One Sword to Immortality

304. Every boy’s inner world is restricted.

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Xu Liao secretly shouted: "Awesome"!

The little fox of the Ren family has inherited the Sky Fox heritage and is even better at deceiving others. Her water-cut eyes looked at Xu without blinking, making him slightly embarrassed.

Xu could only shake his head and said: "This is just an illusory world after all."

Ren Lingxuan said seriously: "What's the difference between true and false?"

Xu was speechless for a moment, then sighed for a long time and said, "I can't defeat you! I'm going to use some violence."

It is true that Xu Leo cannot defeat Ren Lingxuan, but he has the highest authority of the East Palace and can easily "kick" Ren Lingxuan out of the inherited light egg of the Tianhu clan.

So, in the next moment, Xu and Ren Lingxuan appeared in the private room of the hotel.

Ren Lingxuan maintained her expression in the inherited light egg, looked at him without blinking, and sighed softly for a long time. The demonic energy in her body increased steadily, and finally she broke through the realm of Tiangang Shi and stepped into Dayan Shi. level.

Xu could not help but be slightly surprised. He also knew that entering the inheritance light egg would give him a chance to break through the realm. This opportunity to break through the realm could only be once for everyone. If he failed to break through, he would not be able to enter the inheritance light egg next time. There will be further help in cultivation.

Bai Qiulian, Yu Qingyuan, and even Ren Lingxuan all took the opportunity to break through the realm. Although Xu Luo also made a breakthrough, he failed to break through to the demon general with the help of the imperial clan's inherited light eggs. This was a waste of such a god-given opportunity. This is also When he received the inheritance, his accumulation was not strong enough.

The Nine Mysterious True Techniques he practices are much more accumulated than ordinary techniques, and breaking through the realm is more difficult than other techniques.

Ren Lingxuan gently stretched her delicate body, and a feeling of sadness clearly reflected in Xu Xing's heart.

He suddenly felt an indescribable emotion and thought to himself: "Should I just let such a beautiful girl go? Let her fall into the arms of others in the future?"

Xu Leo had an overbearing answer almost instantly: "Absolutely impossible!"

Although Xu regained his senses after a while and knew that he was affected by Ren Lingxuan's Tianhu Meilu, but even if Tianhu Meilu was eliminated and Xu asked himself, he still couldn't get through this...

Promised at this moment.

I just feel that I am going further and further on the road of being a "scumbag", and it seems that I will never look back. There is a sentence that keeps echoing in Xu Liao's ears. A certain online author named Wandering Toad once said: "Every boy's inner world is restricted!"

Xu Luo couldn't help but reached out and covered his face. At that moment, he didn't even want to face his inner world.

Ren Lingxuan smiled and said: "Thank you for giving me the opportunity, otherwise... I am not sure whether I will have the chance to break through to Dayan Shi in this life."

Ren Lingxuan's expression was slightly gloomy, if she were to enter the country according to normal cultivation. Before the end of her life, her chance of breaking through to Dayan will not exceed one or two percent. If she cannot break through to Dayan Shi, she will only live for a thousand years at most, and her appearance will slowly age. Even if she uses various secret methods to maintain her appearance, it will only be "drinking poison to quench her thirst" and "deceiving herself and others".

Xu Lio smiled slightly, finally recovered his mood, and said: "If you can join our Jade Cauldron Sect and become my sixth disciple, I will make a profit from this investment. Otherwise, I will lose money."

Ren Lingxuan chuckled, looked at him charmingly, lowered her voice and said, "Do you like to play tricks on master and apprentice?"

Xu Liao hurriedly defended: "I never meant this!"

Ren Lingxuan smiled slightly, as if she believed it or not, and then wanted to argue again, but felt that if she said more, she would be suspected of trying to hide the truth, so she could only keep quiet about the matter and introduce the situation of the Yuding lineage to Ren Lingxuan.

What he didn't say last time, he didn't say this time either. Only focusing on the changes in the techniques of the Jade Cauldron lineage, Ren Lingxuan heard that Xu not only had the inheritance of the Tianhu clan, but also needed the demon nerve originals, and even a large amount of the blood of the ancient great goblin. His eyes could not help but light up, and he shouted: "I am willing to join the Jade Cauldron Sect!"

Ren Lingxuan paused and then said: "But I can't apostatize and will not leave the Dongxuanxian Sect. Our Dongxuanxian Sect does not prohibit disciples from joining other organizations, and your Jade Cauldron Sect does not have such restrictions, right? "

Xu Lilian said: "No", his Jade Cauldron Sect didn't even have any serious rules. Naturally, disciples will not be restricted from joining other organizations or leaving other sects.

The current Jade Cauldron Sect is not yet a serious sectarian organization. It is just a relatively loose organization with some management functions. It is closer to the structure of a modern company. The management of its disciples still maintains Bai Qiulian's control over Qiu Meng. Strength.

Ren Lingxuan smiled slightly and said: "I just woke up and want to be alone for a while. You can go about your own business!"

Xu Lingxuan watched Ren Lingxuan disappear in a puff of smoke, and then returned to the dining table. Xiao Anan and Xie Lin were in a daze. When they saw Xu Lingxuan coming back, they couldn't help but call out in unison: "Xu Lingxuan, come and help. Sharda is in trouble."

Xu Luo couldn't help but ask: "What trouble did he get into?"

Xie Lin said nervously: "Xia Da didn't explain clearly. He just said that if you come back, call him immediately. He has something very important, related to life and death, and he wants to ask you! Let's ask him what happened. , he refused to say anything, he only said that it would only happen if you came back."

Xu Lio grabbed the phone and called Xia Da. The call was quickly answered. Xia Da's voice was very calm, and he didn't seem to be in any trouble, but what he said surprised Xu Lio. .

"Sure, I want to become a monster, what can you do?"

Xu Lio took the phone away for a moment to make sure he heard correctly, then put the phone back to his ear and lowered his voice and said, "Why do you suddenly want to be a monster? Don't want to be a monkey anymore?"

Shada's voice was still calm, and he said seriously: "I have thought clearly that becoming a monkey is too ambitious. As long as I can become an ordinary monster, do you have any idea? Although I don't ask for it, it is best to be powerful. Some, otherwise I won’t be able to help color the snow!”

Xu Luo sighed in his heart and thought to himself: "I knew that Color Snow must have bewitched him, but since he wants to activate the brave template, it doesn't hurt to help him once!"

Xu Lio felt like he had designed a good friend to make him resist thunder, but he really didn't want to get involved in the matter of Seixue and the Dark Court. He was still happy to leave it to the "voluntary" classmate Xia Da. (To be continued.)

PS: PS: Hey, where’s the monthly pass?

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