One Sword to Immortality

289. Breakup Master

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Xu put his hands in his pockets, glanced at the gate of Baidi Martial Arts Hall, and walked in leisurely.

Baidi's martial arts gym was originally closed to outsiders, so no one came to stop him. Xu Luo relied on his sense of demonic energy and almost didn't make a mistake, heading straight to Bai Qiulian's boudoir.

Baidi Martial Arts Hall is a royal garden-style building, very grand. Bai Qiulian's residence is also majestic like a palace, with three courtyards, six independent small buildings, a symmetrical layout, and even a gurgling stream that runs through the entire building. building.

The place where Bai Qiu lives is a non-open area, but the mere access control naturally cannot stop Xu. He shakes his body and turns into a breeze, which blows into the place where Bai Qiu lives in a moment.

This is one of the thirty-six changes in the celestial phenomena that he has been exclusively taught by the Yuding Patriarch. The six changes in the Wind and Cloud Department can change the wind and clouds at will, gather and disperse as desired, and are invisible and formless.

Xu Luo broke into Bai Qiulian's residence and shouted angrily: "Qiulian! Why didn't you go to school? I came to visit your home on behalf of the teacher."

Bai Qiulian and Ren Lingxuan were sitting silently opposite each other. There was a pot of tea and a chessboard in front of them, but neither of them moved, just like two beautiful sculptures.

Xu Le's cry made Bai Qiulian reply angrily: "Teacher Xu Le! If you want a home visit, come up quickly!"

Xu heard the voice and identified his position, and the changing breeze blew around in front of the two girls. He didn't know why Ren Lingxuan didn't leave. After turning around, she manifested her original body and said with a smile: " This weekend, I came to see you, but you haven’t seen me for several days and you haven’t missed me?”

Bai Qiulian said angrily: "What do I want you to do?"

Xu Zuo felt a little strange and glanced at Ren Lingxuan. Seeing that Senior Sister Ren was smiling and her mood didn't seem to change much, she poured herself a cup of tea. After taking a sip, he took the initiative and said: "We have established a relationship, you don't miss me. Who else can you miss?"

Bai Qiulian's heart warmed when he heard this, but then he thought of Ren Lingxuan's big problem. I couldn't help having a headache, and my temper still couldn't get better, so I snorted coldly, but still didn't give Xu a good look.

He didn't shy away from the promise and said in a low voice: "I'm here to find you. I have another very important thing that I need your help with."

Bai Qiulian said angrily: "What else do you want me to do?"

Xu Luo told the story about herself and Qu Lei in detail, and said with a grimace: "I never thought about it at the beginning. The goddess who I have been chasing for a long time will suddenly change her attitude.

She was harmed by Sun Zhonghu again and had to temporarily agree. Now only you, Qiu Lian, can solve the problem. Go and explain it to Qu Lei for me. "

Bai Qiu practiced Qi and had bruises on her forehead. She never thought that just a few days after returning to Earth, she would have to face "mistresses" and be responsible for breaking up with her boyfriend. Although there were reasons for these troubles, and even It’s not necessarily Xu’s fault. But it still makes the Bai family girls feel uncomfortable from the tips of their hair to their toes.

She said coldly: "I have no control over your ex-girlfriend's affairs!"

Xu Luo immediately felt aggrieved and shouted, "I was with you before. Although I pursued Qu Lei, I really don't have an ex-girlfriend."

Ren Lingxuan chuckled and interjected: "Every scumbag will lie like this. It seems that you did a lot of good things while Xiaobai was sleeping!"

Xu Zuo suddenly felt a little wary and said seriously: "Senior Sister Ren, what good things have I done? Don't slander me!"

Ren Lingxuan said with a sad face: "When there is no one around, you always ask people to call you Xiao Xuanxuan!"

Xu Zuo suddenly became furious and shouted: "I'm still a desperate sashimi!"

Ren Lingxuan blinked. He conjured a tissue and began to half-seriously wipe his tears. Choking, crying. Just don't speak.

Xu Zu suddenly felt that even if he had a hundred mouths, he wouldn't be able to speak clearly.

He secretly thought: "Could it be that something happened to Senior Sister Ren, so Qiu Lian didn't report to school?"

Xu Luo has matured a lot after going through hardships. He is no longer like before, having no feeling at all for girls' little thoughts. But even though he felt that Ren Lingxuan would have a good impression of him, he didn't have to do it. As long as Bai Qiulian said it, he should be able to get over this matter perfectly.

He never expected that Ren Lingxuan would put such a show on him.

Even if Xu Xu practiced the Nine Elements Calculation Sutra, he still couldn't figure out that this was a situation of Shenma. Although he was slightly dazed, he quickly figured out a way to deal with it.

Xu Xu grasped it with five fingers, and more than ten light eggs were flying in the palm of her hand. Ren Lingxuan's face changed slightly. She felt an inexplicable intimacy with one of the light eggs. This feeling was so familiar that it was like the most gentle mother's. The embrace made her nostalgic.

Ren Lingxuan screamed inwardly, but before she could mobilize the Ren family's mental skills to resist, her spiritual consciousness was swallowed up by a light egg, and she fell softly to the ground.

Bai Qiulian actually knew very well that Ren Lingxuan and Xu Liao did not have that kind of relationship. However, Ren Lingxuan made it clear that she wanted to use Xu Liao to make swords. She also said that she had fallen deeply in love with Xu. Unless she could draw the sword and kill Qing, she would not There was nothing she could do about quitting.

Even Bai Qiulian has no way to explain the truth, because once she exposes the truth, Xu Xu may become disgusted with Ren Lingxuan. The magic of Xiangsi swordsmanship is that both parties must have feelings for each other before they can draw the sword to kill Xu Xu. Ren Lingxuan, Ren Lingxuan will not be able to make a breakthrough, and it is very likely that she will really fall in love with each other, which will be a bigger trouble.

Bai Qiulian didn't expect that Xu Luo would use this method to temporarily get rid of Ren Lingxuan's entanglement. He couldn't help but feel angry and amused, and said angrily: "Even if you deal with Senior Sister Ren, where is Qu Lei? Do you really plan to Can you let me help you break up?"

Xu clasped his hands together, raised his head above his head, made a gesture of worship, and whispered: "Although I caused the trouble, you really have to help me solve it. If I come forward, I'm afraid Qu Lei will lose face. , after all, it was my fault, it made her so embarrassed, and I feel really sorry in my heart."

Seeing that Bai Qiulian's face seemed to look better, Xu Liao continued: "If I do it by myself, you will inevitably doubt whether there is any disconnection. Of course, if you go by yourself, you won't doubt it. It will definitely be a quick cut and the mess will be solved easily."

Bai Qiulian sighed and whispered: "I owe you what I owe you, I will pay you back in this life."

Xu was overjoyed and pointed at Ren Lingxuan. Bai Qiulian made a casual move and put it into his Qiankun bracelet. Now he can only wait for Ren Lingxuan to wake up before continuing to solve the problem.

After promising to let Ren Lingxuan inherit the Tianhu inheritance, Bai Qiulian also had some hope. Ren Lingxuan's problem was the Xiangsi sword technique. Perhaps by accident, Senior Sister Ren broke through the boundaries of the Xiangsi sword technique and quietly solved the problem. Woolen cloth! (To be continued.)

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