One Sword to Immortality

316. Legend of Xiangyun

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Bai Qiulian narrowed his eyes, smiled slightly, and said: "You can go to the Cetus of the Void and release these cloud beasts. ∮,"

Xu Zuo didn't expect this. He waved the mountain and sea stick casually, took Bai Qiulian away first, and then put all the Yunxi beasts in. He had no interest in picking a Yunxi beast, so he didn't go in.

After a while, Bai Qiulian shouted: "I have already chosen."

Xu Lei let go of the restraint, and Bai Qiulian flew out on a ball of ever-changing strange light. This cloud-like beast was different from its kind. It was like a ball of strange light, like neon, with various colors changing, and it was as beautiful as a wheel. Xu Lei He lost the three Yunxi beasts he originally raised, Caixiao, Zixiao and Somersault Yun were all incomparable.

Xu smiled slightly and said: "This one is pretty, but the breath is weaker!"

Bai Qiulian rolled his eyes at him and said, "What does it matter if you are weak? As long as you raise it slowly, it will naturally grow up."

Among the group of Yunxi beasts captured by Xu, there was only one demon king, and the rest were all demon warriors. Although the one chosen by Bai Qiulian looked good-looking, it was only a third-level demon warrior, and it was only five or six meters in size when spread out. , should still be in the infancy stage.

Bai Qiulian liked it, and naturally he wouldn't make irresponsible remarks if he agreed. He smiled and said, "I can teach you a way to speed up its growth, and there will be absolutely no sequelae!"

Bai Qiulian shook his head and said, "Why do we need to accelerate growth? This is good... What do you think I should give him a name?"

Xu Lio didn't have any expertise in naming names, so after thinking for a long time, he could only come up with: Xiaoguang, Xiaoliang, Yunxiao, Ayun... it was hard to find names that would come up on the table, and they all sounded like little pets.

Bai Qiulian objected one by one, and finally thought about it for a while. Said: "I'd better call it Cloud Elf."

Of course he would not object if he promised, and the name of this little thing was decided.

When Bai Qiulian and Xu Liao were discussing the name of the cloud elf, senior brother Wang Chao smiled and came over. The relationship between Xu Liao and him was pretty good. He asked casually: "Senior brother, do you want to ask for a few Yunxi beasts?"

Wang Chao shook his head and said: "I don't want to ask for a few heads, I want a hundred heads, and I will give you a secret in exchange!"

Xu Liu smiled slightly and said, "Even if it's a hundred heads, I can just give them to you. There's no need for any secrets."

Wang Chao laughed,

Said: "It's generous to agree to you, but this secret happens to be what you need. So I'll give it to you. The Yunxi beast is the slave of the Cloud-riding Snake. If you can find a Cloud-riding Snake, or learn how to The cloud-riding snake transformation, combined with the cloud-riding beast, can make the cloud-riding snake demon power increase dramatically... But that's not the secret I'm talking about. If it's the other way around, and the cloud-riding beast swallows the cloud-riding snake, it can make the cloud-riding snake demonic. This thing transforms into an 'auspicious cloud'."

I really don’t know if I’m allowed to. The Yunxi beast could in turn devour the Cloud-riding Snake, and he couldn't help but exclaimed in surprise: "Can this thing actually bite the Cloud-riding Snake?"

Wang Chao shook his head. Said: "Yunxi beasts will only treat the cloud-riding snakes that feed them as their parents, and will never bite them back. If the cloud-bearing beasts swallow the cloud-riding snakes that feed them, they will feel as if they are dead, and their souls will be extremely affected. With a big impact, even the spirit demon core will collapse on its own."

Xu Liao was even more surprised and asked: "In that case. Who discovered that the Yunxi Beast can swallow the Cloud-riding Snake?"

Wang Chao said calmly: "This method was passed down from heaven in ancient times, but not many people know about it now!"

Xu was slightly surprised, searched his memory, and found that there was no such record in the inheritance he received from the Eastern Palace. in other words. During the ancient demon clan's heavenly period, no matter what level of monster they were, they would not be able to ride on the clouds. They would either use their own demonic power to stir up the wind and control the air to fly, or they would rely on their talent or mana to escape.

However, in the legends about the ancient heaven, it was normal for various immortals to ride on the clouds. After the collapse of the ancient heaven, the theory of riding on the clouds was no longer spread.

Xu Liao didn't pay much attention to this detail at first, but after hearing Wang Chao talk about it, he suddenly discovered that the theory of auspicious clouds was only circulated in the ancient heavenly period.

Xu Luo grabbed them casually, without distinguishing between good and bad, and grabbed more than a hundred Yunxi beasts, and threw them to Wang Chao.

Wang Chao laughed loudly, rubbed his hands, and collected the more than a hundred Yunxi beasts, and proudly went to offer the treasure to Yingqiang. Hu Xiuqing's face turned blue when he saw it, and the single dog received a million points of heavy blows.

After a while, he had no place to look for a cloud-riding snake, but when he thought about it, the Yunxi beast might not necessarily swallow a cloud-riding snake. It might just need to swallow the demonic power, so he tried to activate the cloud-riding snake. Yun Teng changed into a snake, grabbed the Yunxi Beast Demon King, and poured some demon power into it to try.

How powerful is Xu Zuo's evil spirit?

This Yunxi Beast Demon King had filled him with demonic energy that was two or three times more powerful than its own demonic power. It suddenly expanded and contracted, as if it was drunk, and even chirped.

After feeling a little amused, he took a deep breath and forcibly injected the cloud-riding snake demon power again.

The Yunxi Beast Demon King, who was captured by him for testing, lost all his demon power in just a moment, as if he couldn't eat anymore. Xu Lioben wanted to stop, but he soon discovered that the demonic aura emitted by the Yunxi Beast Demon King was a bit strange and was no longer of its original quality.

After hearing Wang Chao's words, the disciples of the Dongxuan Immortal Sect caught a demon king-level Yun Xi beast and poured it into it with all their demon power. They all felt it was strange and came over one by one to see what Xu Xu was going to do with this Yun Xi beast. What about the beast?

The evil energy poured into this Yunxi Beast Demon King was ten times more than its own. Not only did it keep dissipating the evil energy, but even its Yunxia-like body continued to dissipate, shrinking smaller and smaller. At first it even chirped, and later There was only an indistinct cry, like the sound of paper blown by the wind.

Yingqiang couldn't stand it anymore and said, "Junior Brother Xu, why do you torture it like this? I think this monster is dying."

She turned around and asked, "What on earth did you tell Junior Brother Xu? That he actually did such an unreasonable thing?"

Wang Chao chuckled and said, "This is none of my business!" He completely shied away the responsibility and didn't want to be involved at all.

I had promised to try it but didn't see any changes. I was about to give up when I withdrew my demonic power slightly, and then I pushed it hard again.

Originally, he thought that if this last attack didn't succeed, forget it, but this blow was so fierce that it immediately broke the last "barrier" of the demon king-level Yunxi beast, and it seemed to have leaked air. Layers of clouds continued to spray out, and for a while, the entire dragon boat was even filled.

Xu Liu regretted it slightly and shouted: "I must have blown it up. If I had known better, I wouldn't have played like this and kept some of my demonic power." (To be continued.)

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