One Sword to Immortality

275. 10 magical powers

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Gu Yangshen couldn't help but raise his eyebrows when he saw the golden chain armor, and asked in surprise: "How could this treasure be in the hands of junior brother?"

He promised the origin of the golden chain armor, briefly talked about it, and asked: "Senior brother, do you know this set of armor? Can you help me repair it?"

Guyang Shen sighed slightly and said, "Why don't you know this? Our Jade Cauldron sect also contributed to refining this treasure. Teacher, Senior Brother, and I all participated in the refining."

Xu Liao was greatly surprised and asked, "Does this treasure actually have such an origin? Shouldn't it be regarded as belonging to our sect?"

Gu Yangshen shook his head and sighed: "Our Jade Cauldron Sect has done a lot of work in refining this golden chain armor, but it is not considered a property of our sect. This treasure belongs to thousands of immortals in the ancient heaven. In order to congratulate the prince, was born, a congratulatory gift. The project used to refine this set of golden chain armor is extremely huge. Thousands of immortals and gods worked together to turn the ten magical powers of heaven into ten sets of formations and refine them into it. Even without half of the magic power, as long as you wear This treasure can also be used to control the world.

Xu You heard some clues and couldn't help but ask: "Are the teacher and several senior brothers from the ancient heaven?"

Gu Yangshen sighed and said calmly: "The history of the Jade Cauldron Sect is complicated. There are remnants of the ancient demon clan from the Heavenly Court, veterans from the ancient Heavenly Court, and even demonic monks from the Battle of Conferring Gods and the Battle of Immortal Demon Burning. Teacher and I They are all veterans of the ancient heaven, but they were all framed and fell into the devil's prison..."

Gu Yangshen didn't want to say more about what happened back then, and finally shook his head and said: "Senior brother, I don't have the ability to repair this treasure, but I can analyze the formations in it and transform it into ten magical powers for you to practice on your own. "

Tu Chisu practiced the magical powers of Law, Heaven, Elephant and Earth. Hearing this, he exclaimed in surprise: "The ten magical powers of the ancient heaven are said to be more powerful than the demon nerves. Our Jade Cauldron Palace also has the two most popular ones. Could it be that this golden... Can the tacky armor restore the full picture of the ten magical powers?"

Gu Yangshen did not answer him, but two dazzling lights suddenly appeared in his eyes, and the golden chain armor was illuminated by the two mirror lights. 【ㄨ】Countless talismans flew out immediately.

These talismans continued to gather together under the light of the Dingxuan Mirror. The first thing to take shape was an umbrella cover with eight real dragons coiled around it. He is born with immeasurable majesty, has infinite magic power, creates invincible opportunities, and creates boundless vastness.

When this umbrella cover is born, there is a fragrance and mist. There are auspicious clouds, mist and dew, flowers falling from the sky, and purple air and glow.

With a move of his hand, this seed talisman, one of the ten magical powers of the ancient heaven, was placed between the eyebrows. This magical power is called "Eight Dragons and Elephants", and its power can overpower the true dragon transformation of the ancient demon clan.

Specializing in restraining the ancient stone demon clan, it was obviously created by the Heavenly Court of the ancient demon clan.

Xu Liao didn't know what level of cultivation the powerful man who created this method had reached, to the point where he was so overbearing and unparalleled. Fearless, the Xuanjin Iron Wire shrank into a ball and did not make any specific response.

The seeds of the eight dragon-elephant supernatural powers entered the body, and a moment later, four more gates were born, protected by countless golden-armored gods, all as thin as mosquitoes and ants, each riding a blue dragon, a white elephant, a roc and a phoenix, holding countless swords, forming a military formation. . There is a vague and infinite majesty, which makes people involuntarily awe-inspiring.

Guyang Shen said calmly: "This is the ancient magical power of Zhoutian Sacrifice. Our sect's jade cauldron transformed into the Nantianmen evolved from this method. It is also one of the only two remaining magical powers in our sect."

Only then did Xu realize that Zhoutian Sacrifice actually had such an origin. When he thought that this method was actually the source of Nantianmen, and it must still be more powerful than Nantianmen, he couldn't help but feel happy.

Guyang's magical power changed, and he quickly pulled out another magical seed talisman. This magical seed is like a chicken egg, mixed into heaven and earth. It can be as large or small as you like and can expand and contract freely.

Tu Chisu screamed in surprise and shouted: "The magic of heaven and earth! It's actually better than the magical power I have cultivated..."

God Gu Yang extracted the magical power of the law, heaven, elephant and earth, and it was the turn of all transformations to return to their true form. This ball of magical seeds turned into a five-color halo, and all transformations and magical powers were self-sufficient. Six and a half of the ten sets of formation diagrams in the golden chain armor collapsed, and the return of all transformations was not complete. However, the light of Gu Yang Shen Dingxuan mirror changed, and I don’t know what skills he exerted. This five-color aperture has talismans that are alive and well. The information is gradually being replenished.

Xu Zuo secretly admired in his heart that Senior Brother Gu Yangshen was so capable, and also thought to himself: "I'm afraid that our Jade Cauldron lineage also has some remaining magical methods from the ten ancient heavenly courts, but they are not complete. Senior Brother has seen them, so can we Complete all transformations and return to true nature.”

Gu Yangshen spent a day and night to successfully deduce the return of all transformations, and then interestingly deduce the remaining six magical powers. However, this time he failed to deduce all of them. Four of them failed to be deduced, and only two of them were deduced. Sixty-seven The points turned into a stick and a sword, and fell into Xu Liao's sea of ​​consciousness.

Gu Yangshen took away his magical power and returned the golden chain armor to Xu. His face was slightly pale, but he couldn't suppress his excitement. After giving this junior a few words, he hurriedly activated the Jade Cauldron Palace and the Ancient Gold Plate. A passage was opened.

Although Xu had obtained six magical seeds, it would be easy to practice in the future, but he always felt that something was not quite right.

The joy on Gu Yangshen's face always made him feel that he had done something wrong.

Xu Zuo finally shook his head and said to himself: "It's not my turn to take care of these things, just let him be!"

Among the people, Xu Lao has a higher cultivation level than Bai Qiulian and Yin Suhua. He is one of the only three demon kings in the team. The other nine are either Dayan or Taoist realm, and each of them is higher than He is brilliant. Therefore, as soon as he escaped from the light, he was protected by the magic power of Yang Shuhua and other four major disciples of Chi Jing Palace.

Yang Shuhua transformed into a Nantian Gate, collected everyone in the portal, shouted, and broke into the void passage.

Gu Yangshen supported them for four or five hours, until he could no longer sense the aura of the group and knew that they had gone deep into the void and that it would be useless to maintain the passage, so he withdrew his magic power.

Guyang Shen looked at the void, laughed, and flipped his hand. Ten rays of light flowed in his hand. They turned out to be the seeds of the ten magical powers of the ancient heaven. He analyzed six of the ten magical powers and taught them to Xu. Of course, he I also got a glimpse of the mystery.

Guyang Shen looked at the seeds of the ten magical powers and said to himself: "Although I have not been able to use all the powers, it is only because of the lack of time. If I am given hundreds of years, I will definitely be able to use all the ten magical powers." Let's deduce it. With the seeds of the ten magical powers of the ancient heaven, maybe I can also advance to the realm of immortals."

When Guyang Shen said this, he couldn't help but sigh again and murmured to himself: "I just don't know how many years will pass before I can break through to the immortal realm, whether it will be a hundred thousand years, or endless... "(To be continued.)

PS: ps: During the Chinese New Year period, subscriptions are dropped quite hard. Tomorrow is the 15th. I wish you all a happy reunion and help me refill a few subscriptions. Thanks...

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