One Sword to Immortality

288. Minister of Police

Cui Ying looked at her two colleagues with a smile. Although Grandma Huai was ugly, her face was quite gentle. Yun Shuai was a tall, thin and handsome man who looked like he was in his thirties, but his actual age was probably a few thousand years old.

The three of them are the demon kings directly subordinate to Mr. Xufuin. They are responsible for the actual affairs of the Kyoto Yokai Agency. Unless there is a major incident, they rarely gather together.

In addition to Mr. Seofuin, the Kyoto Yokai Agency also has two great demon commanders, and the top ten demon generals are in charge of high-end positions. However, these powerful old guys usually enjoy themselves in their own virtual world and are too lazy to take care of Kyoto. The secular affairs of the Yokai Agency.

Cui Ying, Yun Shuai and Granny Huai are all senior demon kings. Cui Ying has condensed twenty-eight Gang Veins, and Granny Huai has condensed more than thirty. Yun Shuai is the strongest and has already mastered thirty-six of them. With all the Gang Veins condensed, as long as you get the chance, you can take the crucial step and become a powerful being in the Demon General level.

Yun Shuai was silent for a long time, then nodded and said: "I also agree to improve Xu Le's status and grant him a platinum card. I have no objection to granting him a demon status card, but I still don't agree with letting him take charge of the police department."

Cui Ying smiled softly and asked: "I wonder if there is a peak demon king in our police department?"

Yun Shuai said unhappily: "Do you think that the peak demon kings are nothing? There are only three of us demon kings in the Kyoto Yokai Agency, but the police department also has two demon kings as senior agents, which is enough to deal with most incidents. .”

Cui Ying knocked on the table and said: "Xu has the strength of the peak demon king, and even I am not his opponent. This kind of person is not included in the core of the Ten Thousand Demons Association. Should he be allowed to be attracted by others outside? Police?" We have only two combat departments: the Ministry of Affairs and the Ministry of Garrison. The Ministry of Defense is under the direct leadership of Grandma Huai, but it cannot be used unless necessary. You and I have always been busy with mundane affairs and cannot directly lead the Police Department. As a result, the Police Department has always been Being in a weak state and unable to punish various illegal incidents, the recent four major legions and the Western hermit sects are almost treating Northern City as a playground."

Yun Shuai's face looked ugly. Speaking of the public security in Beidou City, he was not very satisfied.

According to the terms of the conclusion between the Ten Thousand Demons Association and the Eighteen Immortals Sect, as well as the rules set by the Ten Thousand Demons Association, the four legions, and the Western Hidden Sect, Beidou City should be dominated by the Ten Thousand Demons Association, and the rest should not belong to the Ten Thousand Demons. The forces of the society will all bow their heads when they come here.

However, due to the insufficient strength of the police department, there has been no peace in Beidou City in recent years. The last time Sun Zhonghu made a scene in Luoyang Street, Prince Jiejie took action to warn Sun Zhonghu.

Yun Shuai, Cui Ying, Huai Granny and others were all very embarrassed. The police department was even more embarrassed and was laughed at by their colleagues for a long time.

Cui Ying proposed a plan to strengthen the police department and hired Xu Lai to serve as the head of the police department.

Granny Huai had no objection to this suggestion, but Yun Shuai disagreed. This three-person meeting had been held for a long time. Still no results confirmed.

Yun Shuai still disagreed. He shook his head and said: "Xu Luo is just a new monster. Although because of his good luck, he swallowed the emperor's liquid and his skill greatly increased, but after all, his loyalty to the Ten Thousand Monsters Association has not been verified. I We cannot allow such an important position to be entrusted to him."

Cui Ying smiled coldly and asked: "Then how do you plan to solve the problem of the police department?"

Yun Shuai said without hesitation: "We can hire Xu as a senior agent, on an equal footing with the original two senior agents. If he really makes achievements in his duties, it will be natural for him to be promoted to minister. .”

Cui Ying was still not satisfied, but the argument ended here. Everyone knew that there was no way to reach a unified opinion, and in the end it was Granny Huai who smoothed things over. He said with a smile: "I watched Xu Liao grow up. At that time, this kid was not a monster. He was just an ordinary child. I support Cui Ying's suggestion, but since Yun Shuai insists, why not come up with a plan? If he can't fulfill his promise, he can only condescend to be a senior detective. If he can fulfill his promise, how about being promoted to the Minister of Police?"

Cui Ying also slammed the table and shouted: "Achievements are a vague concept. Since Yun Shuai thinks you need a result, then give a standard. If Xu Ruo can meet your standard, then give it He’s the police minister.”

Yun Shuai pondered for a moment and said cautiously: "We have three major cases recently. If we can complete them as promised, I will agree with Cui Ying's suggestion."

Grandma Huai's face changed slightly and she said, "These three cases are a bit difficult for children, right?"

Cui Ying's reaction was different, and she sneered: "Those are the three cases! I know what you are thinking. You feel that even one of these three cases cannot be solved, but I tell you, even if you add thirty A case of this level is no problem for him."

Cui Ying made a very domineering decision, Yun Shuai also nodded thoughtfully, and Grandma Huai had no objection, so the matter was decided.

Xu Liao didn't know that the Ten Thousand Demons Association had held a special meeting for him, and even if he knew, he wouldn't particularly care.

After a few days, he became familiar with school life. The only thing that made him feel strange was that Bai Qiulian, who was supposed to register with him, never showed up.

Xu didn't think this was a good thing. Although Bai Qiulian didn't show up, his awkward relationship with Qu Lei would not be exposed, but that was just a "snail" idea. He still wanted to solve the problem completely.

Basically all boarding students go home on weekends. Xu Leo also left school on Friday, but instead of going home, he went straight to Luoyang Street.

He knew that the Bai family had opened a Baidi Martial Arts School on Luoyang Street. He had also gone to the Baidi Martial Arts School to participate in Shinhwa's training class, but after learning the Five Spirits Qi Refining Technique, he never went there again.

It is unlikely that Bai Qiulian will go back to the Bai family's Xixuan Cave. He will most likely live in Baidi Martial Arts Hall. If he does, he just wants to go to Baidi Martial Arts Hall to find Bai Qiulian.

After all kinds of things, Xu Lio is not worried about any changes in the Bai family. To be honest, the strength he holds now is far better than that of the Bai family. After all, among the eleven disciples of the Yuding sect, there are four masters of the human realm. , six Dayan warriors, the weakest is Yin Suhua, the Tiangang warrior. Such strength is enough to defeat any pure-blood family. Even the seven pure-blood families combined, it is still unclear whether they can defeat the Yuding lineage on earth. Unknown.

Xu Liao didn't know that the person who bound Bai Qiulian was not a member of the Bai family, but a member of the Dongxuanxian sect. To be more specific, it was Ren Lingxuan... the little vixen of the Ren family.

Bai Qiulian didn't know how to explain to Xu that he didn't help him or stop Ren Lingxuan's idea, but instead caused him a big trouble. (To be continued.)

ps: ps: This is really the last time I ask for monthly votes this month.

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