One Sword to Immortality

319. Qingningyuan Hercules

I was not talented enough to work hard, but with the protection of my sect, I ascended to heaven and became a strong man in Qingning Garden. I felt that my life was enough and I would live forever. Unexpectedly, the ancient evildoers rebelled and broke the heaven

The next few crosses were so damaged that they could not be read. Xu Liao and Hu Xiuqing skipped this paragraph and read a few sentences. If something was unclear, they skipped another paragraph.

The two of them read for about ten minutes, looking at each other, because the strong man from Qingningyuan wrote only grumbling words on the walls around the ancient pagoda, and there were no great secrets.

He himself was not talented enough, and he was not very diligent. Fortunately, his master's sect was powerful and found a way to send him to heaven to become a strongman. This man was content, and didn't think there was anything wrong with being a strongman. Instead, he felt that he could live forever, live leisurely, and have no pursuits in his life.

Unexpectedly, the seven heavenly demons attacked the heaven and caused the collapse of the Longhua Society. He fell with the Longhua Society, and his lifespan continued to lose, so he began to curse the seven heavenly demons and made a lot of complaints.

From the writings on the four walls, the two of them could learn that there was not much valuable information, that is, until the garden here was called Qingning Garden, which was originally a place to cultivate exotic flowers and herbs used by the Longhua Club, as well as fairy herbs and elixirs. Usually there are few people here, only eighteen strong men look after it.

The strongest Heavenly Warriors are only at the Demon King level, but the resources they usually receive are far greater than those of ordinary sect disciples. Therefore, this person has actually refined a set of Qingling Swords, which he treasures very much.

Xu was greatly disappointed and was too lazy to continue after reading a third of it. Instead, Hu Xiuqing read all the words carefully and shouted excitedly: "I found the Qingling Sword Technique, you have to come Watch together?"

Xu has countless unique skills, so naturally he doesn't want to learn the Qingling Sword Technique. Even if this sword technique is somewhat good, how can it compare to the Dongtian Sword Sutra?

Hu Xiuqing didn't care. He silently memorized this set of sword techniques, pondered for a while, and then breathed out a breath of Qi. The seven Qingling Swords immediately turned into green snakes and swam in the sky. It was actually refined in an instant.

This is because Hu Xiuqing is already proficient in swordsmanship, and the Dongxuanxian Sect's swordsmanship is also passed down from Heaven, so it is easy to learn this set of Qingling swordsmanship.

Hu Xiuqing tried to activate the Qingling Qingling Sword and said with a smile on her face: "I didn't expect to have just entered the Longhua Society. It's so lucky to have such a Qiyudong Xuanxian Sect!"

Xu glanced at it for a few times and said: "This set of swordsmanship is not as good as the three major sword classics of our Dongxuanxian Sect, and is even weaker than the Six Ultimate Arts. Why are you so happy?"

Hu Xiuqing shouted: "This set of sword techniques should be the introductory techniques of the ancient sect. The introductory techniques are so extraordinary. If they are integrated into the sword techniques of this sect, it will definitely make my swordsmanship even better!"

Xu Zuo spread his hands,

He found that he could not convince Hu Xiuqing, but he also understood the difference between himself and Hu Xiuqing.

Hu Xiuqing is a true swordsman and has an incomparable desire to learn from the strengths of other schools and form his own swordsmanship. Qing Ling's swordsmanship is so extraordinary, even if it is not as good as the three major sword scriptures of Dongxuanxian Sect, it can still make his swordsmanship reach a new level and reach a higher level.

He promised that he was not very fond of swordsmanship. Even the desire for power is only strong when being threatened by the Sun brothers. Now he possesses several tyrannical skills. As long as he practices them step by step, he will naturally become a strong man who can dominate one side without having to create any skills of his own.

For Hu Xiuqing, no matter how good the swordsmanship is, as long as it is not his own, it is not worth relying on. Only by carving out his own path can he be most suitable. Reach the pinnacle of swordsmanship!

For Xu Liao, as long as he can defeat the enemy, it is a good kung fu. As for this set of kung fu, it was passed down from his predecessors. Whether it's your own creation or not, it doesn't matter.

Hu Xiuqing complained to Xu that he was "stubborn" and said angrily, "Do you want to learn this swordsmanship or not?"

Xu shook his head and said: "Even if I want to learn, I can just learn from you in the future. You have already memorized it, so why should I bother. I didn't find the body of this Qingningyuan warrior. It must still be on the floor above. , do you want to go and express your condolences?"

Hu Xiuqing nodded, and the two of them cheered up and flew to the second floor of the ancient pagoda.

The ancient pagoda of Qingning Garden is different from human buildings. All the people coming and going here are immortals, so there are no stairs, only tunnels, and no ability to fly. There is no way to go up to the next level.

Xu Luo silently calculated that one floor of this ancient pagoda was tens of meters high. From the outside, this ancient pagoda was more than three thousand meters tall. In other words, it had about a hundred floors. He secretly thought to himself: "Qing Qing The Ningyuan ancient pagoda is so huge in scale, and there are hundreds of them, that it should be used for visitors to the park to rest, not for the use of powerful men. I wonder if there will be any treasures left."

The two flew up to the second floor and were slightly startled because there were thousands of crystal jade boxes on the second floor. They each picked up one and opened it casually, promising that the jade box in their hands was empty. Hu The jade box in Xiuqing's hand contained ten fresh fruits. Although tens of thousands of years had passed, they still looked delicious and crisp.

Both of them were smart people, and they immediately understood that it was the warrior from Qingningyuan who prepared rations for himself. However, he had prepared so much that he could not eat them all and left most of them.

Xu Ruo played with the jade box in his hand for a while, and thought to himself: "These jade boxes are of exquisite texture and can actually hold fruits that will not rot for thousands of years. In addition to the fact that these fruits are also grown in heaven and are alien species from the immortal family, this thing is also The credit is indispensable. I'm afraid the value of these jade boxes is higher than the value of the fruits inside."

Xu smiled and asked, "How about we separate this thing?"

Hu Xiuqing looked troubled and lowered her voice and said, "Although I have a magic weapon for storing things, I can't hold so many things."

Xu laughed and said, "In that case, I will put it away. How about we divide it evenly after leaving Longhua?"

Hu Xiuqing was overjoyed and shouted: "It's a pleasure to marry senior brother!"

Xu Zuo activated the magical power of Qiankun in his sleeves and collected thousands of jade boxes on the second floor, and then followed Hu Xiuqing and flew up again.

Thousands of jade boxes were stored on the third floor of the ancient pagoda. Xu kept them without saying a word. The two of them passed through the eighteenth floor of the ancient pagoda before finally seeing something else.

The 19th floor of the ancient pagoda contains hundreds of jade pots, in which various fairy species are planted. Each of the fairy plants, spiritual trees and flowers has its own extraordinary features. Some have bright rays of light, some are steaming with clouds, and some are steaming with mist. There were brilliant brilliance, and some thunder and lightning surrounded these hundreds of immortal plants. Each one placed outside was a treasure that the disciples of the Eighteen Immortal Sect would fight for even if they broke their heads.

Xu was inherited from the Imperial Clan, and his vision and knowledge were extremely extraordinary. He could recognize at least 70% of the immortal species grown in these jade pots. When he saw a Lingxiao Treasure Tree, he couldn't help but feel warm in his heart. (To be continued.)

ps: ps: I know, my dearest readers, when you read this chapter, you must have tears in your eyes. You will not be able to control your hands and vote for Yi Jian Feixian with recommendation votes and monthly votes.

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