One Sword to Immortality

314. Tianyi’s method

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Xu had so many secrets that she couldn't tell anyone, not even Bai Qiulian, her real girlfriend.

Fortunately, Bai Qiulian is very reasonable and respects that Xu Leo should have his own secrets. He has never specifically explored Xu Leo's secrets. Unless Xu Leo is willing to mention it to her, Bai Qiulian will not care about Xu Leo's secrets. What.

Seeing that there was no answer for a long time, Bai Qiulian would not continue to ask, so he asked instead: "You don't know your own strength, and you probably don't know the senior brothers of the Eighteen Immortals Sect, right?"

Xu Lio nodded seriously and said, "I know a few of them, and the others have names I have seen in the sect's information."

Bai Qiulian responsibly promised "literacy" and said: "The Eighteen Immortal Sects are divided into the upper five sects and the lower thirteen sects. Each of the upper five sects has an immortal canon and a method that directly points to the immortals, so it dominates the other sects. Sect, the strength of the senior brothers from the upper five sects has always far surpassed that of the senior brothers from the lower thirteen sects, and almost no one can successfully challenge against the sect level."

"Among them, the Yuanshi Sect is known as the No. 1 Immortal Sect in the world, and the Zhenpa Immortal Code "Yuanshi Shu" is known as the No. 1 Immortal Code in the world, even surpassing the Seven Great Demon Strategies. To practice this method, you must be brave and diligent, and there must be no obstacles. Only Only the most talented disciples can achieve it. People with less qualifications practice this method, and the early stage is fine. If they encounter bottlenecks, they often cannot break through for decades. Even if they are lucky enough to break through one bottleneck, there will be many obstacles in the future. The next time The bottleneck is getting deeper!”

Xu Liao was frightened when he heard this, and shouted: "Doesn't this mean that unless those who practice this method keep making progress, once they are blocked at a certain pass, even if they are lucky enough to get through, they will encounter more and more difficulties. ?”

Bai Qiulian nodded and said, "That's right! That's why Yuanshishu has always been called 'Tianyi's method'. It is only practiced by the most talented disciples!"

Xu Zuo felt a little bad for a moment and asked: "So what kind of person is the senior brother of Yuanshi Sect's generation...?"

Bai Qiulian said with a slightly weird expression: "The senior brothers of the Yuanshi Sect change quite frequently. The senior senior brother of this generation is called Qian Le! It is said that it has only been five years since he joined the sect. He has broken through from a first-level spiritual warrior to Tiangang Dacheng. It’s only half a step away from being promoted to Dayan!”

Xu hesitated for a moment. Said: "That is to say! If he also comes to participate in the Longhua Conference, it means that he has encountered a bottleneck and is not considered a natural talent?"

Bai Qiulian said angrily and funny: "That's not what I meant. I meant that he may have the strength to break through, but he is suppressed in the Tiangang realm! The senior brothers of the Yuanshi Sect before Qian Le were also like this. In this situation, they obviously have the strength of Dayanshi, but they suppress their strength in Tiangang. Every time, they beat all other sects.


Xu Liao exclaimed in surprise: "The senior brothers of Yuanshi Sect are so shameless!"

Bai Qiulian shook his head and said, "What kind of shamelessness is this? Other sects can do this if they want, but they can't do it."

Xu Liao thought to herself: "I can do it too!"

It's just that he won't say this sentence if he promises it. He doesn't want to show off in front of his girlfriend. This kind of thing will wait until the Longhua meeting, when everyone has a fight, and he will feel proud when he truly wins.

Bai Qiulian said to Xu Liao: "Yuanshimen's "Yuanshishu" is a secret method passed down by the ancient heaven. It is known as 'the beginning of all laws, the universe is like an elephant'! Different people practice Yuanshishu. The skills and magical powers they have achieved are also different. , and even more than 50% of Yuanshi Sect disciples can create their own exercises."

Xu exclaimed and shouted: "Yuanshimen is so powerful. Once I meet Qianle, I will definitely be careful about this person!"

Bai Qiulian was slightly afraid of Yuanshi Sect's accumulated power. Although Xu was considered unfathomable in her eyes, the girl from the Bai family still didn't think that Xu could challenge the elder brother of Yuanshi Sect. happy.

Although she was a little worried, she did not continue talking about Yuanshimen, but turned to the topic of West Kunlun.

"Although you have seen Shi Ji, don't think that Shi Ji is outstanding in West Kunlun. Yuanshen, the inner scene of West Kunlun, is known as the number one killer. It is divided into thirty-six chapters! It is said that he can build thirty-six buildings by himself. When he comes out of the Sixth Heavenly Palace, he sits upright in the highest heaven. As he speaks, all the people below the highest heaven are ants!"

Xu Xu smacked it for a while and asked: "Isn't it possible that Neijing Yuanshen was also passed down from the ancient heaven?"

Bai Qiulian nodded and said: "The origin of Yuan Shen in the inner scene is mysterious. It is said that the structure of the thirty-three days of the ancient heaven was based on this method. It is a pity that the people with great supernatural powers who built the heaven at that time could only practice to the thirty-three chapter, so the heaven is There is only the thirty-third level, not the thirty-sixth level. After this man of great supernatural power built the Heavenly Palace, he bid farewell to the Emperor of Heaven and never appeared between heaven and earth again. The Taoism he taught only appeared in the world after the collapse of the ancient Heavenly Palace! "

Xu Luo couldn't help but be slightly surprised, as if he remembered something, but in the end he didn't interrupt, and listened patiently to Bai Qiulian's talk about the skills of Ao Youxing, the great disciple of West Kunlun.

Ao Youxing was born in the Ao family, the most powerful family among the seven pure-blood families. It is said that he has the blood of a true dragon. It is even said that the Ao family is the only bloodline of the heavenly demon among the seven pure-blood families. However, no one can confirm this. .

Ao Youxing himself is extremely talented. He was born with the purest blood of the Ao family. He broke through to the realm of a demon king before he was ten years old. However, he suddenly wanted to join the Eighteen Immortals Sect to learn arts, so he chose the so-called Killer. West Kunlun is the first.

He destroyed the foundation and abolished the bloodline of the Ao family. It only took him eight years to break through to the peak of Tiangang Shi again, and had already completed six chapters of "Inner Scenery Yuanshen".

You must know that Shi Ji's senior brother Du Wei is also considered a leader of the younger generation of the Eighteen Immortals Sect. When he fought with Xu Liao, he also gave him a headache, but he could only complete two chapters of Heavenly Court and Earthly Pass.

Once the Inner Scenery Yuan Shen is cultivated, one chapter is like a heavenly palace, and all the small worlds it has transformed are under its control. It can freely control the void and move it at will. Being an enemy of the person who has cultivated the Inner Scenery Yuan Shen is like being an enemy of a heaven and earth.

Xu Luo had admired it at the time. If Dewey's Neijingyuan Shen cultivation was perfect, he could neutralize his own attacks at will, and even turn them against himself. However, Dewey's cultivation at that time was insufficient and he could only deflect part of Xu Lio's attacks, leading to his defeat. Array. If he meets Ao Youxing, who has mastered Chapter 6 Neijingyuan Shen, Xu Xu will not be sure of winning.

Xu Lao thought about it for a while and thought to himself: "The changes in the flags of the two realms may not be able to stabilize the world transformed by Yuan Shen in the inner scene, and the changes in the Dingxuan Mirror may not be able to stabilize Ao Youxing's magic power, unless I respond with the changes in the Ruyi Golden Boat." , No matter how the world changes, I will cross it in one boat..." (To be continued.)

ps: ps: This chapter is a bit troublesome to write. I have to put all the previous character backgrounds together so that there are no mistakes and they are interlocking... So, for my seriousness and hard work, please give me a recommendation vote and a monthly pass.

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