One Sword to Immortality

285. Who understands lovesickness?

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Xu Le couldn't help but murmur to himself: "How come this little girl wants to play like this?"

Just as he was about to raise his hand to say hello, he saw Qu Lei popping her head out from the classroom and saying hello to Zhao Yanqin. At the same time, the two girls also saw him.

Qu Lei exclaimed in surprise and joy, Zhao Yanqin also opened his eyes wide in surprise, and then he saw Qu Lei rising into the air and pounced directly on her.

Xu Liao remembered that there was a famous move in Chinese martial arts called "The Swallow Throws Herself into the Arms," ​​but he had never seen anyone use it because this move was never intended to kill the enemy.

There was a war between heaven and man in his heart for a long time, but in the end he could not calm down, so he could only open his arms and hug Qu Lei tightly.

"Promise! Promise! You are finally back, and I miss you very much."

Xu Lio has never seen Qu Lei in such an excited state. Normally Qu Lei is always indifferent and alienated from most people. Except when performing, her behavior is very dignified. Even if she is happy, she just smiles lightly. , rarely express emotions so strongly.

Qu Lei was obviously very happy. Although she knew that her move would soon spread throughout the school and even become a topic of discussion for everyone, she didn't care. She even had the determination to fly into the flames without hesitation.

Qu Lei desperately hugged Xu Le. Although her eyes were full of smiles, her body's reaction showed deep worry.

Xu Luo gently stroked Qu Lei's back, and it took a while to comfort her. Qu Lei didn't let go of her hands until she had hugged her enough, but she was not embarrassed at all and still held Xu Luo's arm. The behavior is extremely natural.

Zhao Yanqin's pretty face turned red and she made a shy gesture. She was a little embarrassed, but Qu Lei smiled. Said: "Xu and I haven't seen each other for a long time. What's so shameful about being intimate with everyone!"

Qu Lei's words caused a huge response among the male and female students in the class, and the students in the entire class made loud noises. He even attracted students from the classroom next to him.

After all, Xu Ruo wouldn't be at a loss after such a big scene. He first dragged Qu Lei into the classroom and saw four or five female classmates wearing "fancy clothes". Only then did he realize that Qu Lei had actually formed a team in the class.

Qu Lei did not mean to declare her sovereignty. When she returned to the classroom, she smiled sweetly and went to help other team members take off their clothes. These students were wearing regular clothes and did not need special places to change.

Xu Luo just sat down in his seat.

I heard my deskmate Zhang Xu lowered his voice and asked in surprise: "Do you actually know Qu Lei?"

Xu nodded and said, "We are in junior high school and classmates in the same class, so of course we know each other."

Zhang Xu's sharp eyes seemed to see something through his wide-rimmed glasses, and he said in a solemn tone: "Do you know what status Qu Lei is among the freshmen in this class?"

Xu shook his head, of course he didn't know, he had only been in school for one day!

Zhang Xu continued to lower his voice and said: "Qu Lei is now the number one freshman goddess voted by the whole school. Although she is not as popular as 3x among the boys, she is definitely the most popular girl in our school. You want to chase her. There are many opponents.”

Xu did not expect that this seemingly gentle girl would be so gossipy. He now had a good feeling that his high school career might not be too dull... He encountered so many things on his first day.

It was easy to get through the afternoon class.

Xu Luo called his mother and explained that he was going to live on campus. He actually wanted to go back to the dormitory, but Qu Lei and Zhao Yanqin took him to the animation club's activity classroom after school.

Qu Lei has extremely strong organizational skills and is the original animation club of the High School Affiliated to Beidu Normal University. It just organizes everyone to draw comics and watch animations. There was almost no activity, but it was in Qu Lei's hands. Soon they gained new strength. They became a club and organized an activity. Most of the club members went out with Qu Lei today, so there were many empty seats in the classroom.

Although Qu Lei was a freshman, many old students admired her. Xu looked at her busy in the club activity room, and her mood gradually calmed down. She seemed to think that this was not bad.

He thought that Bai Qiulian, who would be his classmate soon, suddenly got a headache. Even if the demon army besieged the East Palace, it would not give him such a headache.

Bai Qiulian and Ren Lingxuan were at Moon Cafe on Luoyang Street. They spent the afternoon shopping and bought a lot of things. The two girls were competing with each other for their trophies, and they looked happy and happy.

Bai Qiulian put down the stuffed animal in her hand and looked at Ren Lingxuan with a smile. She agreed, and for her own sake, she must make certain things clear to Ren Lingxuan.

Ren Lingxuan seemed to know what Bai Qiulian wanted to say. She smiled brightly and took the initiative to say, "Junior sister of the Bai family, do you know the Xiangsi sword technique of our Ren family?"

Bai Qiulian was startled for a moment, then his face changed drastically, and he replied cautiously: "Who knows the Xiangsi sword skills of the Ren family? Has Senior Sister Ren found a goal for practicing swordsmanship?"

Ren Lingxuan softly sang in a low voice: "Green plums are planted with red beans with bare hands, and the love between husband and concubine is dependent on each other. A delicate sword cuts through the love, and I miss you deeply, don't you know?"

The little fox of the Ren family smiled slightly and said to himself: "The Lovesick sword technique uses love into the sword. To draw the sword to cut off the love, you have to fall in love with someone, and then draw the sword to cut the thread of love and break the obstacles in the heart. Pursue It is the supreme realm of mystery and mystery, the most profound spiritual mystery. I have decided to fall in love with someone, so I need your help, Junior Sister Bai, to help me draw my sword and kill love!"

Bai Qiulian's expression finally changed, and he exclaimed: "Senior Sister Ren, do you really want to use Xu Liao as a sharpening stone?"

Ren Lingxuan nodded and said seriously: "I made this decision after I promised to risk my life to stop the demons from retreating for us. So we are rivals in love, but we are also comrades in arms. You must win this round, and so do I. Must lose."

Bai Qiulian originally wanted to clarify his relationship with Xu Ling and stop Ren Lingxuan's thoughts, but he didn't expect Ren Lingxuan to raise such a difficult problem.

She must protect her relationship with Xu Ling, but the more she protects it, the more she wants to help Ren Lingxuan practice swordplay. But if she gives up, Ren Lingxuan might be able to take advantage of the situation, although at that time the little fox of the Ren family couldn't practice Xiangsi. Swordsmanship, but the outcome is probably better than practicing it. The only bad thing is her Bai Qiulian.

Ren Lingxuan's few words were like using the Ren family's Xiangsi sword technique, forcing Bai Qiulian to fight. (To be continued.)

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