One Sword to Immortality

282. Xu Le’s daily life

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Bai Qiulian smiled and left on his own, dragging Ren Lingxuan away before leaving. The Bai family also had property in Beidou City, so they didn't have to worry about where to live.

She also knew that when she agreed to let herself be with Ren Lingxuan, she just hoped that she could explain things to him clearly. This is not because Xu Xu wants to shirk responsibility, but this way will be less damaging to Ren Lingxuan's face, and there is no need to speak clearly. It is the most tactful and decisive.

Before leaving, Bai Qiulian gave her a look that said: "I'll help you separate Senior Sister Ren this time, but you can do it yourself next time."

After clasping his hands together and making a gesture of gratitude, Bai Qiulian pulled Ren Lingxuan away.

Finally, he was alone. He promised to take a leisurely stroll to the car. After more than ten minutes, he finally arrived at the downstairs of his house.

When he opened the door with the key, the door was pushed open forcefully. When Xu Liao's mother saw her son coming home, she couldn't help but started to scold him.

Because he stayed in the Demon Prison, he came home a few days late, delaying school and registration, which made Xu Ling's mother very angry. This scolding lasted for more than an hour, but the worry contained in it was also self-evident. , the deep maternal love is very heart-warming.

Xu Luo naturally had a lot of excuses, and soon made his mother happy. He even prepared a small gift, which he bought at the Xixuan Cave of the Bai family. There were many twists and turns and stories for this gift. But of course Xu Luo couldn't tell the truth, and ended up saying that it was something he bought on the road.

This gift was not expensive, but it was very thoughtful. Xu's mother immediately became much happier. After her son came home, her heart dropped, and she couldn't help but think about another thing, and she couldn't care less about letting her son rest. , urging him to report to school immediately.

Although Xu Lio wanted to rest at home for a few days, he couldn't bear his mother's urging, so he could only take the admission notice and leave the house again.

It's a bit funny to say that, but I didn't expect that with my current wealth and status, I would have magical powers in martial arts. He was actually forced to go to school by his mother.

He originally wanted to go to the High School Affiliated to Beidu Normal University because of Qu Lei, but now the situation has changed too much. After various things, he and Bai Qiu have become a couple. There is no reason to go to school anymore.

The High School Affiliated to Beidu Normal University is located outside the Fourth Ring Road. Although it is one of the best high schools in Beidu City, it is not in the city center. There are no stops on the subway dedicated to monsters, so you can only take transportation in the human world.

Xu promised to change the subway twice. I also took another bus and walked for ten minutes.

It took a full two hours to arrive at the gate of this high school.

Xu Liao found excuses on the way to convince himself that he could accept his upcoming high school career.

In fact, this is not an excuse, but Xu Zuo has really encountered many problems. He has seen the flashy world in the Sixteenth Level Demon Prison, and has also personally managed a neighborhood with a population of more than one million in Xiaotianting. Many problems cannot be solved by force. solve.

If his goal in life is just to be a peerless strong man, then it would be a bit vulgar and uneducated. No big deal. But if he still wants to be a "winner in life" instead of being the brainless "stupid" he is often played by others, in addition to his strength, he also needs to have considerable wisdom.

No matter how powerful the demon clan’s martial arts, immortal magic, etc. are, it is impossible to solve all problems. If powerful power can solve everything, the ancient demon clan’s heaven will not fall, and the ancient heaven will not collapse because of the rebellion of traitors. Many people in the world Nothing will happen as a matter of course.

Although human school is not the most efficient shortcut, it is the most convenient path.

Xu looked at the gate of the High School Affiliated to Beidu Normal University. After watching it for a long time, I looked very seriously. Finally, I suddenly smiled softly and said to myself: "I can't be an uneducated person. The accumulation of knowledge is essential. With money and power, you can People who neglect reading are very easy to be labeled with various negative labels. The most important thing is that such people can't even hear when others scold them, and they are still complacent. I don't want to be such a person."

Xu has even thought about the major he wants to take into college after high school.

He needs the knowledge to easily manage a population of more than a million, or even manage a sect, and the experience to deal with complex environments; he also needs the freedom and ease to navigate among countless old foxes with far-reaching plans, so that his life can be relaxed and comfortable, not tiring. Just like a bulldog planning long-range, thousands of years of human financial and management knowledge are his indispensable needs.

It is not the time for school now, it is almost noon, and the school door is firmly closed.

Of course there was a way to make the promise. He did not use any unconventional means, but honestly handed the admission notice to the concierge, and fabricated a not very lame reason: his grandmother was critically ill and he wanted his only grandson. Accompany... I waited until my grandma passed away before coming to school...

Xu Liao is from a single-parent family and has never met any relatives on her father's side, so she doesn't feel any pressure using this excuse. The concierge was moved to tears. Not only did he open the door for him and showed him how to get to the Academic Affairs Office, he also told him that if he had anything to do, he could come to him. His surname was Qin!

Xu Lio took the admission notice and went straight to the Academic Affairs Office. He still used this reason to deceive the teacher in the Academic Affairs Office into tears. He quickly arranged classes and dormitories for him. Only then did Xu Lio find out that Beidu The High School Affiliated to Normal University is actually a boarding school.

With his original academic performance, he couldn't get into this high school at all, so he didn't pay attention to the situation of this high school. The boarding system made him very embarrassed, which meant that he had no personal space at all.

This school is too far from the city, and it is not suitable for students to travel back and forth every day. The school has a boarding system for the sake of the students. The original site of Beidu Normal University was in the city center. Later, when the school expanded, it moved to a more remote plot outside the Fourth Ring Road. Although the new school site is a little more remote, the school area has expanded more than ten times. Not only the university campus has been relocated, but the affiliated high school has also been relocated.

Xu Luo had no choice but to run around the campus, pay tuition, get half-enrollment, and receive various supplies. It was not until the afternoon that he officially became a student of this high school.

He was carrying a bunch of things, and when he was led to the classroom by his class teacher, he had a huge "confusion" written on his face. He looked like a child who ran out to go to school in a remote mountainous area, and he didn't look like a local at all.

When the head teacher introduced himself to him, he also told the lie he told. This story was very tear-jerking. You could see obvious tears in the corners of the eyes of several female classmates. As for the faces of male classmates, There are so many expressions of disapproval on it, and it’s clear that this story has a clear target audience.

Xu Liao secretly muttered: "Judging from readers' feedback, I am quite qualified to write for women's videos, but I don't have enough grasp of the appetite of male readers!" (To be continued.)

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