One Sword to Immortality

315. Riding on the clouds and flying snakes to attract the clouds

When Bai Qiulian talked about Shinhwa, he smiled and said, "Your Bai family has a good relationship with Shinhwa. Apart from Su Zhan, Ye Bai and your Bai family's Bai Juan, there are no characters in Shinhwa that I care about. No need to go into details. ∑.∑”

Bai Qiulian chuckled and said, "Fourth brother has been tortured by Su Zhan many times. You are also practicing the Qiankun Sword in your sleeves. Be careful against the Nine Yuan Sutra!"

Xu laughed and said, "I'll give him one step. After all, Senior Brother Su Zhan kindly gave me the first chapter of the Nine-Yuan Sutra. I have to give this favor no matter what."

Su Zhan and Xu Liao had never met before, so he asked Jiang Zhen to give the first chapter of the Nine-Yuan Sutra to Xu Liao just because he valued him. Although Xu had a demon mentality and had no intention of switching to the Nine-Yuan Sutra, he still expressed his gratitude to Su Zhen. I am very fond of Zhan's cheerfulness and magnanimity.

Bai Qiulian smiled slightly and said: "I don't need to say anything about Yaochi. This is a sect with only female disciples. It has no senior brothers and only two senior sisters. You can't match them."

Although the Longhua Society does not expressly prohibit male and female disciples from fighting, the Eighteen Immortals Sect has been inherited since ancient times. Even the most bad-tempered guy will feel that fighting with a girl will not win and it will be embarrassing to lose. No senior brother has ever gone there. When it comes to challenging senior sisters from other sects, even if they are challenged by other senior sisters, they will either give in or let their own senior sister fight.

Xu laughed, his face turned gloomy, and he said calmly: "As for the Changsheng Sect, let alone it, no matter whether it is Kou Wenxing or Chen Jing, they are my formidable enemies, and I have enough of their six magic arts. learn."

After Bai Qiulian introduced the senior brothers of the Fifth Sect, he stopped introducing them. Xu Zuo was quite surprised and asked, "Why don't you continue talking?"

Bai Qiulian shook his head with a smile and said, "Those people are not your opponents, why should I waste my time?"

Xu Xu, who can challenge the senior brothers of the fifth sect, naturally does not need to care about the senior brothers of the thirteenth sect. Xu Xu himself has not yet realized this, but Bai Qiulian knows deeply that his boyfriend will definitely win the thirteenth sect. A person who goes to war.

Such absolute confidence. It’s something that girls only have when it comes to boys they love, sometimes a little blindly!

But if a girl has never had this kind of confidence in her boyfriend, it can only mean that the girl has never looked down on him or fallen in love with him.

I agreed and laughed. He didn't think anyone could beat him except the senior brother from the Fifth Sect.

The battle with Lingyi of Dongtian Sect just now gave him great confidence. Of course, his confidence was more due to fighting in the Demon Prison and countless demons perished under his hands. It gave him such a strong mentality.

The dragon boat broke through the layers of void turbulence and gradually surpassed the Void Cetus. This was not because the Void Cetus of the Dongtian Sect was not as fast as the Void Cetus, but because the Changshengzi felt that he had lost face and was unwilling to go with the Dongxuan Immortal Sect. .

Xu Liao and Bai Qiulian were sitting on the bow of the boat, looking out at the brilliant sky like mist and clouds. They didn't chat much. Even when they sat quietly, they felt the atmosphere was quiet and the years were infinitely beautiful.

The Longhua Society was different from the Seven-Day War. Although there were fights, the most was a loss of face, no treasure was obtained, and no life was in danger.

Xu Liao was confident in his own strength, so he was not worried about this battle.

Bai Qiulian snuggled next to Xu Zuo, feeling that it was rare to feel at ease. Her eyes were slightly squinted, as if she was sleeping, but suddenly a shadow passed by, and Bai Qiulian opened her eyes wide. After looking at it intently for a while, he shouted happily: "Xiao, look's a Yunxi beast, there are many Yunxi beasts!"

Just over a hundred kilometers in front of the dragon boat, countless colorful clouds chased it back and forth. Even though the void turbulence swept through and some clouds were cut into two, they were still alive and kicking as long as they were brought together.

These colorful clouds range from several acres in diameter to tens of meters in diameter, and each one looks very lively. It can even change into various postures, like a galloping horse, like flowing water, like Buddha, like a fairy, like a dragon, like a beast, like a bird, like a fish. It is simply difficult to exhaust its forms.

It was indeed a group of Yunxi beasts, and it was quite a large group, with hundreds of groups in total!

Xu Liao was also slightly surprised. He once found three Yunxi beasts in the Qingxu Cave of the Dongxuan Immortal Sect. They were named Somersaultyun, Zixiao and Caixiao. Now besides Zixiao, he gave it to Qu Lei. Caixiao and Somersault Yun were on the two disciples Li Li and Fei Yan respectively, but they themselves were gone.

He had also wondered at first why there was such a wild monster in Qingxu Cave, but later he learned that the Yunxi beast was involved in the turbulence of the void.

The body of the Yunxi beast is like a cloud. Except for the core spirit, the whole body can gather and disperse freely. Even if it is swept by the void turbulence, at most it will lose part of the body. It is extremely difficult to kill, and they do not need to eat. , as long as there is Yunxiao Qi, one can survive, so one can survive in the turbulence of the void.

Bai Qiulian seemed very excited. He jumped up and looked at the group of Yunxi beasts with eyes shining!

Xu smiled and said: "You like this kind of monster, what's the big deal? I'll help you catch a few!"

Just as Bai Qiulian was about to stop him, Xu Le had already stepped out of the dragon boat. He secretly used the two-realm flag transformation and passed through several void turbulences in a flash, appearing next to the group of cloud beasts.

He slightly released the aura of the Cloud-riding Snake, and the group of Yunxi beasts flew over after Xu Lu as if they had encountered something good, without him having to catch them at all.

Xu Lio smiled slightly, and suddenly remembered that he had accepted so many Yuding disciples, and the teachings were all about taking advantage of the clouds to become snakes. If he distributed these Yunxi beasts, it would be a mutual benefit.

The Yunxi beast can grow faster with the breath of the cloud-riding snake, and those in the Jade Cauldron can also use the Yunxi beast as a means of transportation. Low-level demons at the demon level, and they are still at the second or third level, can fly into the sky and escape to the earth.

After a little temptation, he used the magical power of Qiankun in his sleeves, like a whale swallowing up all the Yunxi beasts in one breath, and then used the two-world flag transformation to return to the dragon boat.

Bai Qiulian felt relieved after Xu You came back. He couldn't help but pull Xu You and asked, "Hurry up and release all the Yunxi beasts. I want to pick the most beautiful one!"

Only then did Xu realize that Bai Qiulian liked the Yunxi beast, not because this monster could be used as a mount, but because the Yunxi beast was so beautiful.

He laughed dumbly and said: "We can't let them out on the boat. I haven't counted this group of Yunxi beasts, but there must be hundreds of them. Let them all out. Wouldn't it be chaos? They are all troublemakers, and they like to do the most. Some naughty things." (To be continued.)

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