One Sword to Immortality

322. Great Demon Flag

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Xu Liao once learned the art of sacrificing and refining the Little Heavenly Demon Flag from the Dongxuanxian Sect. However, the Little Heavenly Demon Flag can hardly be used for fighting. At most, it is used to flush out cannon fodder. Its greater function is reconnaissance and exploration.

He refined dozens of Little Heavenly Demon Flags at the Demon Prison Festival, and later completed the Winged Fire Snake transformation with the help of the Little Heavenly Devil Flag's magic formula. Later, he abandoned the Winged Fire Snake transformation because the power of the Winged Fire Snake transformation was too weak.

This time he got the Great Heavenly Demon Banner's Sacrifice Technique from Elder Yun Qingke, and he got his wish. He unfolded the Technique and looked at it for a while, and found that some parts of the Technique had been modified and deleted. The method of sacrificing demonic energy requires the use of demonic energy and spiritual energy. I couldn't help but smile, understanding the painstaking efforts of Elder Yun Qingke.

The Little Demon Flag is a daily consumable magic weapon. It is mainly used for human practitioners and monsters to explore many secret realms that are inconvenient to enter but have to go. Many dangerous things can drive the monsters captured on the flag to go there. Do, take less personal risks. Therefore, even if it is a demonic energy ritual, it is okay and will not cause any harm to those who use it daily.

But the Great Heavenly Demon Banner is an offensive magic weapon. The Dongxuan Immortal Sect will never spread the method of magic weapon sacrifice. Once someone is contaminated by the demonic energy, the consequences will be disastrous.

After approving the banner given by Elder Yun Qingke, he couldn't help but feel slightly moved.

This set of banners and noodles was made from silk produced by cloud silkworms. Cloud silkworms were an extremely rare sacred object. The Eighteen Immortals Sect only raised three live ones in total, and they didn’t know how many years they had to save to get together one banner. This object was Yun Qingke's plan to refine a protective treasure for himself. However, he could not save all the materials, so he had to reluctantly give up. Maybe he was lucky, otherwise he wouldn't know where to get just this cloud silkworm banner.

Xu Tan reached out and caught a heavenly ghost, and silently recited the magic formula. Pointing at the banner, the heavenly ghost was swallowed involuntarily.

Xu Ru threw another sky ghost, and this time a sky ghost poked out from the flag. With both hands, he caught the same kind. He was dragged into the flags.

He was secretly surprised that this set of banners had actually been refined through more than 20 levels of restrictions. It was a Dayan-level treasure, which saved a lot of effort in refining it.

Yun Qingke sighed slightly, patted Xu Ruo as a sign of encouragement, and was about to turn the dragon boat around when Xu Ruo hurriedly took out ten boxes of fresh fruits obtained from the ancient pagoda. He handed it to Yun Qingke and said: "Elder! This is a fresh fruit that the disciple got from an ancient pagoda. I don't dare to enjoy it without permission. Elder, please taste it first!"

Yun Qingke was slightly surprised and shouted: "You guys are lucky."

He opened a jade box, and his expression changed immediately. Li Qingya and Lu Mingchi also came over. The two elders, like their fellow disciples, also changed their expressions.

He shouted: "It's actually Tai Shengguo!"

The ancient pagoda that Xu Liao and Hu Xiuqing explored. Each of the first eighteen floors has thousands of jade boxes, the total number is unknown. Naturally, he didn't know what was in each jade box. However, he knew about Taishengguo. The tens of millions of years of inheritance from the imperial clan in the Eastern Palace contained memories of Taishengguo.

Although Taisheng Fruit also has the wonderful effect of replenishing spiritual energy and increasing cultivation, it is mainly used to repair the physical body. A cultivator must circulate spiritual energy throughout his body. If he suffers any trauma, the spiritual energy cannot flow through the whole body, and his cultivation will be unable to progress.

But there are changes in mastery. He can't be harmed by any ordinary means, and he doesn't care much about the consequences. He chuckled and said: "Since this fruit is very good, elders should quickly drink it while it's fresh, and it will be more effective!"

Yun Qingke sighed and cursed: "How can such a rare thing be wasted like this? I don't need it, but this thing can save a senior of our sect!"

Li Qingya's eyes were slightly red, and he said softly: "With this Taisheng Fruit, Brother Duanya's injury can be saved, and our Dongxuanxian Sect may be able to produce another Taoist!"

Lu Mingchi also sighed and said to Xu Liao: "You have achieved this result and have made great contributions to our sect. However, the three of us have no right to make a decision. We will have to go back to the sect to decide on this matter!"

Xu didn't care about the sect's rewards, but he was studying in the Dongxuan Immortal Sect, and he had a lot of affection for his brothers, sisters, and elders, so he was very happy to be able to do something useful.

Xu Liao was about to talk about his experience in the ancient pagoda with several elders. Suddenly, a sword light flew from a distance, and it was Hu Xiuqing. Can you surrender? We are all disciples of the Dongxuan Immortal Sect. I started earlier than you, so why can’t I do it? I don’t accept it!”

Xu laughed and said: "My bloodline is naturally strong, so what's the use of your dissatisfaction? I am not of the bloodline of the Immortal Tree, and I am dedicated to restraining the sky ghost's ability to move the void!"

Xu was so good at practicing swordsmanship that even his disciples had forgotten about his bloodline. Only when Xu mentioned it, several elders had a sudden realization. Of course, they didn't know that it was just an excuse.

It just happened that the bloodline tested at the Ten Thousand Demons Association was from the Immortal Tree. The attributes of the Immortal Tree and the Heavenly Ghost happened to be in conflict with each other. Everyone felt that this was "natural" and no one questioned it.

Bai Qiulian pursed his lips and smiled, and said: "The other senior brothers don't know what to do. Should we notify them to come back?"

Yun Qingke nodded, opened the portable combat beast, and asked Bai Xianji, Wang Chao and Ying Qiang to return quickly.

Xu Lei stepped on the dragon boat again, and heard Elder Li Qingya say: "I don't know why, I sent a communication, but I didn't get any response. Could it be that we are too far away from other sects, so we can't communicate?"

Yun Qingke couldn't help but be slightly surprised. He pondered for a while and said, "In that case, let's go to Baixiang Park! That is the fifth-level area closest to us. There is a supply base. We can definitely contact other people in Baixiang Park."

The Eighteen Immortals Sect divided Longhuahui into ninety-nine districts based on the natural terrain. These ninety-nine districts are divided into five levels. The nine areas with bases are classified as five-level districts. The familiar area is regarded as a fourth-level district. Explore The area is a third-level area, the blank area is a second-level area, and the dangerous area is a first-level area!

The Qingning Garden where they are staying now is a Level 2 blank area, and the nearby Qinglong District is a Level 1 dangerous area. If you want to go from Qingning Garden to Baixiang Park, you have to pass through at least four areas. If you want to bypass the dangerous area, choose one A safe road must pass through at least six districts.

Li Qingya hesitated for a moment and said: "In that case, should we explore the Qingning Park first, or maybe we can get some more precious treasures! This is allowed by the rules of the Longhua Society, and it won't waste much time."

Yun Qingke immediately agreed and said: "It's okay to explore! But we need three of us to accompany us. After all, there are ghosts around here, and there may be other dangers. Once we encounter any powerful monsters, the few of them will I can’t resist it.” (To be continued.)

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