One Sword to Immortality

303. Tianhu Meilu

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The Hu family's city master's technique is very similar to the Dongxuanxian Sect's Classic of Mountains and Seas, except that the mountains are harmless.

Xu was very sure that this method was not a demon nerve, because to cultivate the demon nerve required the blood of an ancient great fairy. This person was obviously not the ancient elephant on Tuoshan Mountain. The method of refining blood essence and transforming bloodline actually appeared very late. Born after destruction.

The various inheritances of the Eastern Palace are connected to the history of various races for tens of millions of years, which is very long, but it only lasted until the destruction of the ancient demon clan's heaven, and there is no subsequent history and records. The method that was born after the ancient Heavenly Court will definitely not be recorded in the inherited light eggs of the Tianhu clan.

This made Xu Li very surprised, and he thought to himself: "You don't need the blood of the demon clan to be able to practice the magic of the corresponding blood. How come the Tianhu clan is so unique?"

Although he was surprised, he was surprised, but the power of the Qiankun Sword Technique in his Sleeves was already superior to that of the Classic of Mountains and Seas. What's more, the Five Finger Transformation Mountain Technique practiced by the Hujia City Master had mountains but no seas, so it was even weaker.

In an instant, the thousands of sword qi that were promised broke through the Hu family's city lord's spell. Dozens of sword rays circled around him and immediately killed the city lord.

After killing the Hu family's city lord, she glanced at the Tianhu city lord, but she saw that the city lord immediately let out a sweet scolding, and thousands of demonic auras flew up from all over the city, all of which converged in front of her eyes.

The Lord of Tianhu City shouted: "I have killed the Lord of the Hu Family. You can follow me to Feihu City and seize his inheritance, his population, his descendants..."

In just a few words, the Lord of Tianhu City decided on the strategy of taking advantage of the situation to capture Feihu City. Then he looked back with a smile and asked, "I wonder if this Immortal Master would be willing to go to Feihu City with me to enjoy the scenery?"

With a smile, the leader of Tianhu City took a few thousand men with him, and then took off into the sky, flying for a day and a night, to reach the outside of another big city.

Xu Lao gradually realized that Tianhu City was different from human cities. The subordinates of the Lord of Tianhu City usually do not have the same duties as in human cities, and they still live like ordinary people. They will only travel with the Lord of the City when there is a war. Anyway, these monsters are naturally powerful in combat. It doesn't need to be manipulated by ordinary soldiers.

After the Lord of Tianhu City arrived at Feihu City, he immediately raised his voice and shouted: "I am the Lord of Tianhu City. When your City Lord went to my place to make a noise, I was really impatient and killed him. If you don't want to be slaughtered all over the city, just Surrender as soon as possible."

When the Lord of Tianhu City shouted, there was a faint power of "Don't dare to disobey". The Feihu City was in chaos for a moment, and more than ten monsters at the level of monster generals rose into the sky.

Escape into the distance.

He raised his hand, and suddenly there was a huge sea, brilliant and magnificent, pressing down from the sky, and there was a high mountain above the sea. It adds a bit more power.

Xu Luo used his pure Shan Hai Jing magic power and immediately trapped the entire Feihu City. The ten or so escaping demon generals were surrounded by the torrential waves and forced back one by one.

With such power, these ten or so demon generals knew that they could not resist, so they could only roll into the dust one by one, shouting loudly that they would surrender!

After subduing these more than ten demon generals, Feihu City suddenly collapsed. These more than ten demon generals went to appease the residents of the city. In a short time, there were nearly a hundred thousand demon foxes. Dragging the family with them, riding in the clouds and fog, the weak ones got carriages and horses, and brought out all their belongings. Walk meanderingly towards Tianhu City.

The war between monsters is more rational than humans. It is easy for everyone to surrender when the situation is bad. Anyway, as long as you can survive, what does it matter which big monster you are under?

Lord Tianhu drove away these nearly 100,000 monsters all the way with a strange smile on his face. Every time Xu Lio took a look at it, he would secretly scream: "This is incredible..."

The face of Lord Tianhu seemed to change every time I took a look at it, becoming more beautiful. After looking at it for more than ten times, I felt that the face of Lord Tianhu was already stunning and breathtaking, surpassing all the women in the world. I just felt that The other girls' looks are like dirt and can no longer be compared to the Lord of Tianhu City.

Xu Liao knew something was wrong, so Weiwei remained calm, relying on the authority of the Lord of the East Palace, he separated a ray of consciousness and wandered in the inherited light egg of the Tianhu clan for a moment, and then he shouted in surprise: "It turns out to be Tianhu Meiluo! What a powerful spell!”

The Lord of Tianhu City was slightly shocked. She didn't expect that the spell was broken by Xu Xu, but she immediately smiled softly. The aggressive and glamorous light just now faded away, and she turned into a pitiful appearance. People couldn't bear to look at it. If you blame her, you will always feel that she should be cared for and touch the softest place in your heart.

Xu didn't notice for a while, but he also felt pity. Although he knew immediately that this was Tianhu's temptation again, he really couldn't get angry.

After Tianhu City gained such a large population, the demon foxes in the city and the new demon foxes immediately worked together to build their homes. These vixens all have magic powers. In just a few hours, Tianhu City expanded three times, making it more prosperous than before.

If humans want to build a city, even a small city with a population of tens of thousands, it will take several years to build a city with all their strength. However, when it comes to the monsters, it only takes such a short time, which makes Xu Kai a little easier. Back to the horizon.

The Lord of Tianhu City did not care about the people under his command. He took Xu to the Tiantai, ordered his men to serve wine and food, and said with a smile: "Thanks to the Immortal Chief this time, the little girl has nothing to repay, so she is willing to use this city to serve Please let the Immortal be the lord of the city. The little girl is willing to serve as his wife and serve the Immortal. Even if the Immortal has a concubine in the future, the little girl will only comfort you and will not be jealous. I wonder what the Immortal wants?"

Xu Luo pondered for a moment and shouted: "Senior Sister Ren Lingxuan, it's better not to play around!"

The Lord of Tianhu City smiled, and all the glitz and glamor disappeared from her body, transforming into a lithe girl with picturesque features and charming features. She was the little fox of the Ren family.

She said with a hint of coquettishness: "How did you recognize me?"

Xu gave a wry smile, shook his head and said, "You have changed so much that I naturally can't recognize you!"

Ren Lingxuan asked with a smile: "Do you like the way I looked just now? Or the way I look now?"

Although Xu Liao knew this was a trap, because no matter how he answered, no matter which Ren Lingxuan he liked, he still had to express his love for her, but he still said honestly: "I like you better the way you are now, because This is my Senior Sister Ren!"

Ren Lingxuan blinked slightly, with a playful smile on her face, and chatted with Xu without any intention of bringing it up.

Xu spoke with her for a while, but couldn't bear it any longer and asked, "Why don't you leave, Senior Sister Ren?"

Ren Lingxuan smiled for a moment, and then whispered: "If you leave here, you will no longer belong to me. There are only two of us here, why should I leave? Even if you leave, you will eventually remember to come back to see me. If When I leave, you will only accompany others." (To be continued.)

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