One Sword to Immortality

272. Lord of the Glorious World

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Xu Luo gave orders to his disciples, sealed the East Palace, and took Bai Qiulian with him to hunt down demons everywhere.

Although Gu Yangshen was promoted to the real person realm and teamed up with his senior brother Chi Jing Zhenren to capture the four demons, Demon Phoenix and Xuanchen, and scared away Demon Lord Dinghai and Zhiyin, there are still countless demons in the small Heaven is raging.

Even if you promise, you can't be a self-reliant man who only cares about your own Eastern Palace and doesn't care about other senior brothers' crises. Therefore, I brought along Bai Qiulian to contribute to Little Heavenly Court. But after all, the four demon kings could no longer do any harm, and with Chi Jing Zhenren and Guyang Shen taking action, Xu Liao knew there was no danger.

Guyang Shen has a very murderous nature. After being promoted to the realm of real people, Yuding's thirty-six transformations used unpredictable ghosts and gods to sweep across the sky. In more than ten days, he led the brothers from various heavenly palaces under Yuding's sect to wipe out the demon army. Clean.

Although Xu Luo was not able to do much, it was still hard work and he also took the opportunity to make friends with a few brothers and nephews from the same sect, which was not without gain.

After Gu Yangshen wiped out the demons in Xiaotianting, he reopened the Jade Cauldron Palace and summoned the second generation disciples of the Jade Cauldron lineage to form an alliance.

Chi Jingzhen was still suppressing Demon Phoenix and Demon Lord Xuanchen, so he did not show up. Only Guyang Shen was in charge of the overall situation.

Gu Yangshen's promotion to the real person realm can be said to be high-spirited. Unlike the Chi Jing Palace hosted by the real person Chi Jing, the Daolu Palace he presides over has twelve second-generation disciples of the Taoist realm. Now that he has been promoted to the real person, Daolu Palace The palace has suddenly become the largest force under the Yuding Sect, even surpassing the Chi Jing Palace.

Gu Yangshen sat on the golden plate, glanced at the brothers, laughed loudly, and shouted: "This time the four demon kings joined forces to overthrow my Yuding sect, but in the end it was just a delusion. Xuan Chen He Yaohuang was suppressed by the senior brother, and it only takes a hundred years to refine two treasures. Zhiyin and Dinghai are like bereaved dogs. Needless to say, our Yuding sect has gone through this training. Many people have made breakthroughs in cultivation, except for Several senior brothers and even three of the third-generation disciples have been promoted to the Taoist realm. There are actually forty-nine people in total, which coincides with the number of Dayan. It is really gratifying."

Xu Li couldn't help but blush, and thought to himself: "I didn't expect that in addition to all the senior brothers, even the three generations of nephews have reached four Taoist realms. But I am still in the demon king realm, which is really a bit shameful."

Guyang Shen paused for a moment and shouted: "Now that the demons in the Little Heavenly Court have been eliminated, the Great Heavenly Formation is about to be completed, and all the Heavenly Palaces will return to their respective places. According to the teacher's plan, I will re-divide the blocks under the jurisdiction of each Heavenly Palace. , if fellow brothers and sisters have any objections, you may wish to raise them on the spot."

Gu Yangshen waved his hand, and thirty haloes of light surrounded him. The various heavenly palaces in the small heavenly court evolved. These heavenly palaces are no longer the original fixed situation.

Rather, each heavenly palace has its own orbit. From the inside to the outside, it moves layer by layer, just like stars.

Xu Luo only glanced at it and said secretly: "Senior Brother Gu Yangshen is so domineering..."

Yuding Palace is firmly in the center, unshakable, and then there is Chijing Palace, which is closest to Yuding Palace. Beyond Chijing Palace is Daolu Palace, which occupies an area almost equal to that of Chijing Palace. Outside are the more powerful branches such as Yanxia Palace, and the area they occupy is much smaller. Up to the outermost layer is Xu's East Palace.

Guyang God reorganized various heavenly palaces. Let each heavenly palace have its own trajectory, and the management area is much larger than before. However, the areas under the jurisdiction of each heavenly palace are not equal in quality. The area occupied by the stronger one is larger, closer to the Jade Cauldron Palace, and the stronger one is closer to the Jade Cauldron Palace. The weaker one is further out and occupies less area.

Xu Luo didn't care where he was assigned. He was the weakest anyway, so he kept silent and did not express any dissatisfaction. However, a few second-generation disciples were quite dissatisfied and argued with reason. Gu Yangshen laughed. After breaking it down one by one, without using any means, he suppressed all the fellow disciples and established the newly changed rules.

What surprised Xu Liao was that the senior brothers were not arguing about who occupied more space. They all wanted to be closer to the Jade Cauldron Palace. Those senior brothers who were unwilling to give up their positions all reduced the allocated territory. After a while, almost no one wanted to expand.

In the end, except for the Jade Cauldron Palace, twenty-nine of the thirty heavenly palaces had shrunk their territory, and Xu Xu occupied the most space.

He is the outermost layer. Even if he wants to reduce his territory, he has no choice but to remain silent.

Gu Yangshen waited until all the brothers stopped arguing, and then said: "Junior brother agreed, he has a kind heart, and is the only one willing to take in the refugees. I suggest that all the brothers might as well give all the refugees to him, and give the little brother How about the territory occupied by junior brother is still called Glorious World?"

Xu Luo hurriedly declined, but the dozens of senior brothers who joined him all agreed unanimously, thinking that it would be best for Xu Luo to gather all the refugees and rebuild the glitzy world. Although he declined in every possible way, he could not refuse in the end. Under the push of Guyang Shen, he actually became the new Lord of the Glorious World. All the senior brothers were quite "loved to hear and see" this, and many people even disliked him. They all showed great appreciation, leaving him unable to refuse.

Xu Li now feels that gathering the refugees in the flashy world is a thankless task, but there are some things he has to do. If he doesn't do it, these refugees will have to wait to die. As a young man from a civilized society with an ordinary personality, I really can't bear to watch these people fend for themselves.

Gu Yangshen then set some new rules and then announced that the gathering was over. After all the other junior brothers had almost left, he smiled and asked Xu Xu, who had not yet left, "Do you want to go back, junior brother?" Going home?"

Xu was stunned, but then he was overjoyed and asked: "Senior Brother Gu Yangshen! Do you have a way to send me back?"

Gu Yangshen smiled and said: "The Little Heaven has now been opened, and the universe has been established. After I was promoted to the real person realm, my consciousness traveled all over the world, and I have found the location of the earth. It will not be difficult to send you back."

Xu Huanxi didn't know what to do. He turned dozens of somersaults and yelled a lot before he felt satisfied.

Gu Yangshen looked at him with a smile. After Xu Lei calmed down, he said: "Junior brother, when you go back to Earth, you will still be my disciple of Yuding. I have a few things to tell you. Are you willing to do it for me?" Do these things well?"

Xu replied without thinking: "Of course I am willing! The teacher taught me the magic and Taoism, so it is natural for me to help out!"

Guyang Shen laughed and said, "In that case, you can help our sect establish the sect's orthodoxy on earth!"

He was so surprised that he was speechless. (To be continued.)

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