One Sword to Immortality

317. Ancient Azure Dragon

Xu Liao looked far into the distance from the dragon boat and couldn't help but feel infinite emotion!

Although humans have built countless high-rise buildings on the earth, there are still countless lands that have never been transformed. Most of the land on the earth is still covered by natural landscapes such as the sea, vegetation, and wasteland, and there is no man-made thing.

However, there is not an inch of natural scenery in Longhuahui. As far as the eye can see, there are endless vast buildings. The majestic scene cannot be described in any human language.

Below the dragon boat is an extremely "vast garden". All the parks, gardens, zoos, and even related building facilities built by mankind may not be as vast as this garden. It respects the symmetry of ancient China, with the central tower as the center, radiating out in all directions, forming dozens of parks. Each park has countless exotic flowers and plants, and even places for people to rest. , enjoy the scenery of the ancient pagoda.

Yun Qingke relaxed slightly. Once he arrived at the Longhua Hui, there would no longer be any danger. The Eighteen Immortals Sect had held the Longhua Hui dozens of times. Although there were various spiritual beasts and birds living in the Longhua Hui cave, most of them did not attack. *, just guarding their own territory. The only dangers are those places where the treasures are sealed, and there will be various guards left behind by the heaven. Therefore, the Eighteen Immortals Sect does not let everyone search individually, but forms a team to explore. Only by working together can everyone break the seal and obtain the treasure. Various treasures.

Li Qingya also changed into a Taoist robe and put away the original classical skirt from the World War II period. This made the elder of the Dongxuanxian Sect a little more youthful and beautiful. It looked more comfortable than the original skirt that was more modern. There are too many.

Li Qingya nodded slightly towards Yun Qingke and said, "Senior Brother Yun Qingke, I'll go explore the area first and look for teams from other sects!"

Yun Qingke nodded. After entering the Longhua Club, the first thing everyone should do is to gather together. This kind of thing has become a rule. It's done so well that there's nothing objectionable about it.

Li Qingya scolded. Lifting into the air, Xu looked up for a while and said to Bai Qiulian, "Should we take a walk nearby? I think the scenery here is nice and we can take a walk!"

Bai Qiulian smiled slightly and said, "I'm going to ask Elder Yun Qingke for leave!"

Not to mention Xu Zi and Bai Qiulian, there are also Wang Chao and Ying Qiang, Hu Xiuqing, and Bai Xianji. They all asked Yun Qingke to move around, but only Ren Lingxuan stayed on the boat and had no intention of leaving.

Yun Qingke knew that in the Longhua Club, as long as they didn't run around and were not in great danger, these disciples were all outstanding talents, knew how to advance and retreat, and would not cause trouble, so they all agreed.

Xu Lei waited for Bai Qiulian to come back and found out that Yun Qingke had agreed to their request.

He couldn't help being extremely excited, and with a strange cry, the black gold talisman on his wrist flew out. It turned into a ball of black gold cloud light, he pulled Bai Qiulian to step onto the cloud light, and flew out of the dragon boat in a moment.

The dragon boat of the Dongxuan Immortal Sect hung high in the sky. Xu Zuo left the dragon boat. When he turned around to look at it, he suddenly had an extremely strange thought and secretly thought: "The dragon boat hangs high in the sky, looking down at the land of Longhuahui. It doesn't look like a fairy." Story. It has a bit of a science fiction feel to it.”

This situation would be transformed into an alien spacecraft exploring the ruins of ancient alien planets. It fits the rhythm quite well.

Xu Lio laughed dumbly when he thought of this. No longer thinking about it, he activated the black golden cloud light under his feet and was far away from the dragon boat in an instant.

Yun Qingke gave everyone a strict order not to leave the garden and to move around as they pleased within the garden. Xu Ling did not want to leave this garden. He casually called up the map of Longhua Hui, compared the directions, and quickly determined where the dragon boat of the Dongxuanxian Sect entered from.

The area of ​​Longhuahui is similar to that of the earth, but it is not like a planet, but a flat world with a round sky and a flat place.

This cave world also covers 5 billion square kilometers. The height of the sky is only 17,000 kilometers. If you go higher, you will encounter the membrane of heaven and earth. Beyond the membrane of heaven and earth is the endless turbulence of void.

It is difficult for the people of the Eighteen Immortals Sect to be in the same place every time they enter. The landing locations of each sect may be thousands of kilometers apart. Everyone can only use battle beasts to communicate with each other.

The Longhuahui map in Xu Zuo's hand was a map obtained by each faction entering dozens of times. Although it was limited to human hands, it was not very detailed, and there were large blank areas. However, with a little cooperation with spiritual scanning, it could be used to determine The location is extremely convenient.

The world of Longhuahui was divided into ninety-nine areas, and Xu Liao found that they happened to fall into a blank area, which had never been explored before. He compared the map for a while and thought to himself: "The Eighteen Immortals Sect has established bases in nine familiar areas that have been explored many times. Although they have no manpower left, they have accumulated a lot of supplies. They don't know if we will stay. Where will we gather?"

Bai Qiulian also opened her battle beast light screen, but her spiritual thoughts were not as strong as Xu's, and she had not determined her position yet.

Xu Ruo shared the map with Bai Qiulian, and the location was immediately marked on Bai Qiulian's map. She perked up slightly, looked at the map for a while, and suddenly shouted: "Our nearest exploration area is Qinglong District. Yes! It is said that they found an ancient blue dragon in this area, so they divided this area and designated it as a place that cannot be explored again. I really want to see the blue dragon..."

Xu Lio smiled slightly and said: "When Yang Shuhua and other nephews come back, we can let them be bodyguards. It might as well go and take a look. Now I don't have the ability to protect you under the claws of a green dragon."

The strength of this ancient green dragon is at least at the level of a demon god. It is willing to sleep and will not leave the active area when it occasionally wakes up. Therefore, the threat is not great. As long as you can't harass it, there will be no danger.

Xu Liao asked himself that he didn't have the ability to provoke an ancient green dragon. If there were Yang Shuhua and other Taoist realm disciples, they would definitely not be able to defeat this ancient green dragon, but just taking a look at it from a distance, there would definitely be no problem. Yuding's disciples were all proficient in both realms. The flag changes, even if it is a demon-god level Qinglong, if Yang Shuhua wants to take the two of them to escape, there will still be no problem.

Bai Qiulian smiled and said: "I would rather take a look at Qinglong in the inheritance light egg. After all, there is no danger. At the Longhua Conference, I should just stay in the safe zone."

Xu Luo suddenly reached out and rubbed Bai Qiulian's head and said, "So good!"

Bai Qiulian was stunned for a moment, and suddenly his face flushed. This was the first time that Xu Luo had such a doting intimacy with her. The relationship between the two had been broken for a long time, but the most they could do was hold hands, and there was no further intimacy. . (To be continued.)

ps: ps: I have updated again, what about recommended tickets and monthly tickets?

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