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Xu Leo is a young man who just graduated from junior high school and has not yet entered high school. After staying in a place like the Demon Prison for a long time, he often feels that he is an "ancient person" from hundreds of years ago, and now he has regained his youthful vitality.

Xu Lio opened a can of Coke, drank it all in one gulp, and shouted with satisfaction: "I finally feel like a human being!"

Shi Ji said coldly: "You are cultivating monster energy, so you can only be considered a monster."

Xu smiled and said nonchalantly: "I still feel more like a human being." He jumped up in amusement, smiled at everyone with his hands on his hips: "Don't you notice any changes in me?"

Bai Xuanzai stayed for a moment and whispered: "It seems to be funnier than before."

Cui Ying covered her mouth and smiled, and Yingying said: "It seems that the mood has never been stable, moody and angry, and very childish."

Ren Lingxuan rolled her eyes, smiled slightly and said, "I feel more manly..."

Xu Luo couldn't help but shout: "Didn't you realize that I have been promoted to Demon King?"

Bai Xuanzai was surprised and asked, "What's worth mentioning?"

Shi Ji and Cui Ying nodded together, as if they agreed that this matter was not worth mentioning at all. Ren Lingxuan chuckled, knowing that everyone was joking with Xu Liao.

Xu had a strong aura before and seemed ready to fall out with others at any time, but just now his whole temperament changed. Although this change was too strange, everyone was happy to see it.

Xu Luo spread his hands, made a helpless expression, and shouted: "Do you often see people promoted to Demon King? I am promoted to Demon King! I am not a Breakthrough Tiangang Shi."

Bai Xuanzai picked his ears and sneered, "It's as if I'm not cultivating demon energy and haven't broken through the demon king."

Xu thought for a while and then glanced at Cui Ying. Cui Ying smiled and said: "I have lived for hundreds of years. I have seen more than a dozen promoted demon kings. This kind of thing is really important to Sister Cui. Not very new.”

He promised and made a sound. Instead of showing off his promotion, he pulled Bai Qiulian and Ren Lingxuan to start playing games. The props for the game are still provided by Bai Xuan.

Xu Li set foot on the road home, feeling full of energy and high interest all over his body. He played more than ten games with Bai Qiulian and Ren Lingxuan, and still worked tirelessly, but Bai Qiulian and Ren Lingxuan couldn't stand him.

They declined the invitation to fight one after another and returned to their seats. Take a nap with your eyes closed.

Cui Ying had been abused by him, so she naturally didn't want to find any more pleasure. Bai Xuanzai had no intention of playing at all. Shi Ji didn't like to play games at first glance, so he could only give up in frustration and closed his eyes in his seat. repose.

The monster-only subway soon entered Beidu City. Xu Zuo chose to get off at Yaohuai Street, but only Bai Qiulian and Ren Lingxuan were with him. Cui Ying and Bai Xuan were there, and Shi Ji was on Luoyang Street. Go down. Because Cui Ying and Shi Ji both live in Luoyang Street.

Xu Zuo had not been to Yaohuai Street for a long time, but he did not go to Zhao Yanqin and brought Bai Qiulian and Ren Lingxuan into Tiandi Garden.

Xu has now become Wu Xia A Meng. His understanding of Tiandi Garden is far better than before. If he had enough time, he could even refine Tiandi Garden into a magic weapon like the Thousand Falcon Plate. But Xu Luo never thought about renovating Tiandi Garden himself. Instead, he transformed Yang Shuhua, Tu Chisu, Jin Buli, Sun Shoujing and Yang Prajna. Yin Su, Hua Yu, Qingyuan and others were released.

Ren Lingxuan didn't expect that Xu Luo would have so many people with her. She covered her mouth to prevent herself from screaming in surprise.

Ren Lingxuan's first reaction was. Xu Leo has become a demon and brought back the most powerful demon...

The little fox of the Ren family shuddered at the thought of being surrounded by more than a dozen powerful demons. She knew what Xu Zuo was capable of. The auras of these people released by Xu Zuo were so powerful that she couldn't even guess what state they were in. Ren Lingxuan I almost thought that I was bound to die, and that I would even suffer the most cruel torture in the world.

Bai Qiulian knew what Ren Lingxuan was thinking in his heart, so he chuckled and said, "Senior Sister Ren, don't worry, we are not demons, nor have we been possessed by demons. These people are from Little Heaven, they are the nephews of Xu's newly apprenticed disciples, and they want to be on earth. Start a sect."

Ren Lingxuan looked at Bai Qiulian carefully for a while, then looked at Xu carefully for a while, and then carefully observed the eleven disciples of the Yuding Sect for a while, and finally convinced that none of them were possessed by the devil. It is promised that what they are cultivating is demonic energy, but Bai Qiulian and Yuding's disciples are all cultivating auras, which are not contaminated by any demonic energy and are pure and clear. This is something that cannot be faked.

Ren Lingxuan breathed a sigh of relief and asked, "How come Xu Luo has a new disciple? He should be a disciple of our Dongxuanxian Sect!"

Xu Liao said helplessly: "This is not up to me. At that time, I really thought that I would never come back. I have to ask Senior Sister Ren to keep this matter secret and not to reveal that they came back with me."

Xu Luo didn't hide it from Ren Lingxuan because he thought he could handle the matter. Even if Ren Lingxuan leaked it to him, it would be a little troublesome at best and would not cause any serious harm.

Although the Yuding sect has strange origins, everyone practices spiritual energy. Even if you want to slander them as demons, it is impossible.

Yang Shuhua saluted him. Although he was promised to be admitted to the Small Universe, he was still a master of the Taoist Realm. He also noticed the changes in the outside world and asked: "Uncle Master, will we live here in the future?"

After nodding his head, Yang Shuhua said lightly: "In this case, I wonder if my uncle can allow my nephews to make some modifications to make this virtual world more livable?"

Xu Liohun said nonchalantly: "I have cooperation with people outside. Some things are commodities that need to be sold for money. These things cannot be moved. Other changes are up to you."

After Xu mentioned a few taboos, he left the eleven disciples of the Yuding Sect behind. He came out of Tiandi Garden, left Yaohuai Street, a small street where monsters lived, and stepped into the prosperous world of humans.

It was as if the world had never changed, and there were no special changes due to Xu Zuo's departure and return.

Xu Zuo stretched and said to the two girls beside him: "I want to go home, but I can't take you with me. Let's make an appointment to meet somewhere tomorrow."

Xu Luo's relationship with Bai Qiulian had long been established, but he thought with his toes that it was impossible to bring the Bai family girl back to see her mother-in-law, otherwise "big things" would happen.

Anyway, as long as he has a few more years, he can legitimately have a girlfriend, and his mother will not care about it, so why bother asking for trouble?

As for Ren Lingxuan, I really don’t know how to thank Xu Zuozhen. Without Ren Lingxuan, he wouldn’t be able to form a team to participate in the Seven-Day War, but he would never be able to develop further with Ren Lingxuan. He is not so stupid now. He would have seen it a long time ago. Ren Lingxuan's attitude towards her was different after she came out. (To be continued.)

ps: ps: Subscriptions plummeted, and I was really in a bad mood. Fortunately, only one chapter had a problem. Two hundred and eighty-one has been restored. I asked several authors but no one came across it. It seems that God is jealous of Yingcai, and even God is jealous. I'm too handsome, so I'll be fooled if I continue to ask for monthly tickets.

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