One Sword to Immortality

308. Removed the stigma

Bai Xianji was actually a little scared. He had promised to kill Sun Zhonghu for Bai Qiulian, and also had a fight with Chen Jing. He even made a huge fuss in the Demon Prison and returned from the narrow escape.

You know, when Xu Zhonghu killed Sun Zhonghu, he was still a demon warrior. Now he has grown into a demon king. Needless to say, his strength must be unfathomable.

Bai Xianji didn't know if Xu Zuo could stand out among the others in the Longhua Association, but he was definitely several times more tyrannical than him. When he thought of Xu Zuo's temper, he felt very nervous.

This time, he spent all his money, promised many benefits to Bai Qiulian and Bai Xuanzai, and even persuaded the three elders of the sect, so he dared to come to meet Xu.

When Xu Luo said that as long as he did one thing, Bai Xianji breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that Xu Luo would not kill him for the sake of so many people. As for the matter of losing face...

I am satisfied if I save my life. If I lose my face, I will lose it. Anyway, no one will remember it in a few decades.

Bai Xianji was still a very down-to-earth person, and he immediately laughed and said, "I wonder what the matter is?"

Xu Liao pointed outside and said: "My Jade Cauldron Sect has just been established and I lack coaches to teach my disciples. Please help me find twenty coaches!"

Bai Xianji's face suddenly filled with bitterness. It was not an embarrassment for him to agree to this request. Bai Xianji was once the senior brother of the Dongxuan Immortal Sect, and he was destined to leave the Dongxuan Immortal Sect. In the future, I am afraid that the position of this senior brother will be He still sits. Bai Xianji is still the fourth eldest son of the Bai family. He comes from a noble family and his family is a wealthy one. Putting the two conditions together, it is definitely not too difficult to find twenty coaches.

But after Bai Xianji did this, when people talk about it in the future, he will never be able to take off the label of "having worked" to Xu, and he will be inferior to others no matter what.

Not only him, but the people sent out are naturally his subordinates. It is aggrieved for the boss to let his subordinates work for others. It is aggrieved for the boss to talk about it, and these subordinates are also aggrieved. From now on, he will no longer have any dignity in front of his own people.

Even so, Bai Xianji didn't dare to say no!

He smiled and said: "This matter is simple, I will definitely handle it for Senior Brother Xu!"

Although the three elders also received Bai Xianji's request, they could not lose face after all. [Stealing Beauty \u003ca href=\u0026;http:///4_4056/\u0026; target=\u0026;_blank\u0026;\u003ehttp:///4_4_4056/\u003c/a\u003e] was too embarrassed to mention this matter to Xu Le. Although Bai Xianji is incompetent, he is still a Tiangang disciple of the Dongxuanxian Sect. There are only seven Tiangang disciples in the Dongxuanxian Sect, so how can he be willing to take the trouble?

Li Qingya chuckled lightly,

Said: "It's better to be sensible. Don't put us elders in trouble! Now that this matter is over, let's discuss how to attend the Longhua Conference."

Li Qingya wanted to get rid of this embarrassing matter as soon as possible. Xu Luo was about to let Bai Xianji go for the sake of the face he had taken care of back then. Suddenly he remembered something and couldn't help but think: "Just in time." Let’s take this opportunity to get this matter over with! If we miss it, won’t we have to lose face to the Dongxuanxian Sect?”

He smiled. Said: "Three elders, this disciple has one more thing to say!"

Li Qingya asked with a smile: "What is it?"

Xu Lio took out the gold chain armor that he had stolen and said, "When I found out that this thing was destined for me, I couldn't help but do some tricks. Instead of choosing this treasure, I chose another one, and then By chance, I summoned this treasure again and got one more treasure from the sect."

Yun Qingke, Li Qingya and Lu Mingchi all looked at each other, not expecting such a thing to happen.

Xu coughed lightly. He also said with some embarrassment: "I was being hunted at that time, and I always wanted one more thing to save my life. When it was a matter of life and death, I decided to be a little thief! Later, when I learned about the matter of life and death, I just wanted to return this treasure to the clan." The door, but it has never been available. This treasure was originally uncontrollable, but I got the opportunity to control it a little bit. However, this method is related to my bloodline and is not a magic trick, so I cannot dedicate it to the sect!"

Yun Qingke closed his eyes for a moment. Suddenly he opened his eyes and said: "No one has been able to use this set of golden chain armor for a long time. Now that you have the opportunity, how can we, as elders, be stingy? It's just that I don't have enough authority, so I can only guarantee that if you can enter at the Longhua Conference For the first five, this can be used as a reward, but it would be a bit stingy to erase the past feelings."

Li Qingya and Lu Mingchi's eyes lit up, and they secretly thought in their hearts: "This set of treasured armor is nothing to our Dongxuanxian Sect. Since it is promised, let's give it to him. If he can become a big player in the Longhua Conference, For showing off, the sect was going to give some rewards, not just a set of golden chainmail? Senior Brother Yun Qingke followed suit, and even promised to steal the sect's treasures as a favor, and no one could say anything. All the mistakes were solved in one fell swoop, it’s simply wonderful!”

Xu thought for a moment and looked quite ashamed. It was not that he was reluctant to part with this treasured armor, but if he could be rewarded with it in this way, the previous stigma would naturally disappear, and he was quite grateful from the bottom of his heart.

Xu Liao said quickly: "In this Longhua meeting, Xu Liao will definitely work hard to be first and not let the sect lose face."

Yun Qingke sighed and said: "What dignity does the sect have? We have been at the bottom of the Longhua Conference several times. You should not bear any burden. Anyway, the Dongxuan Immortal Sect has not been very prosperous in the past few years!"

Yun Qingke said this, but he had nothing to say. He could only accompany a few elders to have a meal, and then prepare to attend the Longhua Meeting.

Although Xu Lio had some mundane matters, they were easy to solve. He called Xiao Anan and Xie Lin and asked them to ask for leave for him. He also asked Bai Xuanzai and Cui Ying to help take care of the Yuding Sect and arrange various things. After that, you can get on the road easily.

The Dongxuan Immortal Sect also specially reserved a place for Bai Qiulian so that she could accompany them to watch the ceremony.

In fact, if it weren't for Xu's special status, the Dongxuan Immortal Sect would now have nine Tiangang disciples, and it could be considered that the Middle Way has flourished for once. It's a pity that Xu is not practicing spiritual energy, so he has to quit Dongxuanxian Sect. Fortunately, Bai Qiulian destroyed his foundation and switched to spiritual energy. The three elders care a lot about this newly promoted disciple of Tiangang. They are afraid that Bai Qiulian will follow him as a husband and wife. I promised to do something about Jade Cauldron Gate.

Yun Qingke waited until Xu had finished arranging things, and then took out a treasure. It was the dragon boat that Xu had chosen first but didn't choose.

This dragon ship has eighteen floors and can accommodate thousands of people. If left open as it is, the tonnage will definitely not be inferior to any super cruise ship in the world, and the facilities are unimaginably luxurious. Even the most advanced navigation equipment on the earth cannot match it.

Yun Qingke shouted: "To go to Longhua Hui, you must use this treasure. Come on the boat with me!"

Xu Luo followed the others onto the dragon boat. He was also curious in his heart and thought to himself: "If I had chosen this treasure back then, I wonder what treasure Elder Yun Qingke should bring out now?" (To be continued.)

PS: PS: Please vote for recommendation! Just invest as much as you have! Next chapter tomorrow morning...

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