, he couldn't help but secretly praise him, and suddenly thought: "The Yuanxiang Cauldron can evolve the innate elves, and all the disciples of this sect must also practice demon neural transformation. If I According to the changes in the celestial phenomena, will there be any other way to defeat the enemy?"

Xu thought for a while and came up with an idea, but Zhou Shengyu was not yet at the point where he could practice other methods as well, and his practice of Yuan Xiang Cauldron transformation was extremely superficial, and he didn't have that kind of skill.

Even though it only took him a few days, he had already condensed the Yuan Xiang Cauldron, and he was already a peerless genius, not even inferior to Xu who had obtained the Emperor's Flow Serum.

When Li Li and Fei Yan saw Zhou Shengyu actually gathering the strength of his children and flying out of the East Palace, they couldn't help but express envy and regret. Xu Lao couldn't help but smile when they saw them prostrate themselves in front of him without saying a word. , said: "I will lend you the Thousand Falcon Pan and the two Yunxi beasts for now, and hurry up and help me get things done."

Xu Le also wanted to take this opportunity to hone his disciples. Although apart from Yu Qingyuan, Li Li, Fei Yan, and Zhou Shengyu were all still young, it was at this age that they could easily accept all kinds of new things. The accumulated experience will benefit you throughout your life. (To be continued.)

ps: ps: I recommend a book, "The Silent Crown", which I just recommended. It's very good.

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