One Sword to Immortality

274. The four major disciples of Chijing Palace

After waiting for Gu Yangshen to finish speaking, the junior disciples of the Yuding lineage dispersed one by one, and then he bowed and asked: "Senior Brother Gu Yangshen! Junior brother is ready. The person chosen by the unknown senior brother is again how?"

Gu Yangshen laughed and said, "You don't need to worry about me!"

Gu Yangshen made a casual move, and ten people came out from behind. He was familiar with Yin Suhua and Yang Banruo, needless to say, but four third-generation disciples attracted his attention.

There was faint flames flying around the body of the first person, and a portal appeared behind him. This person was practicing the Nantianmen in the six major real-person level transformations. This spiritual treasure can be transformed and cultivated, and countless heavenly soldiers and generals can be hidden in Nantianmen. The higher the cultivation level, the more heavenly soldiers and generals transformed by Nantianmen, and the stronger their strength. It is the third spiritual treasure of the Jade Cauldron lineage. Among the sixteen changes, it is the second change after Yuan Xiang Cauldron.

When the thirty-six transformations of Lingbao are at a shallow level, it is natural to transform all kinds of Lingbao in order to exert their power. When the cultivation level reaches a hundred feet, the spirit treasure changes and is separated from itself. The treasure is a treasure and the person is a person, but the power will not be reduced slightly. If you go one step further, it doesn't matter whether you change or not. Even the human body can exert the wonderful effects of various magic weapons. People are also treasures, and treasures are also people. This is the highest state of transformation of spiritual treasures.

Even if the realm is the same, if the spirit treasure changes to a level of refinement, the fighting ability will be nearly doubled.

This person obviously specializes in the transformation of the Nantian Gate, so he can manifest this treasure anytime and anywhere. There are countless auspicious clouds and mist around the Nantian Gate, and countless heavenly soldiers and generals as thin as mosquitoes and ants are walking through the clouds to protect this heavenly gate.

No one needed to tell me that this person must be Yang Shuhua, the eldest disciple of Zhenren Chi Jing. He was also the first disciple of the third generation, and the first disciple of the third generation to reach the Taoist realm.

Yang Shuhua, as the first person of the third generation under the Yuding sect, did not have any arrogance. He smiled and bowed respectfully, and called out: "Uncle Master!"

The three people around Yang Shuhua should all be his junior brothers, and one of them is tall. Like a human bear, his face is somewhat simple and honest, but his eyes sometimes sparkle. Quite cunning. He also called out to Yang Shuhua: "Uncle Master."

He also said with a smile: "My nephew heard that my uncle was going to take us to another world to establish a sect, and he was very yearning for it, so he asked the favor of my senior brother and joined in. I hope my uncle will do more in the future. Take care!"

Xu Lao smiled in surprise and thought to himself: "Senior Brother Gu Yangshen didn't force them?" Of course he would not expose this matter. He also laughed and said: "It hasn't been long since I became a disciple of Yuding, and I don't know all the senior brothers in the sect. I wonder if this nephew can introduce me to them and let me know who they are and what their abilities are? "

This big man who looks like a bear,

He laughed, pointed at Yang Shuhua and said: "This is the first of our three generations of disciples, Senior Brother Yang Shuhua. Even if you haven't heard of anyone else, my uncle must have heard of him."

After nodding his head, the giant man who looked like a human bear pointed at himself and said: "I am the third disciple of Master Chi Jing, my name is Tu Chisu! I am not very interested in the changes in the Jade Cauldron, and I am far inferior to the other senior brothers. He is born without the bloodline of an ancient great demon, and has no hard work on the demon nerves. He can only practice a method taught by ancient times. He is the best at strength and is proficient in the art of heaven, earth, and earth."

Xu was slightly surprised and thought of the golden chainmail. There are four sets of formations in the damaged golden chain armor, one of which is the Great Formation of Law, Heaven, Elephant and Earth. After he obtained this treasure, he hardly put it to use.

He had stolen this treasure. It was to cope with Sun Zhonghu's pursuit. When life and death were at stake, Xu Luo had to choose his own life. Later, as his cultivation increased, he forgot about this treasure, and even rarely used the mountain and sea stick.

Think of it now. He couldn't help but feel a little ashamed, and thought to himself: "I have no use for this treasure anymore, and Sun Zhonghu can't embarrass me anymore. Why not explain it to the elders after returning and return this treasure."

Tu Chisu pointed at the two junior brothers next to him and said: "Both of them have not been able to practice the Jade Cauldron transformation to the level of a senior brother. They both have cultivated the demonic nerves to break through to the Taoist realm. One of them has the ancient demonic beast Hunjin. One of Suanni’s bloodlines is the bloodline of an ancient stone demon. He refuses to tell anyone what his true identity is. Even I don’t know. I can ask, so that everyone can clear up their curiosity.”

Xu Liao is a modern person and respects other people's privacy. Although he is a little curious, he will never ask. He just smiles and gives up.

The two men each saluted. The man with the Golden Suan Ni bloodline had a square face, like a sculpture. He was a very stylish and beautiful man. He had a strong masculinity, but his attitude was quite gentle. He shouted: "Uncle Master! Disciple Jin Buli Greetings!"

The other man, who was thin but had a sharp aura, also cupped his hands with Xu and said, "Disciple Sun Shoujing has met my uncle!"

Tu Chisu chuckled and said: "The four of us are all disciples of Teacher Chi Jing, and we are called the four major disciples of Chi Jing Palace!" He stretched out his hand and pointed at the other four people. The cultivation of these four people are all at the level of Dayan Shi. The four major disciples of Zhenren Bichijing said: "None of them are the same master, but they are all disciples of Daolu Palace, and they are called the four major disciples of Daolu Palace."

The four major disciples of Chijing Palace are all in the Taoist realm, but the four major disciples of Daolu Palace are all in the Dayan realm. The faces of these four disciples of Daolu Palace are quite embarrassed.

Even if Guyang Shen breaks through to the realm of real people, the twelve Taoist priests in Daolu Palace are considered to be strong, but they are more than defeated by the three generations of disciples. Obviously, the foundation of Chijing Palace is still the first among Yuding Sect.

The four disciples of Daolu Palace also introduced themselves. The relationship between Daolu Palace and Xu Liao was closer than that of Chijing Palace. The teachers of these four disciples were all familiar with Xu Liao, and two of them were from Among the disciples of Taoist Lingyu, one is from Taoist Yuanjiu, and the other is from Taoist Beixiong.

If it were another situation, these four Jade Cauldron disciples in the Dayan realm would all be dazzling beings that no one would dare to look at. But at this moment, they have become the background of the four major disciples of Chi Jing Palace.

After the four major disciples of Daolu Palace also made introductions, Xu Luo suddenly remembered what he had just thought, casually took out the golden chain armor, and asked Guyang Shen: "Senior brother, can you help me cultivate this magic weapon to perfection? "

Xu Luo wanted to return the golden chain armor, thinking that he should make some compensation for keeping it in his hands for so long. Guyang Shen is the best in the Jade Cauldron sect in refining treasures. Now he has broken through to the realm of a real person. Naturally, he has made a hundred steps forward. It should not be difficult to repair this magic weapon. (To be continued.)

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