One Sword to Immortality

290. Global travel

Xu You practiced with Bai Qiu for a while, and the two of them had nothing special to do. He was a little worried about his nephews, so he suggested going to Tiandi Garden to take a look.

Bai Qiulian was also a little curious about what was going on with Yang Shuhua and the others. He agreed and spent a time coin to activate the portal and brought his girlfriend into the Emperor's Garden.

Xu Luo brought Bai Qiulian with him, and when he stepped into the Emperor's Garden, he was shocked and shaken.

Tiandi Garden is completely different from before. The cracks in the void that densely covered Tiandi Garden have long since disappeared. Time and space are dozens of times more stable than before, and are very close to the normal virtual world. The originally dim sky has turned blue. It can't even compare to the clearest weather in the northern city.

Xu Leow just felt it for a moment and discovered that Tiandi Garden had at least nearly doubled in size, from the original more than 300 square kilometers to nearly 700 square kilometers.

I don't know who spent a lot of effort to introduce a river into the center of the virtual world, forming a deep lake, far away from the two southernmost small peaks. Most of the golden spear grass everywhere has been eradicated, and all kinds of exotic flowers and grasses have been planted. There are bright purples and reds everywhere.

Today's Tiandi Garden can truly be said to be a beautiful scene in the world with clear skies, green mountains and green waters, the singing of birds and the fragrance of flowers.

Xu Liao pulled Bai Qiulian up into the air and looked from a distance. On the only two small peaks in the virtual world, countless pavilions and pavilions have been built, and there is a flying bridge connecting them. It seems that it has become a fairy home. So, there are even layers of clouds and mist floating around.

Xu was impatient and flew away, activating the changes in the flags of the two realms. In an instant, he crossed more than a hundred miles and landed on two small mountain peaks.

As soon as he set his feet on the ground, he heard the roar of a dragon and the roar of a tiger, and eleven rays of light shot into the sky. Among them, a Nantian Gate appeared in the strongest ray of light. It was Yang Shuhua, the first of the three generations of Yuding Sect.

Yang Shuhua bowed down and asked softly: "Uncle, are you still satisfied with the dojo built by your nephews?"

He nodded repeatedly. He shouted: "I am already very satisfied!"

Tu Chisu chuckled and said: "We are in this virtual world. We also found many immortal seeds that were wandering in the heaven, and we cultivated them. Although they are not as good as those planted in the heavenly palace of our Jade Cauldron, after all, they are much more beautiful than before."

Yu Qingyuan flapped his wings and shouted strangely: "Master! Our dojo has been built. When will we announce to the world and establish a sect? Let the whole world know how powerful our Jade Cauldron is?"

I felt a headache immediately after making a promise. He originally planned to delay this matter for several years, even decades, but he never expected that these nephews and apprentices would be so diligent.

In just a few days, even the dojo was built.

He also underestimated the eleven Jade Cauldron disciples he brought out this time. Not to mention Yang Banruo, Yin Suhua and Yu Qingyuan, three guys he was familiar with, and not to mention the four major disciples of Daolu Palace. The four major disciples of Master Chi Jing are all at the Taoist realm.

Before Guyang Shen was promoted, he was only in the Taoist realm. There are sixteen sects of the Eighteen Immortals, and the strongest figure is the Taoist Realm. How can the four major disciples of Chi Jing Palace be easy roles?

Although Yang Shuhua is not as proficient in refining magic weapons as Gu Yangshen. But the nature of Tiandi Garden is not bad. He has ten junior disciples to help him. Almost all the disciples who came from the Jade Cauldron Sect live in the floating heaven palace of the ancient demon clan's heaven. They have a talent bonus on how to renovate this kind of building and refine it again. It naturally doesn't take long to make it again.

This is still a short time. If Xu comes a few days later, Tiandiyuan will be trained into a powerful magic weapon.

Xu Lio considered the words for a while before saying: "The earth is very different now than it was back then. If you want to establish a sect, you must understand the current situation. How did you come here in the first place? How can you start a sect if you don't understand this world at all? Li Faction?"

Yang Shuhua pondered slightly. Said: "Uncle Master's words make sense. We should really understand this world and understand the hearts of heaven and people before we can take advantage of the situation. If we rush to establish a sect, we will provoke the Eighteen Immortals Sect and Ten Thousand Demons Association and other forces. Although we are not afraid , but if we fight, it will delay the business."

He nodded repeatedly and thought to himself: "For the same reason, Yang Shuhua's nephew is much more convincing than me."

He doesn’t have to delay. The establishment of a sect will inevitably attract the attention of the Eighteen Immortals Sect and the Ten Thousand Demons Association. If there are hidden enemies of the Jade Cauldron lineage in ancient times to instigate, or there may be conflicts of ideas, with these locals There is a conflict between the forces. Let alone establishing a sect, I am afraid that they will fight every day and have no time to carry forward the Jade Cauldron lineage.

Yang Shuhua looked around at the ten junior brothers on the left and right and said: "Master Xu is from Earth! He knows this world best. We can follow his arrangements and complete the preparations to establish the sect as soon as possible."

I promised a baby of eight years, pretended to think hard for a while, and then said: "I think everyone should travel around the world first, and then enter several universities to study the corresponding culture. After having a preliminary understanding of the earth, then stay anonymous. Become a member of each major sect and understand its background and various methods. During this period, you can also recruit more qualified disciples. When all preparations are complete, the establishment of the sect will be a matter of course."

Yang Shuhua immediately nodded in praise, and naturally no one from the other Jade Cauldron disciples objected, so the matter was settled.

Several people discussed for a while and decided to leave Yin Suhua and Yu Qingyuan to work with Xu and Bai Qiulian to continue building the dojo, while the others traveled around the world for a few years.

They decided to keep Yin Suhua because she was too weak and could only reach the realm of Tiangang Shi. They kept Yu Qingyuan because her character was not stable enough. This bird is too capable of causing trouble. Don’t worry about letting her go. Yang Shuhua They are not worried either.

Yu Qingyuan was quite sad about this, his head drooped, and he hid in a corner to sulk.

Yang Shuhua asked Xu for a world map. Several people divided it up and determined the areas they would travel to. Although Xu also gave some suggestions, even he himself felt that they were not very reliable and could only wipe his sweat secretly. , praying that these Jade Cauldron disciples will not cause any trouble during their global travels.

He is not worried about what kind of trouble they will encounter. These Jade Cauldron disciples are the best at fighting. It is rare for them to encounter enemies at the Dayan level. Even if they encounter enemies, they can easily defeat them with the various changes in the Jade Cauldron lineage. Escape.

After all, no matter what changes are made in the majors of the Yuding Sect, they will definitely study the changes in the flags of the two realms. If there are no changes in the flags of the two realms, everyone will go to all levels of the devil prison to hunt demons, and there is a *100% chance that they will never return. .

Yang Shuhua was the first to bow deeply, swayed, and left Tiandi Garden, followed by the other nine Jade Cauldron disciples who also left one after another. (To be continued.)

ps: ps; I secretly ask for monthly votes again. If you didn’t vote just now, please vote now!

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