One Sword to Immortality

320. Lingxiao Treasure Tree

The Lingxiao tree is born with no flowers or fruits. It only has seven large leaves. The tree trunk is straight and reaches into the sky.

The older this precious tree is, the heavier and harder it becomes!

In particular, it is born with nine holes and seven orifices, and can operate the spiritual machine. As long as the restraint is inserted in the seedling stage, it will automatically operate the spiritual machine in the future, allowing the restraint to grow with itself. There is no need to refine it at all. It is the best way to make a treasure staff. Material.

In ancient times, most of the divine generals in heaven had a treasure staff made from the Lingxiao treasure tree.

Xu Lu gently reached out and grabbed it, and the Lingxiao tree was slowly pulled up from the jade pot. The roots below automatically gathered together and turned into arrow cones. The seven large leaves above were curled against the tree stem. , like a handle for binding.

After a little stimulation of the demonic power, this treasured wand emits immeasurable light, and the glow is brilliant and beautiful.

Hu Xiuqing was slightly surprised. She didn't expect Xu Ruo to have such a discerning eye, and asked hurriedly: "What is the name of this strange tree?"

Xu smiled and said: "This tree is called Lingxiao Treasure Tree. It can be turned into a treasure staff. There is also one over there. Do you want to take it?"

Hu Xiuqing hesitated for a moment, shook his head and said, "I only love swordsmanship in my life, and the other treasures are of no use to me. Collect these things first, and share them equally in the future!"

Xu smiled, and collected all the strange and wonderful fairy seeds on this floor. The two of them went up to more than ten floors, and there were still all kinds of fairy seeds planted in jade pots. Xu smiled secretly, and thought to himself: "This Qingning The garden warrior is probably a squirrel who has become a spirit and loves to collect all kinds of things. Looking at the appearance of this ancient pagoda, I am afraid that he has brought up the most valuable spiritual grass and sacred trees in Qingning Garden."

On the 40th floor, Xu Liao and Hu Xiuqing finally saw the Qingningyuan warrior. He looked handsome and tall. He was wearing crotch pants with loose legs, bare feet, and a naked upper body. He was quite handsome. Vigorous.

It's just that this Qingningyuan warrior has no breath in his body and has been in a state of inactivity for many years.

Xu Luo walked over, stretched out his hand and patted her gently. He cast a spell to seal it. Without his spell, the body of this Qingningyuan warrior would have rotted away long ago. After all, his cultivation level is not very high, and his body cannot survive thousands of years. It is only because of the special environment in the ancient pagoda that he has kept his body from decaying.

Xu Lei couldn't bear to see this ancient man who lived tens of thousands of years ago and couldn't even retain his physical body. He sealed the physical body of this Qingningyuan warrior and looked around, only to find that the ancient tower on this floor was empty and there were no other objects. He couldn't help but be stunned.

Hu Xiuqing was still sharp-eyed, stretched out her hand to the ground, and said, "I promise you to look at the ground!"

When I opened my eyes and looked,

But I saw countless insights written on the ground, which seemed like someone who was about to die, but his words were also kind. It's all about after the collapse of heaven. What happened after the fall of Longhua Society.

This Qingning Garden warrior lived for thousands of years after the fall of Heaven. However, he was the only one in the entire Qingning Garden who survived. The rest of the warriors died when Heaven collapsed.

These thousands of years of silence and indifference are extremely difficult to endure, and all kinds of despair can be seen between the lines.

Xu Liao and Hu Xiuqing looked at it for a while and found that there was a paragraph describing things in the nearby area. Not only did he mention that the ancient blue dragon often traveled in the sky, but he also mentioned that there was a park nearby that raised spiritual beasts because the seal was broken. As a result, the spiritual beasts rushed out and even crashed into Qingning Garden. He only survived because he hid in the ancient pagoda.

In addition, the Qingningyuan warrior also mentioned several dangers nearby. Both of them silently memorized it, opened the battle beast and passed the news to the three elders.

Hu Xiuqing took a breath and said with lingering fear: "People who came to explore the previous few times said that the ancient green dragon was very lazy, often fell asleep, and would not leave the activity area when it woke up occasionally, so the threat was not great. Not at all. Speaking of which, this ancient mythical beast often travels around the sky. If by chance we encounter this mythical beast wandering around, wouldn't it be a big disaster?"

Xu Lei also gasped and said: "Yes, yes! This ancient green dragon may have the strength of a demon god. If the five real people of our Eighteen Immortals Sect are here, they can still protect us. If I'm the only one waiting, just delivering food."

Xu Zuo read these records carefully, activated his escape method, and flew upwards, only to find some obstacles.

The ancient pagodas in Qingningyuan have different levels of authority. The Qingningyuan warrior can only go up to the first forty floors, so he has no way to continue going up. How do you know about Xu? I thought there was some kind of seal above, so I shouted loudly and used my demon power to break through. Although Xu Luo was still at the level of Demon King, his strength was far superior to that of his level after all. A sudden collision with him broke the seal immediately.

Hu Xiuqing took a step slower and wanted to follow Xu up, but after Xu bumped into him, the seal immediately closed, and he bumped into it, and was knocked down.

Hu Xiuqing complained secretly and thought to herself, "Why can I go up if I promise, but I can't?"

Just as he was about to shout a few times, Xu Zuo reached down and scooped up Hu Xiuqing, and carried her to the forty-first floor.

From the forty-first floor up, the ancient pagoda's facilities are extremely gorgeous. Although most of them are damaged, they can still be seen as they were back then. The ancient pagoda in Qingning Garden was built for immortals from other places to come and have a rest. Although it was gorgeously decorated, it had nothing of value.

Xu Liaotiao and Hu Xiuqing fought their way through until they reached more than the sixtieth floor before they found some tokens, which were used to open the portal of the ancient pagoda.

Xu Liao and Hu Xiuqing got the token, and there were no obstacles along the way. However, they didn't find anything good until they reached the ninety-ninth floor. They had already gained a lot, so they didn't feel disappointed!

The two of them turned back along the original path. After Xu Liu got down to the bottom of the ancient pagoda, he suddenly remembered and thought to himself: "These ancient pagodas are quite strong. Even spiritual beasts cannot break them. They are ancient in shape and difficult to live in." Comfortable. If I take it and send it to the East Palace and Tiandi Garden, wouldn’t it be used as a living place?”

After Xu obtained the token, he had the authority to move the ancient pagoda. However, his Small Universe was not vast and could not accommodate such a huge ancient pagoda, so he could only give up after thinking about it.

Xu Ruo even had a vague idea that if he could occupy this Longhua Club and open a sect for the Jade Cauldron Sect, it would be very convenient. The only downside was that if he wanted to snatch something from the Eighteen Immortals Sect, he would still I don’t have this qualification, so I just think about it.

The two of them came out of the ancient pagoda. Bai Qiulian was looking at them with a smile. Before the three of them could speak, they saw a green rainbow passing by in the sky, followed by more than ten black energy chasing them. (To be continued.)

PS: PS: The next chapter is delayed until midnight... I have encountered a bottleneck, huh! I’m really not a Weibo bastard who forgot to finish the manuscript...

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