One Sword to Immortality

316. Legend of Xiangyun (2)

Wang Chao rolled his eyes, pulled Ying Qiang and left, acting as if the matter had nothing to do with him. ↖,

Several other fellow apprentices also felt a little pity. After all, it was a demon king-level Yunxi beast, and it was quite capable as a mount!

Just as Xu Liao was about to use his magic power to blow away the clouds all over the ship, suddenly his heart moved slightly, and an inspiration burst out, as if he was praying to him.

Xu Zuo immediately sent a mysterious golden demonic power over. This spiritual idea that seemed to be about to be destroyed suddenly grew stronger with this demonic power. It was like a snowball, rolling in groups, growing extremely quickly, and there was also a mysterious... The dharma seal breeds.

Xu opened his eyes slightly, and two masses of mirror light came out. He activated the Dingxuan Mirror to change, and immediately discovered that the Yunxi Beast Demon King who was supposed to "die" actually gave birth to the shattered Lingxi Demon Core. Transformed into another strange talisman.

The Yunxi Beast can only grow to the Demon King level at most, but the Chengyun Teng Snake is a Demon Commander-level demon, so only the Cloud Chenging Snake can feed the Yunxi Beast, and there is absolutely no chance that the Yunxi Beast will bite him back.

The ancient Heavenly Court didn't know what tricks it had used to know that the Yun Xi beast had swallowed up the Yun Teng snake and had extraordinary changes. Xu Liao thought to himself that the demon clan in Heaven had done countless experiments and finally came up with some useful results. It was quite scary to think about it at this time, and he didn't want to think too much about the tragic events that happened tens of thousands of years ago.

In an instant, the spiritual demon core of this Yunxi beast came to an end. Because it had acquired so much black gold demonic energy, it turned into a black gold talisman. It swallowed the cloud energy, and in an instant, it took back the clouds that filled the ship.

Xu Liao tried a move with his hand, and the black gold talisman responded like this, turning into a ball of black gold cloud light and flying around the dragon ship at an extremely fast speed, creating a tornado. If it weren't for the fact that the weakest person on the ship was also a Tiangang warrior, everyone would have been blown away.

The speed of this black gold cloud light has not yet been fully realized, but it has exceeded the speed of sound by at least three or four times, surpassing the fastest flying escape method of the Tiangang Shi class. Even the Dayan Shi, few people can achieve such a terrifying method. speed.

If you don't have a special physique. Or the special skills. The flight speed of most Tiangang warriors is only around the speed of sound, and most of them are subsonic. The speed of Dayan warriors can be two or three times faster, but it is only three times the speed of sound.

Even if you have cultivated to the Taoist realm or above, your flight speed will not be much faster. After all, when you reach that realm, you will mostly use the method of moving the void to travel. I won’t use the flying escape method anymore.

The speed of this black gold cloud light was so fast, which not only surprised everyone, but also made Xu Liao understand a little bit why the gods in ancient heaven liked to travel by "auspicious clouds" because it was much faster than flying by themselves. .

The method of moving the void in the ancient heavenly era was not perfect yet.

Few people know how to move the world, even if they have powerful magical power and extraordinary people, they mostly fly hard. This method of auspicious clouds naturally became popular.

Later, the heaven collapsed. The cloud-riding snake is almost extinct, and the method of moving the void has become more and more sophisticated, so the method of auspicious clouds has naturally declined.

Of course, Xu Xu didn't know about these secrets. Even Wang Chao only read part of them from the Dongxuan Immortal Sect's classics, so he knew what they were and didn't know why.

Wang Chao was in a daze for a while. Then he shouted: "Promise! Where did you get the evil spirit of the Cloud-riding Snake?"

He smiled and said, "Qiu Lian gave me the demon spirits collected by the Bai family!"

Of course Xu Ruo didn't get the Cloud-Snake Transformation from the Bai family, but he used it as an excuse, but no one would doubt it. But when everyone heard this answer, they all looked at Bai Qiulian. This made the Bai family girl's face suddenly turn red. She could even show Xu Liao the family's secret method. Not only did it show the close relationship between Bai Qiulian and Xu Liao, it also meant that the Bai family had recognized this "son-in-law". Otherwise, Is it easy for others to see the secret method passed down from the family?

Yingqiang couldn't help but say: "Junior brother, Bai Qiulian, junior sister, I didn't expect that the relationship between you two has progressed so fast, and even the Bai family has recognized this marriage!"

Bai Qiulian's face turned even redder. She originally had a complexion like snow, which was considered to be one of the best among girls. She was envied by many people, but now she was as red as a little apple. She forgot to glance at Xu, and her eyes It was full of complaints, as if asking why he didn't save her.

Xu didn't expect that everyone would react so big. He smiled awkwardly and said, "I didn't expect this method to work. Do you want me to do the same thing? When we get to the Longhua Conference, we must recharge our batteries and fight all the way." , we don’t have this kind of free time anymore.”

Hu Xiuqing couldn't hold back and shouted: "Get me two ends too, I want the white Yunxi beast!"

Xu smiled, picked two white cloud beasts at random, activated the cloud-riding snake transformation, and injected evil energy wildly.

These two Yunxi beasts were only at the level of demon warriors, so they were naturally much weaker. Finally, they gained the power of Hu Xiuqing's Xuantian Baidi Sword Sutra and turned into two platinum talismans.

Hu Xiuqing put the two platinum talismans on the backs of her hands, and released them into two balls of light, clear and sharp, just like two balls of sword light. They could gather and disperse freely, and their flying speed was more than three times the speed of sound.

Xu Zuo was busy for a while, which made several fellow disciples very happy. In the harmonious atmosphere of everyone, Elder Lu Mingchi suddenly shouted: "Ahead is the Longhuahui Cave! This cave is born with heaven and earth. The fetal membrane is extremely difficult to break in, and you have to use your magic power to hit it hard. Everyone should be careful not to be knocked out. "

The three elders of the Dongxuanxian Sect each activated their magic power, and the entire dragon ship emitted a green light, like a ball of green shuttle, and crashed into the endless void.

Promising self-control magic power, he grabbed Bai Qiulian and activated the changes in the flags of the two realms at the same time. He wanted to measure the time and space coordinates of the Longhua Meeting so that he could come and go on his own in the future without having to wait for the Longhua Meeting.

The Two Realms Banner exhausted all the void spells, and Xu Luo soon got a glimpse of the location of Longhua Hui, but he was also slightly surprised. The general cave sky only has more than a thousand square kilometers, but the Longhua Hui cave sky is extremely vast, almost not inferior to the earth. Although It is not comparable to the Small Heaven, but it is also extremely vast.

Only then did Xu realize why the Eighteen Immortals Sect had not searched the Longhuahui Cave Sky for so many years. Without the method of moving the void, they could only rely on the flying method to fly from one side of the Longhuahui to another. It's easy on the one hand, but it only takes a few days of effort, but if you want to explore every corner, it will take an infinite amount of time.

Human beings have airplanes, but if they want to search for a target on the sea, they may still fail even if they spend several months.

Just when Xu was secretly spying on the location of the Longhua Hui, the dragon boat had already smashed through the membrane of heaven and earth and sailed into the Longhua Hui Cave... (To be continued.)

ps: ps: Someone was waiting for the update yesterday, but they waited very late and didn't get it. I feel very ashamed, so I will write more today... For the sake of my conscience, everyone please vote for recommendations and monthly votes!

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