One Sword to Immortality

276. Return from the Demon Suppressing World

Xu Luo hid in the virtual world transformed by Yang Shuhua's Nantianmen, and secretly admired in his heart that this nephew was worthy of being the first person in the third generation of the Yuding sect. His magic power was so powerful that when he was on earth, he had never seen anyone who could do it. A comparable person.

The Jade Cauldron lineage is the best at fighting, and the cultivation methods of disciples at the same level are much better than those of the Eighteen Immortals Sect and Ten Thousand Demons Association on Earth.

As for the four major legions, Xu is inferior to the Eighteen Immortals Sect and Ten Thousand Demons Society anyway, so there is no point in comparing them.

He secretly thought in his heart: "Just these few nephews are almost enough to rival the lower thirteen sects of the Eighteen Immortal Sects. Even if they are not as many as they are, their magical power will definitely win. The upper five sects Yuanshi Sect and West Kunlun If there are real people sitting in charge, they will definitely be incomparable. There are eleven real people in Shinhwa, so they are probably a little inferior. Yaochi and the Changsheng Sect will have to fight to find out, but I don’t have to fight with these sects..."

Xu had never thought about how to establish a sect, but when he thought about it, he couldn't do it within a few years. He had to plan for hundreds of years. There was no need for hundreds of years of planning now. Worrying too much.

Yang Shuhua shouted loudly, and his eyes suddenly shone brightly. He finally found the real way out among the layers of void with the help of that wisp of energy induction.

Another long flag appeared behind Yang Shuhua, shook it, shattered the void, and opened a passage. At the end of this passage, a blue planet is faintly visible, full of vitality and energy.

Xu Liao was in the Nantian Gate and sensed the changes in the outside atmosphere. He couldn't help but stand up and was very excited. Yang Shuhua said warmly: "Uncle, don't worry, my nephew has already found his way out!"

Yang Shuhua moved forward, crossing hundreds of millions of miles in one step, and the void outside him shook. Make a rumbling sound.

Xu Liao now has some understanding of the world he lives in. The endless void is layered on top of each other, like a maze. Ordinary people are not allowed to enter at all, even those with extraordinary cultivation. As long as one is not proficient in void spells, or has not yet reached the level of being able to contact the void, he can only sense the endless solid wall and cannot peek into the secret realm of the void at all.

Only those who have sufficient cultivation and are proficient in the secret techniques of the void can break through the void and create indescribable and indescribable things. The barrier that is neither false nor empty, indescribable, and real, opens the door, wanders through the realm of void, reaches extremely remote places, or goes to places that ordinary people cannot go at all.

Ordinary people look up at the stars in the universe and can only see a void of space. However, only those who have sufficient cultivation and are proficient in the secrets of the void can see countless gaps in the void. Sensing the storm in the void, I know that there are countless channels in nothingness.

Even though the technology of humans on earth has not yet reached this point, some scientists have speculated that this situation exists.

And named it "wormhole", "dimension" and so on.

Xu Liao didn't know where on earth he set off from before arriving at the Demon Prison. He also didn't know where the Little Heaven that was split off from the Demon Prison was located or in what dimension. He didn't even know how far the Little Heaven was from the Earth. describe.

A science fiction writer once described the universe in terms of positive and negative space. From positive space to negative space, one can reach tens of thousands of light-years away in a moment. However, this description is obviously very rough and cannot describe the complex universe.

Yang Shuhua continuously used the two world flags to change, but the aura of the earth was sometimes strong. Sometimes misty, the blue planet seems not far away. But nothing can close the distance.

Yang Shuhua had already exerted all his strength, and there was no room left. Even if the three newly promoted Taoist realms, Tu Chisu, Jin Buli, and Sun Shoujing, are not proficient in the changes of the banners of the two realms, they cannot help the senior brother. They can only work with the seven disciples of Daolu Palace, Xu Liao and Bai Qiulian. .

Xu Zuo's heart suddenly shook, and an extremely familiar aura suddenly appeared. This aura was as deep as the sea, as thick as a mountain, and full of evil, weird, weird, vicious, chaotic... and other negative auras. It was the remaining negative aura. Descend to the fourteenth floor of the devil's prison.

Xu Liao exclaimed: "Master Yang Shuhua's nephew, be careful of being attracted by the aura of the devil's prison!"

Yang Shuhua shouted loudly and suddenly withdrew the transformation of Nantianmen. His whole body turned into a long banner, sweeping all twelve people. It was like a projectile in the void, moving uncertainly. It was unknown how much time passed before the boom. With a sound, a layer of void barrier was broken and fell into a world.

Xu Luo was the first one to jump out of the two world flags. He looked at it carefully and couldn't help but feel surprised and happy. He shouted: "It's the Demon Suppressing Monument! We are indeed back."

Yang Shuhua transformed into a human body again, with a pale face. He sat upright on the ground and tried his best to regulate the chaotic magic power. Without this third-generation disciple of the Jade Cauldron Sect, Xu Liao would never have been able to return to Earth with his own magic power.

Xu looked at the endless desolation of the Demon Suppressing World and the Grand Canyon in the distance. Places that he once thought did not look like the earth, now looked very friendly.

The virtual world cut out by hundreds of demon-suppressing monuments, commonly known as the demon-suppressing realm, is still a part of the demon prison, but it has passages connected to the human world. As long as you find the subway station dedicated to monsters, you can return to the familiar city and see Familiar people are simply too good to be nice.

Xu Li gave a long laugh, and his whole body and mind felt happy. He waited for Yang Shuhua to finish adjusting his breath, and then he said loudly: "You are not from this world, so you can't just appear in front of everyone. Master nephews, can you Changed, let me hide in the Small Universe?"

Yang Shuhua said calmly: "Of course we will follow uncle's instructions."

Xu laughed and grabbed it casually. Each of the four major disciples of Chijing Palace transformed into a magic weapon, which he put away. The seven major disciples of Daolu Palace also changed immediately. Only Yu Qingyuan lowered his bird head, very surprised. Reluctantly, but can only be included in the Small Universe.

Xu Luo accepted the eleven third-generation disciples of Yuding's sect, and then he held hands with Bai Qiulian and said, "Let's go find the place where we came from."

Bai Qiulian smiled. She was extremely satisfied at this moment and felt that happiness was overflowing from her chest.

The demon-suppressing world is not that big. Both Xu Liao and Bai Qiulian have been promoted to demon kings. They flew with the escape light for two or three hours before determining their location. In half a day, they saw the base established by the Eighteen Immortals Sect and the Ten Thousand Demons Association.

There is a dark cave between the two lonely peaks. A railway track extends from one cave and submerges into the other cave, but there is no subway running in this time.

There were more than ten campsites near the subway station. Xu Xu and the others stayed there for one night and did not explore all the campsites.

What made Xu Lingxu strange was that outside the camp where they came, there were more than ten wooden stakes erected, and more than ten people were hung on them. These people must have been tortured. Except for one lone demon, the rest were all It's the human race... (To be continued.)

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