Xu Xu reported it several days late, and did not know many things. His three roommates were all famous figures among the freshmen, and they attracted a lot of attention within a few days. They even got an award because their last names all started with the letter x. 3x nickname. 【..】

Xiao Anan, like Xu Liao, is a member of the basketball team of the High School Affiliated to Beidu Normal University. It is said that he originally lived in the United States and developed his basketball skills on the other side of the ocean. When he plays, he is not only handsome and good-looking, but also has various * Level improvement.

In the few days since Xu Laowan reported, he has beaten all the boys in the school, and even the second and third grade students have bowed to him. In addition, the boy is tall, handsome, modest and polite, and has become the most popular figure in the school.

Xia Da is a standard academic master. In junior high school, he swept all mathematics, physics and chemistry competitions. He was promoted to high school with the first score in the city. He is the treasure of every teacher in the school. He is also a standard cold-faced handsome guy. He usually almost They all have no expressions, but they are extremely popular among girls, not even losing to Xiao Anan.

Compared to his two sleeping brothers, Schelling had no other advantages besides being handsome and rich. When he started school, he drove his own limited edition McLaren.

The High School Affiliated to Beidu Normal University is one of the best high schools in Beidu City. There are many students from well-off families, and there are also many parents who drive luxury cars. But in high school, I drive a limited edition sports car to school by myself. It must be... It's cool to the extreme.

Especially Xie Lin, although besides being handsome and rich, he has no other advantages compared to sleeping with two brothers, he is not a playboy, and his studies can also be ranked in the top twenty of his grade. In the first test at the beginning of the school year, I even got the eighth best score in the school, but my score was nothing compared to Xiada. It was easy to be proud of other students.

He also joined the school basketball team and is now the team's main power forward second only to Xiao An'an. He is skilled in ball skills, extraordinary dexterity, and has a precise shooting hand.

In the minds of most girls in the high school affiliated with Beidu Normal University, dormitory 507 has become a kind of holy place.

This "ordinary style" was approved. Without realizing it at all, he had joined the most handsome dormitory in the school. He carried the salute all the way to the fifth floor, and even complained that there was no elevator. Even though he was extremely physically fit, he was not tired at all.

Xu Zuo had taken things with both hands and could only gently kick open the door of the dormitory with her feet. There were actually three boys in the room. Xiao Anan and Xia Da did not respond, but Xie Lin's expression changed drastically. Everyone jumped up and shouted, "Did you agree?"

Xu Liu put away his things, looked at this familiar guy, and asked casually: "That's right! Who are you from? I received a lot of notes here. You can divide them according to your names. I I can’t remember which one is for whom.”

Xie Lin looked at Xu without blinking.

After a long while, he showed a disappointed look and asked tentatively: "Do you no longer remember who I am?"

Xu coughed and shook his head honestly. Although he felt that this guy looked familiar. But I really don’t remember any interaction with this guy.

Xie Lin shook his head, showing a self-deprecating expression, and said: "I am on the basketball team of No. 101 Middle School, and I was also the guy who punched you. You didn't fight back at the time, but you beat our school team on the court. Damn it, I will remember you forever!"

Only then did Xu Xu vaguely remember that when he was participating in the game, the power forward of No. 101 Middle School had contemptuously provoked him and said to himself: "Even if you have some ability, basketball is a team sport. Your school has gone to There is no way forward here, prepare to get out and go home."

Xu Liao also remembered that he pointed at the opponent's power forward and retorted: "Basketball is indeed a team sport. I can't support a team by myself. But... I met a bunch of scum, and there's nothing I can do about it. You say Yes or no?"

Xu Zuo couldn't remember clearly what happened later, but he still remembered that at that time, he finally suppressed his temper and did not wash out the basketball court with blood. Instead, he played the ball in a regular manner, but he used his demonic power and some rough methods.

The image in Xu's mind overlapped with the boy in front of him, and he couldn't help shouting: "Are you the power forward? You were really as weak as a scumbag back then!"

The veins on Xie Lin's forehead were so angry that he shouted: "My skills were inferior to others at the time, but I have worked hard on my skills this summer and have made great progress. Do you want us to compete again?"

Xu shook his head. He didn't want to compete with ordinary high school students. He was a monster, and it was no fun to bully others with his monster power.

Xiao Anan smiled gently, and said to the two of them: "Xu is a special sports recruit of our school, and he will definitely join the basketball team. Are you afraid that you won't have a chance to play against him? From now on, we will be in the same dormitory and teammates, so there is no need to be so tense, right? !”

Xia Da didn't say anything. She just silently gathered all the small notes and threw them into the trash can. Then she said: "I'll treat you to dinner tonight! Congratulations to the new arrival."

This guy cherished his words like gold, but he showed a bit of generosity and heroism. Xie Lin was immediately discouraged. He snorted coldly, but still admitted defeat and said: "I know! Even if I practice for another hundred years, I won't be able to do it." With your kind of physical fitness, you will lose no matter how many times we compete, but can you stop having this attitude? As if I am not a human being? Looking down on others?"

Xu Luo touched his nose and asked, "Do I look particularly contemptuous of others?"

Xie Lin said decisively: "Of course!"

Xiao Anan glanced at Xia Da, and they both shook their heads at the same time. Apparently, neither of them noticed that Xu Luo had this special temperament.

Although Xu Leo had some disagreements with Xie Lin, Xie Lin obviously didn't hold a grudge, but felt some admiration. Xu Leo had forgotten about it a long time ago, and with the reconciliation of the other two guys, it didn't take long for him to reconcile. We have become familiar with each other, and there is no sense of strangeness as a new classmate.

Xu Ruo put down her things and was about to go to the next class when Xie Lin suddenly said: "Next time, don't accept those notes again. I am the one in charge of dormitory hygiene this week, especially gifts. You can't accept them." It’s very tiring to throw it away and have to return it.”

Although Xu Lio was surprised why these three guys didn't look like they were going to class, he still waved and said goodbye to his bedmates, muttering in his heart, and walked towards the classroom.

At the door of the classroom, Xu Liu unexpectedly saw Zhao Yanqin, who was wearing the costume of a character in the game and hurriedly entered the classroom. (To be continued.)



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