One Sword to Immortality

305. I am a human being

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Xu Luo won't worry about any unpredictable surprises in the "battle" between Xia Da and Seixue and the Dark Court.

With Xu's current status and strength, the Dark Court will "accompany" the hero and princess to play games like a nanny.

There is an analogy for this kind of thing: something that ordinary people think is very complicated, you have to do this first, and then do this, and then do that, and then do that again... it is very tiring; for rich people, it is just two words "give money" ”, and then it was over.

Xu didn't even need to make a phone call, the Dark Court would do everything for him.

In particular, the Dark Court itself has combat tests on test subjects. Color Snow's resistance will only make the data more "real". They are not forced, but rather have a strong willingness to do this.

Xu was silent for a while and whispered: "I have no way to guarantee success."

Awakening the monster bloodline is an extremely coincidental matter. There are still many difficulties in the subject of artificial monsters. Otherwise, the Dark Court would not be so attached to a test subject. The other test subjects were not so successful, so... even if it was promised, it would not be possible. Can't guarantee anything.

Xia Da smiled softly on the phone and said, "I just want to fulfill my dream. If I really can't succeed, I will give up being a hero and continue to be an ordinary person who is useful to society."

Xu smiled dumbly. This was really Xia Da's style. He thought for a moment and said, "Let's go find you!"

Xia Da reported an address, snapped his fingers, and said to Xiao Anan and Xie Lin, "Do you want to come with me to see Xia Da?"

The two of them nodded together, agreed to take them out of the hotel, took a taxi and went straight to a certain chain hotel.

Xia Da didn't have much money, and Seixue didn't have much money as a test subject. In fact, she didn't even have a serious identity. Not only did she not have a demon citizenship card, she didn't even have an ordinary nationality. The two of them couldn't find any fancy place, even hotel chains could only offer rooms at special prices.

Dang Xu brought Xiao Anan and Xie Lin to find the hotel chain where Xia Dadai stayed. After breaking into the room, several people immediately packed the small room into "packing".

Xie Lin also winked at Xia Da and gave him "positive praise" for his ability to bring a girl to a room. Now he no longer feels sorry for himself,

Started too slowly.

Seixue was still the same, cold and calm. She didn't even mean to talk to anyone, and just listened to Xia Da explaining everything she encountered to the three of them.

Huixue had obviously leaked the truth about Xu Zuo to Xia Da a long time ago. But Xia Da did not clarify the matter in front of his two friends. Instead, he covered up the key points and only said that Seixue was being hunted by foreign criminal organizations and was in great trouble.

Even though Xia Da had concealed the most crucial part, Xiao Anan and Xie Li were speechless. Neither of them could believe that their classmate could actually be linked to an "international criminal group".

They were also curious about Xu Liao's role in this kind of thing. Xia Da did not make up an identity for Xu Liao, but just gave him a wink. Obviously he needs to complete this story himself.

Xu Liao coughed slightly in the confused eyes of his two sleeping brothers and said slowly: "I have been involved in similar incidents before. With the help of some righteous organizations, I finally escaped from the pursuit of an international criminal group. …”

Promising it is not a lie, it is just concealing the key words. The Storm Legion can indeed be regarded as an international criminal group. If monsters are added between the two words international and crime, it will be more appropriate.

"So... now I have some abilities that can help Shada and Seixue!"

Xu made a lot of effort. Only then did he complete the story. He was now deeply grateful that he had read too many online novels. Otherwise, if he had made up the story on the spur of the moment, there would definitely be huge flaws.

Xiao Anan and Xie Lin were stunned when they heard this. Although the two of them are considered to be the best among their peers, after all, they are just two high school students. How can they see through such a "careful" lie?

Seixue lowered her head, obviously having been told by Shada to come over, and without saying a word, she completed the "background" of the story.

Xie Lin couldn't help but said doubtfully: "What should we do next? Shouldn't we call the police?"

Xu Lio said hurriedly: "The enemies we encountered cannot be dealt with by ordinary police. I have notified more powerful helpers. There will not be any danger for the time being. It's just that Xia Da will be missing for a while. All we need to do is to cover him up." , it’s best not to let anyone notice that he’s missing.”

Although Xu Luo's words were convoluted, Xiao An'an and Xie Lin finally understood. They could only pat Xu Luo's shoulders and said, "We really can't help with this kind of thing. We can cover Xia Da's whereabouts." The matter will be ours, and the rest will be taken away from you.”

There were actually many imperfections in the story that Xu Zuo made up, but if he couldn't explain it clearly, he would just vaguely explain it, saying that it was a secret and not telling you for your own good... In this way, he managed to get over it.

A few people discussed it briefly, and then they agreed to propose a different place to live. Xiao Anan immediately said: "My parents sent me back to China to study. They were afraid that it would be inconvenient for me to live, so they bought me a house. Although this house It's a little off, close to the Fourth Ring Road, but it's quite large enough for Xia Da and this girl to live there."

A few people discussed for a while, but Xiao Anan and Xie Lin went back to school first, and Xu Liao took Xia Da and Seixue to Xiao Anan's home.

Several teenagers immediately ran out to check out. They were three teenagers and a girl...the combination was very eye-catching. When they were checking out, the waiter at the front desk had a strange look in his eyes and whispered softly: "Three people add up to five minutes." …”

After Xiao An'an and Xie Lin left, Xu Lio did not take a taxi again. Instead, he locked the position out of thin air, snapped his fingers, and directly triggered the change of the two boundary flags, moving to the edge of the Fourth Ring Road out of thin air.

Xu Leo didn't know the specific location, and there was no way to move it more accurately. Fortunately, it was not far from Xiao An'an's house next, and it was only a few minutes away.

It was getting very late at this time, and there was no one on the street. Xia Da couldn't hold it in any longer, and lowered his voice and asked: "Se Xue said you are very powerful. How powerful are you? With a thousand years of skill, or... Five thousand years, what kind of monster is this? Can it change seventy-two times?"

He took a sip and shouted: "I am a human being. I started practicing... probably in the second half of the third grade of junior high school! How many years do you think I can have my skills?"

Xu didn't tell a single lie, but none of the information he conveyed was accurate. He just wanted to mislead Xia Da... (To be continued.)

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