One Sword to Immortality

321. Heavenly Ghost

"It's Elder Li Qingya!"

Bai Qiulian and Hu Xiuqing were both slightly shocked. To be able to chase Li Qingya in such a panic, these dozen or so black energies must not be good people. The three of them are not at the level of Tiangang. If they were discovered by these things, the end would be extremely bad.

The reaction of the two of them was also very fast, and they immediately rushed towards the ancient tower. As long as they hid in it, they would have a chance to avoid being discovered by these more than ten rays of black energy.

Xu Liao's reaction was different from theirs. He activated the Dingxuan Mirror and looked from a distance. He couldn't help but be slightly surprised. What was chasing Li Qingya was more than a dozen monsters that looked like humans but not humans. Xu Liao had seen it not long ago, and it was Lingyi. The true form of the Invisible Escape used by Heavenly Ghost... Heavenly Ghost!

"There is actually a ghost in the Longhua Society? This kind of monster has a strange appearance and is best at escaping into the void. No wonder Elder Li Qingya is no match for it!"

Bai Qiulian rushed into the ancient pagoda and found that Xu Leo was still there. He gritted his teeth and rushed out again, shouting: "Why don't you hide with me!"

Xu Lio smiled slightly and said: "There is nothing to hide! I can deal with these monsters."

Bai Qiulian hesitated slightly, but finally chose to trust her boyfriend and stood beside Xu Liao. Hu Xiuqing screamed a few times and wanted to rush out. Xu Luo waved his hand hurriedly and said: "We have black gold cloud light, so we are not afraid of being chased by ghosts. Junior brother Hu Xiuqing, you should hide inside! I can't take care of two people." .”

Hu Xiuqing cursed secretly: "I promised a little thief, focusing on sex over friends!"

He also knew that Xu had extraordinary means, so since he said he was not afraid, it should be fine. Although he also had two "auspicious clouds", the fire was not enough, and Xu's black golden cloud could not fly as fast as Xu, so he could only hide in the stock tower. come out.

Xu gave a loud shout, pulled Bai Qiulian, and urged Wu Jin Yunguang to intercept him head-on.

Li Qingya saw the two of them from a distance and shouted hurriedly: "These heavenly ghosts have demon general levels. You can't resist them. Get out of the way!"

Xu Luo shouted: "Elder Li Qingya, don't worry, I'm not afraid of these ghosts!"

There are more than ten ghosts chasing Li Qingya. Seeing Xu Liao and Bai Qiulian, they both became excited. They let out fierce screams, separated four heads and pounced on the two of them.

With a single step, the black gold cloud light turns around. However, he circled around in an instant, tempting the four heavenly ghosts to chase him and stay away from Li Qingya.

Li Qingya was about to turn over and chase after him, but he saw Xu Yunguang quickly. On second thought, I went straight to the dragon boat.

Yun Qingke and Lu Mingchi, who were on the dragon boat, also flew up to greet their fellow disciple, but within a moment the three of them were together. The three Dayan warriors joined forces and were not afraid of the remaining thirteen heavenly ghosts. They each used their swords to fight against these heavenly ghosts.

Xu Luo seduced the four heavenly ghosts far away, and immediately activated the transformation of the Dingxuan Mirror. Mirror light shines. Immediately, the four heavenly ghosts were immobilized together, and then they activated the Small Universe and gathered up all the sleeves of their robes.

The whole battle only lasted a moment, and the ghosts these days were almost powerless to resist.

Although Bai Qiulian had also seen Xu Le's battle, he had never felt so deeply about it. He couldn't help but secretly thought: "Although I was promoted to Tiangang Shi and received the inheritance of the Baijiao clan, I still can't help Xu Le. This time when I go back, I should also practice the transformations of the Jade Cauldron. Especially the thirty-six transformations of the Lingbao, I should be proficient in it!"

Not to mention that Bai Qiulian secretly made up his mind, promised to contain the four heavenly ghosts, and then activated the Wujin Yunguang to attack the battlefield on the side of the three elders.

Li Qingya was fighting fiercely with the sky ghosts when he suddenly saw Xu Huo coming back. He couldn't help being slightly surprised and secretly thought: "These sky ghosts are proficient in the transformation of the void. The sword light slashed through it like water. Even if it was cut into two pieces, it would still be a pounce. They were all in one place. But what method did Xu Zuo use to kill him?"

Li Qingya absolutely didn't believe that Xu Luo actually beat him, a great scholar. Yun Qingke and Lu Mingchi saw Xu Lofei running over and were about to shout a warning when they heard Li Qingya secretly transmitting a message to them, telling them not to do anything unnecessary. The two of them were also quite surprised, but they believed in Li Qingya's judgment more, so they didn't take action. They watched Xu circle around and attract five more heavenly ghosts.

Xu flew farther and farther. Although the three elders had defeated five opponents, there were still eight heavenly ghosts waiting for an opportunity to pounce on them, and they had no time to pay attention to them.

Yun Qingke is the most skilled in swordsmanship and has the strongest cultivation and clothing. The light of the sword is chilling. Even though the eight-headed ghosts have a special physique, they are not willing to take more swords. They all move out of the way. There are a few ghosts around. Attracted from the front, the other heads swayed and disappeared.

Lu Mingchi hurriedly patted his waist, and a golden cloud rolled over him. Suddenly, there was a banging sound, and the invisible ghosts all bumped into his protective Jinxia pocket. If Lu Mingchi hadn't acted quickly, he would have been plotted by these ghosts.

Li Qingya shouted: "Ghosts are cunning these days, we can't give them an opportunity to take advantage of them!"

When the three Dayan warriors were cooperating with each other to fight against the enemy, Xu Liu flew back with Bai Qiulian. He had already come forward and lured away the three heavenly ghosts and let the three elders Yun Qingke, Li Qingya and Lu Mingchi They looked at each other, wondering what method Xu used to defeat such a powerful monster so quickly.

When Xu Luo flew back again, the remaining five heavenly ghosts finally realized that something was wrong. They each roared and fled away.

Li Qingya, Yun Qingke and Lu Mingchi were all worried about being led to some dangerous place by these monsters, so they did not pursue them. However, Xu Zuo didn't care. He activated Wujin Yunguang and chased them head to tail in a moment.

Seeing that he was chasing after him so closely, a sky ghost roared suddenly, twisted its body, and disappeared from the place. In an instant, a ghost claw grabbed Xu Zuo's top door.

He didn't panic even if he promised, and with a flick of his hand, the heavenly ghost fell into the universe in his sleeves involuntarily.

After solving this heavenly ghost, Xu still activated the transformation of the Dingxuan Mirror. The remaining four heavenly ghosts did not expect that there is such a magical power in the world, and they were all immobilized together. The world of heaven and earth is closed. His Small Universe is based on the Nine Mysterious True Laws. Not to mention these heavenly ghosts, even demons at the peak level of demon generals cannot escape.

After promising to collect seventeen heavenly ghosts before and after, he smiled and drove back in Wujin Yunguang. Yun Qingke, Li Qingya and Lu Mingchi, the three elders are not ordinary people after all. They have been practicing Taoism for many years, the city is extremely deep, and there are not many I asked what Xu Xu had done, but Yun Qingke came forward and asked in a nonchalant manner: "Xu Xu, can you suppress these ghosts?"

Xu Weiwei thought for a while and said, "It won't be a problem if we suppress it for a few days. If it lasts longer, I don't know."

Yun Qingke hesitated for a moment and said: "Forget it, I'll teach you a set of techniques! This set of techniques can be used to refine a big demon flag, suppress all the ghosts in the sky, and turn them into demon spirits on the flag! It's just a matter of haste. , I don’t have enough materials on hand, so I can only give you a set of flags. I don’t have flag poles to give you!” (To be continued.)

PS: PS: I am so punctual and honest, please give me your after-hours recommendation votes!

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