One Sword to Immortality

309. The feather coat is often smoky in color and does not offend the peach blossoms in the world.

Xia Da only felt that everything was like a dream. He had been a good boy since he was a child. He always came first in studies. He swept all mathematics, physics and chemistry competitions and was the treasure of every teacher in the school.

But there is always a restless stirring in his heart. He has been fond of fantasy since he was a child. Every time he reads novels about mythical monsters and immortals, he wants to be one of them.

When he first met Cui Ying and Seixue, Xia Da was not deceived by beauty. As a very smart boy, he was keenly aware that Cui Ying and Xu Liao were not in that kind of relationship. The two of them talked. His expressions and dialogue simply don’t match.

Even Xiexue didn't have a good impression of Xu Liao. Not only did she not have a good impression, she even had a deep "fear", or rather... "fear".

Even if Xu is more domineering, it is impossible to scare a girl to such an extent?

Shada's observation ability made him unable to resist an impulse. Although at that time, he didn't know what he would get, but he was willing to take the risk.

Even Xu Lio thought that he was blinded by love and took the initiative to "throw himself into the arms" of a female monster. Little did he know that he, Cui Ying, and Seixue were exposed in front of this cold-faced academic tyrant. flaw.

When Xia Da invited her, Xiang Xue's whole person was in collapse, and even her whole world collapsed.

Se Xue ran to China to seek help from Cui Ying, hoping that this "heroine who could stand up to the dark court" could save humanity and eliminate the crisis of human demonization. But she didn't expect that Cui Ying was actually a monster, and even Xu Liao, who helped her, was also a monster. She was even shocked to find that... the entire Beidou City was full of monsters, and they were so powerful that they made people despair!

Compared with the people in the Dark Court, the overall strength of the monsters in Northern City is indeed several levels higher, and Color Snow met the person in charge of the specific official affairs of the Kyoto Monster Affairs Agency. There is no comparison with ordinary monsters!

Although Xiexue's personal strength is enough to defeat 10,000 Xiada, in terms of IQ. It was now the turn of the cold-faced academic to beat up this artificial female monster.

It only took Shada a few hours to get all the "truth" out of Seixue's mouth.

The color snow is relatively simple after all. She didn't even think that it was a secret that Xu was a monster... She saw all kinds of monsters everywhere in Beidou City, and she thought that Beidou City had long been occupied by monsters, and humans were "living in a world" with monsters. "Together"!

Although it is true that humans and monsters "live together" in Beidou City, there is one small detail that is different from what Huixue imagined, that is, humans do not know that there are monsters in the world!

Color Snow, a "country monster" from the European continent,

How can you tell the difference?

Xia Da knew Xu Liao's identity and took a while to digest it. But he soon became ecstatic, as if his childhood dream was within reach, and he immediately called Xu.

The result was better than he expected. Xu Luo actually didn't deny his identity much. In fact, Xia Da still refused to confirm at that time, and also gave him a set of shadowless whip technique and a "seed" to assist in training, the ghost-faced vine. In the sealed state is a plant seed.

Xia Da got the Shadowless Whip Technique and the Ghost Faced Vine, and immediately became infinitely interested in these two things. He relied on an unreliable "mentor" by his side. Although Color Snow is not strong, he has received strict training from the Dark Court and has rich experience. Then he started practicing the Shadowless Whip Technique.

Seixue has never seen the cultivation method of the Eastern Immortal Magic System. What she practices is not even the system of the Dark Court, because the Dark Court is also a human being after all, and the dark magic she practices is not suitable for monsters. In addition to giving guidance to Xia Da, she also secretly Practiced for a while.

With the help of Ghost Face Vine, Xia Da quickly felt the slight flow of vitality around him, but he couldn't catch even a trace of it despite all his efforts.

Fortunately, the cold-faced academic is naturally smart. After trying several times, I found a little trick to absorb the vitality of heaven and earth with the help of ghost-faced vine. After practicing for several hours, I finally absorbed the first ray of essence.

This ray of essence entered the body. It only hovered for a moment and then dispersed, but it gave Xia Da endless surprises.

He tried tirelessly and repeatedly, and finally improved to the point where he could absorb a ray of heaven and earth energy every three to five times. As more and more energy was absorbed, although more than 90% of it was dissipated, there was still a trace. The survival of strands.

Just when Xia Da was desperately trying to maintain his cultivation achievements, a light green light screen suddenly popped up in front of his eyes, with a line of eye-catching characters on it: "Does the host activate the combat system?"

At this time, Xu was riding Yun Qingke's dragon boat with his fellow disciples, and jumped into the endless void.

This huge ship produced layers of light, resisting the power of the void, and produced endless flames around the sides of the ship, just like the fireworks on the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, but this kind of "fireworks" did not stop.

Although Xu Liao traveled through the void, he was still very impressed. He could even slightly sense that the dragon ship had a very clear direction, but the place was too far away. He tried several times but failed to sense anything specific.

Lu Mingchi walked up to him with a smile and asked, "Is this your first time going to Longhua Club? Do you know the legend about Longhua Club?"

Xu shook his head, Lu Mingchi was lost in thought for a while, and then said with a smile: "In ancient times, there were three associations in heaven, the Peach Association, the Longhua Association, and the Immortal Gourd Assembly! According to records, among the three great immortals and Buddhas, Every time the meeting was held, hundreds of millions of immortals, gods and Buddhas of all kinds attended the meeting. There was endless prosperity and countless scenic spots! Later, the ancient heaven collapsed, all the thirty-three-story heavenly palaces were destroyed, and countless heavenly palaces fell. The Longhua Meeting was held. The Heavenly Palace turned into a cave, and when we, the Eighteen Immortal Sects, discovered it, they re-established the Longhua Society and allowed the best disciples from each sect to go in and have a chance at immortality!"

Only then did Xu Luo know the origin of the Longhua Club, and he couldn't help but asked in surprise: "When we go in, aren't we going to form a ring and fight?"

Lu Mingchi smiled and said: "No, no, we form a team to explore. Everyone has three chances to take action. When encountering precious treasures, everyone can fight for them individually. Whoever wins the thing will get it. But after three chances to take action, I can no longer take action, so it doesn’t mean that the most powerful person will definitely get the best opportunity.”

Xu Luo listened with fascination, and suddenly a clear and clear voice came melodiously: "The house is full of heavenly fragrance, a piano, a sword and a cup of tea. The feathers are often smoky and do not offend the peach blossoms in the world. But fellow Taoists of the Dongxuan Immortal Sect What? The eldest son of Dongtian Sect is here with his disciples!" (To be continued.)

ps: ps: Seeing how hard I work, can I give you a few more recommendation votes? By the way, you also need a monthly pass...

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