One Sword to Immortality

318. Green Snake Transforms into Spirit

Bai Qiulian almost never caused any trouble to Xu Li, always silently helping him solve various problems, and never thought of changing any of his ideas, respecting most of his choices. novel,

You must know that Bai Qiulian is not a submissive girl. She is also independent and independent. She is even popular among the younger generation of the Bai family. When Xu wanted to form the Jade Cauldron Sect, the first batch of disciples were recruited by Bai Qiulian. people.

It is impossible to satisfy Bai Qiulian's wish to see the ancient green dragon. This is not a question of willingness, but a question of ability.

Going to the ancient Qinglong and still being able to leave safely was beyond the limit of Xu Chao's ability.

If it were another girl, even though she knew this, she would insist on letting her boyfriend convince her. Some willful ones would even sneak away and cause all kinds of trouble.

Almost most boys will worry about "my girlfriend never makes people feel at ease", but Bai Qiulian doesn't. She always makes Xu Ling feel at ease and always makes sensible choices instead of letting herself go. sensibility.

Xu Luo had always thought that Bai Qiulian would never blush, but today he saw her at least twice, and she couldn't help but jokingly said: "Little Bai Bai! You will become a little red dragon in the future. You are always blushing like this. It's so cute that I can't stand it." No."

Bai Qiulian gave him a fierce look, but the blush on his face did not fade away, and even the roots of his ears were red.

Xu promised to hold Bai Qiulian's hand, and then after thinking about it, he simply put his arms around his girlfriend's slim waist. Bai Qiulian was slightly shocked, but did not resist. The two of them sat cuddled on the black gold cloud light, looking at the endless sky below. The beautiful scenery seems to lack the motivation to explore this blank area.

White space also has the benefit of being unexplored. There may be hidden treasures. If they can be found before joining the large forces, there is no need to fight and they can be collected by themselves.

Wang Chao, Ying Qiang, Bai Xianji and Hu Xiuqing. They all know this section and take the initiative to come out and move freely.

Xu Liao and Bai Qiulian, on the other hand, have no such need. They sit in the Demon Prison with the Eastern Palace and the neighborhoods under their own jurisdiction, so there is no shortage of treasures.

Xu Liao and Bai Qiulian were in a daze in silence until Xu Liao's battle beast showed a message requesting communication.

Although Xu Leo had many battle beasts, most of them were either destroyed or given away to others. Nowadays, he often uses the Hanming Bingchan that Wu Fan compensated for. Xu started the communication. What I saw was the excited face of Hu Xiuqing. This young man with the best swordsmanship in the Dongxuan Immortal Sect shouted: "Yes! Do you know what I found? Come and take a look..."

He stretched out his hand,

An ancient gate appeared among the countless vines. There were seven emerald green snakes coiling around the gate. When they sensed that someone wanted to spy, they all stuck their heads out together.

Hu Xiuqing fired his sword light and struck one blow on each of the seven emerald green snakes. But it can only force them back, but cannot cut them into two pieces.

Xu Zuo was slightly surprised. He shouted: "This is a spirit soldier that has transformed! You are so lucky, why don't you collect it quickly?"

These seven emerald green snakes have the aura of gold and iron on their bodies. It is obvious at a glance that they are not living beings, but spiritual soldiers who have taken the form of spirit soldiers and left them here for their original owners. Guard the portal.

There are seven spiritual soldiers guarding the door. Needless to say, there is something hidden inside, it must be very precious.

Hu Xiuqing was distressed and said: "If I could collect these spiritual soldiers, what would I do to you? I just can't collect these seven spiritual soldiers. They are not even afraid of my sword light, and they are full of spirituality. They should be top-grade spiritual soldiers." Soldier. If there is only one, I will waste it with it. Without the master, I can't collect even high-grade spiritual soldiers. But there are seven high-grade spiritual soldiers here, how can I have time to waste them? I'm afraid that the Longhua Conference will be over. No, I’m still suffering here!”

Xu Li laughed and said, "Okay! I'm going to help you. I don't want these seven spiritual soldiers as a set, but we have to pick out the things inside the gate first!"

Hu Xiuqing snorted coldly and said, "Deal!"

Xu Zuo activated the black gold cloud light and circled gently in the air. Within ten minutes, he saw Hu Xiuqing standing under a high tower. This talented young man from the Hu family looked a little impatient. When he saw Xu, he immediately shouted: "Come down and help!"

He smiled, patted Bai Qiulian's slender waist, and said, "I'll be right back!"

Xu Luo naturally felt that he didn't need his girlfriend to intervene in such a small matter, he could handle it by himself. After all, this kind of treasure hunt always involves unpredictable dangers, and he didn't want Bai Qiulian to get close.

Bai Qiulian had no intention of arguing with him. He just watched Xu Liao and Hu Xiuqing arrive under the tower. Hu Xiuqing casually grabbed all the vines on the door, revealing the true face of the door.

Xu looked up and down and found that this high tower was no different from the high towers that could be seen everywhere in the garden here, so he casually asked: "Do all the ancient towers here have access control?"

Hu Xiuqing shook his head and said: "It turns out that there may be all of them, but I have explored eight of them, and they are all accessible. I don't know whether it is because of the age, the access control was destroyed, or whether it was not there in the first place. This is my first one. I saw an ancient pagoda with an access seal."

Xu Luo grabbed it casually and secretly activated the Zhaobao Flag transformation. He rarely used one of the thirty-six transformations of this jade tripod, but this transformation was very handy here.

Xu Luo just casually grabbed the seven emerald green snakes and turned them into seven green daggers, twisting in the palm of his hand.

Just as he was about to cooperate with Xu, Hu Xiuqing, who took action to suppress these seven high-grade spiritual soldiers, couldn't help but be stunned and shouted: "Xu! Is your magic power now so powerful? How did you practice it?"

With a smile, he threw the seven high-grade spiritual soldiers to Hu Xiuqing and said, "The next step is for me to choose the treasures. I don't know if there are any good things in them. If they are empty, I will But you’re at a loss!”

After all, Xu Ruo was not a reckless person. He reached out to push the door open, but pulled out the mountain and sea stick and gave it a gentle push. Although Xu did not use much strength, how heavy is the mountain and sea stick? This door seemed to be very old, and it could not withstand the force, so it suddenly disappeared into ashes and turned into a pile of dust.

Xu cheered up and stepped in. At the same time, he also released a spell to protect himself.

However, there was no danger as he expected in this ancient tower. He looked around and saw that the first floor of the ancient tower was empty, with nothing in it.

Hu Xiuqing followed Xu in, and he looked sharper than Xu. With a flick of his hand, a sword light flew out. With a slight vibration, it shook off the dust on the walls, revealing countless traces! (To be continued.)

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