Chen Jing was extremely surprised. Of course he would not strictly abide by the rules. The kind of idiot who could only do one thing and one thing and two things and still only knew how to do things according to the original template when the situation changed slightly would never be able to practice to the level he is. realm.

If the conditions were right, Chen Jing wouldn't mind taking Xu Le's life, but after several attempts, the inner demonic power was defeated by Xu Le's casual slap before he could even touch it.

After a few seemingly meaningless false shots, all his attempts were blocked by accident.

Of course Chen Jing wouldn't think this was a coincidence, he thought to himself: "Could it be that Xu can actually see through my inner demons?"

Xin Mo Wan Huan pays attention to "analyzing the human heart and supreme will" and will not fight head-on with others. Chen Jing failed to test it, so of course he will not be reckless. He laughed and said: "You can't even find my true body now. There’s nothing to fight! Let’s meet with Long Hua.”

After a little exposure, he naturally had a way to find out Chen Jing's true identity. The transformation of the Dingxuan Mirror can defeat all illusions, but he didn't want to expose his ability to keep things under control. In addition to the transformation of the Dingxuan Mirror, he also had other abilities. It just happened that at this moment, the monster-only subway pulled into the platform.

After a slight hesitation, Xu gave up the idea of ​​having a fight with Chen Jing. After all, he had stayed in the devil prison for too long, and he was still more anxious to go home.

Chen Jing watched Xu and his group get on the subway from afar. He couldn't help but frown slightly and said to himself: "It's not surprising that this kid can break through the Demon King level in the Demon Prison, but how could he?" Breaking through to the peak of the Demon King in a short period of time? This is almost completely impossible..."

Although Chen Jing thought about what he knew, he couldn't imagine what method Xu Luo used to break through to the peak of the Demon King in such a short period of time. But after all, he was a disciple of the Changsheng Sect and lived in a world where monsters were rampant. If you cannot accept even this, you will be like the "low-brained people" in the human world who often exclaim that it is impossible.

He looked thoughtfully at the monster-only subway that slowly started to move away from the platform. Suddenly he smiled softly and said to himself: "Although your strength has improved beyond expectations. But at the Longhua Conference, I will give you a special surprise, which will be very, very special!"

Chen Jing waved his hand, and his figure disappeared. His true body was actually still a few kilometers away, but it was just the magic power of his heart that moved through the air. Xu Luo couldn't find his true body just now, and it wasn't because the secret technique he used wasn't powerful enough. But it was a miscalculation of the scope of exploration. Inner Demon Wanhuan is a secret method that uses magic power to change the enemy's mental consciousness from a distance. It is so magical that it is difficult for ordinary people to fathom it.

Bai Xianji also fought against Chen Jing at the Longhua Conference. The Qiankun Sword in his sleeve that he was proud of could not find its target at all. Chen Jing did not even need to use illusions to lure him to release the accumulated sword energy. , directly attacking his spiritual consciousness with the power of inner demons,

He defeated it easily.

certainly. This is not because the Qiankun Sword in his sleeve cannot be used, but because there is a difference in cultivation between Bai Xianji and Chen Jing. If Bai Xianji can also condense more than thirty Gang Veins. It was the turn of the Everlasting Twin Dragons to let him walk.

Tiangang warriors or Demon King levels must condense thirty-six Gang veins. If one Gang pulse is missing, the strength will be greatly reduced. If there is more than ten Gang pulses missing, there is basically no chance of fighting. Unless one party has top-notch secret techniques to reverse the situation. The difference in demonic energy.

Xu Luo buried himself on the sofa on the subway, sighed with contentment, and immediately rang the bell to call the dining car and asked the dining car to deliver fifty meals.

Bai Qiulian felt the same as Xu Liao, crossing his fingers. He placed it on his lower abdomen and closed his eyes. It seems that I am feeling this peaceful atmosphere and experiencing the beauty of the ordinary.

Bai Xuanzai is still with Cui Yingni. As the most outstanding man in the Bai family, although his cultivation is not as good as Cui Ying's, his achievements and status will surely increase in the future. Cui Ying is also very happy to have such a little boyfriend. After all, Bai Xuan is playful and interesting.

Shiji was still the same as before, and no one could tell what this West Kunlun disciple was thinking.

But Ren Lingxuan... As a girl, she was keenly aware of the changes in the relationship between Xu Liao and Bai Qiulian. Although Xu Liao did not have any intimate behavior with Bai Qiulian in public, some small details could not be hidden from others. She really wanted to know what happened in the devil's prison.

Ren Lingxuan already had some feelings for Xu. This time during the Seven-Day War, Xu Zuo broke up for everyone. If Zeng could save Ren Lingxuan and break through the last layer of the little fox's heart barrier, she would not be willing to lose to Bai Qiulian. .

Xu Lio closed his eyes, but his spiritual sense, which was many times more sensitive than before, was able to sense that this monster-only subway was breaking through the space shield and returning to normal time and space.

Xu Liao couldn't help but secretly admire the wisdom of the man who originally designed the monster-only subway.

Xu Liao is also proficient in the changes in the flags of the two realms, and also knows the secrets of the void. The principle of the monster-only subway is not a secret to him now, but he cannot come up with such an idea that is beyond the times.

Xu Leo was also slightly curious and thought to himself: "I don't know how many secrets the Ten Thousand Monsters Association hides. It's a pity that my status is too low and there is no way to pry into the core secrets of this huge monster organization. If there is a chance, I can know the secrets of the Ten Thousand Demons Association." The top secret, I might be able to learn a lot about ancient things."

Xu Liao originally had no interest in such ancient things, but now he has the mission of establishing a sect of the Yuding lineage on the earth. It seems that many people under the Yuding sect have been framed. If he can't figure out who they are, If you have a grudge against Yuding, you will easily fall into other people's schemes and traps.

You know, monsters are long-lived species. Maybe the big monsters who have a grudge against the Yuding sect are still living in a corner of the world. This kind of hatred will not disappear with the passage of time. This is the worst thing. A grudge.

Xu Zuo's spiritual sense suddenly lightened, and then he felt the normal time and space, and knew that he and his group had returned to the earth. Although this monster-only subway was still running in a special virtual world, it was finally home. , the demon-suppressing world does not belong to the earth, and there is still no "home" there.

Xu Luo opened his eyes, and just as the conductor delivering the food was knocking on the door outside, he smiled slightly and pushed open the door of the carriage from a distance.

The six people in the box had all been in a place lacking daily necessities for a long time, and none of them had tasted earth's delicacies. Everyone showed excitement, and soon the fifty portions of food provided by the food truck were all divided up, and they were all useless. Within a few minutes, it was all in everyone’s stomach.

Xu Liu threw the lunch box in his hand back to the dining car and let out a strange cry of satisfaction. He finally felt like he was back to life. (To be continued.)

ps: ps: Yesterday the Qidian author backend was revised, and then the chapter I published in the new backend dropped 2,677 subscriptions. Now I am crying and asking for comfort from monthly votes and recommendation votes.

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