One Sword to Immortality

324. Attack by a group of ghosts

The only thing that surprised Xu was that Wang Chao, who was usually very lazy, showed his outstanding swordsmanship. His sword light was not necessarily very fast, nor was it particularly sharp, but every sword could severely damage the devil. Something that even the four Dayans on the field couldn't do.

Yun Qingke was shocked when he saw Xu Zuo. Although he knew that this disciple was extraordinary, he did not expect that Xu Zuo would not escape alone, but would risk his own life and break in.

Bai Qiulian's eyes immediately turned red when she saw Xu Zuo. Xu Zuo was almost omnipotent in her mind. He rushed over at this critical moment and immediately gave her hope of survival.

There are at least twenty or thirty demon generals among this group of heavenly ghosts who have reached the level of demon general. Even if everyone fights desperately, there is no hope of breaking out of the siege. After all, the heavenly ghosts are best at moving through the void and cannot escape!

Except for Bai Qiulian, everyone else could only sigh secretly. Xu Zuo was so loyal, but no one believed that he could lead everyone out of the siege. They just felt that there was one more guy who was willing to die.

Xu didn't have time to say more. He no longer cared about concealing his strength, and forcibly activated the Dingxuan Mirror to change, and the mirror light swept across all directions.

The usually invincible Dingxuan Mirror could only slightly slow down the actions of the weaker Heavenly Ghosts. At least half of the twenty or thirty Dayan-level Heavenly Ghosts were not affected.

Xu Li sighed secretly, if it was one-on-one, he would definitely not be afraid of the Dayanshi-level Heavenly Ghosts, even if he faced two or three of them, but when twenty or thirty Heavenly Ghosts gathered in a group, he would go all out to take advantage of them. Son, I can’t stop them all.

Fortunately, the suddenness of his attack prevented the group of heavenly ghosts from seeing any changes in the Dingxuan Mirror. Those who had suffered a loss were all scared to retreat. Those who had not suffered a loss were a little more cautious, letting the void magical powers surrounding the Dongxuan Immortal Sect layer by layer. Slightly loose.

Xu shook open the two great heavenly demon flags. With a loud shout, he activated all his magic power and opened a gap in the void. He took everyone and moved outside.

Although Xu Luo's demonic power far exceeds that of his peers, he is not even inferior to the weaker Dayanshi. But after all, it was just a demon king. He used all his demonic power to activate the demon flags of the two realms and broke the void magical power of dozens of demons. He still couldn't help but feel weak.

Bai Qiulian reacted the fastest and immediately took over Wu Jin Yunguang, caught everyone and fled.

Wujin Yunguang is extremely fast, but the reaction of a kind of heavenly ghost is not slow either. The heavenly ghost is purely based on the art of flying. It is true that they are not as fast as the black gold cloud light, but they are good at moving the void, so within a moment, there are ghosts outside the black gold cloud light, and the ghost claws even scratch the head of the cloud.

Yun Qingke, Li Qingya, Lu Mingchi, and Ren Lingxuan, four Dayan-level monks, each activated their sword light. Cover everyone, now Tiangang Shi level is no longer available,

Sword light lingered in the cloud light. The ghost claws were tumbling, and they fought countless times in an instant.

After taking a breath, he shook the two great demon flags away and moved them several times in succession, leaving most of the demons behind, finally easing the embarrassment a little.

Xu didn't have time to ask where the ghosts were appearing these days, and shouted: "Where can we go to be safe?"

Yun Qingke shouted without thinking: "Go to Qinglong District!"

This elder understood very clearly that the Heavenly Ghost was the best at void magic. Even if they have Xuanjin Yunguang and Xu Liao's newly refined "Great Heavenly Demon Banner", they will never be able to escape. Without disturbing the ancient green dragon, everyone had a chance to fish in troubled waters.

Anyway, he would have died if he hadn't met Qinglong. There might still be a chance after meeting Qinglong, but even if it meant death, it would be better than dying in the hands of these ghosts.

Xu sat down cross-legged and used all his strength to move the great demon flags of the two realms into the void, making sure that most of the demons could not catch up. Occasionally, he would deflect the attacks of the demons and move the approaching demons out of the way.

With Xu Luo's help, everyone in the Dongxuan Immortal Sect was suddenly in a much better situation. Although they were still being hunted, they were no longer surrounded after all, and they were not powerless to fight back.

Xu Luo tried his best to activate the demon flags of the two realms, and had no energy left to use other spells. He secretly calculated in his mind when he could escape into the Qinglong District.

Originally, the speed of the group was as fast as a shooting star, but in everyone's mind, it was as difficult as a snail. When Xu Daoqing shouted and broke through the first layer of restrictions, everyone's hearts relaxed slightly, knowing that they had escaped into the Qinglong District. .

Yun Qingke pointed his sword slantingly, and was about to blast into the sea of ​​Qinglong District. Qinglong District was almost a vast ocean with rolling blue waves that had no end in sight. Although Yun Qingke has a great level of cultivation, facing such a majestic sea, even if he sends out this sword, he doesn't know whether it can disturb the sleeping ancient green dragon.

It's like humans have missile weapons, but if they fire tens of thousands of them into the sea, they may not be able to blow up a specific fish.

At this time, Bai Xianji suddenly shouted loudly: "Those heavenly ghosts have retreated. They are afraid of this place. They did not pursue them..."

Bai Xianji usually has a gentle and elegant image, but at this rare moment, he is like a drunkard on the street, drinking wildly and not caring about his image.

Xu Zuo also discovered that those heavenly ghosts did not catch up with him. Just as his heart relaxed slightly, a warning sign came out. He hurriedly activated the two great heavenly demon flags and moved half a meter of the heavenly ghost that appeared out of thin air. . The claws shot by this heavenly ghost were a few centimeters away from Bai Xianji's head and scratched one of his arms to pieces!

Wang Chao was the closest, and a sword light swept across, cutting off three fingers of this heavenly ghost. Only then did the demon general, the peak level heavenly ghost, retreat. With the sword light of the three elders and Ren Lingxuan, they came towards him. It finally gave up its intention of chasing him, and jumped into the void with dismay, then disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Bai Xianji's face turned pale in pain. The most uncomfortable thing was that his arm was scratched to pieces, which would inevitably affect his future practice. At this moment, he was almost heartbroken.

Yun Qingke sighed, threw the Taisheng fruit presented by Xu Luo to him, and said warmly: "Eat it!"

Bai Xianji was stunned for a moment, and hurriedly swallowed the fairy fruit. The arm that was smashed by the ghost emitted a puff of white smoke. The smoke dispersed, and another intact arm appeared. He couldn't help laughing wildly, and he was so happy that he could not help but laugh wildly. Self-restraint.

Li Qingya felt a little regretful that this Taisheng Fruit was originally prepared for Duanya. This person was the most outstanding figure of the previous generation of the Dongxuan Immortal Sect and was hailed as the most promising person to break through to the Tao realm. Later, he fought with the powerful figures of the four legions and was severely injured. His cultivation never improved.

However, Li Qingya also knew that if he did not save Bai Xianji, this disciple would be useless. It was not the style of the Xian family to refuse to save people even though he had a Taisheng fruit in his hand that could save people, so although she felt pity, she did not say anything to stop him. (To be continued.)

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