One Sword to Immortality

325. Void Formation, Green Dragon Illusion

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Xu Liao looked at his words and found that several elders were quite pity, obviously they valued Taishengguo quite a lot.

He secretly thought: "I will look through it carefully later. I should be able to find a few more of these fruits and secretly give them to Elder Yun Qingke."

Although Hu Xiuqing knew the origin of Taisheng Fruit, he didn't say a word. He promised to be wealthy and didn't pay much attention to these fairy fruits. However, he knew that these things were precious. If he leaked it rashly, he might cause trouble. Tons of trouble. Hu Xiuqing thought to herself: "When I go back to the Dongxuan Immortal Sect and divide these trophies, I will make it clear to the sect and offer a batch as a tribute, but I am not busy with this now."

Although the Dongxuan Immortal Sect was still frightened, they finally got rid of the attack of the group of heavenly ghosts. Looking at the way they came from a distance, the group of heavenly ghosts still refused to retreat. They showed their power with all their teeth and claws, but they did not dare to cross the thunder pool. Half step.

Yun Qingke sighed and said: "Let's cross Qinglong District and rush directly to Baixiang Park!"

The group of them must not turn back. The sky ghosts are still guarding outside the Qinglong District. They can only get rid of these group of sky ghosts by passing through the Qinglong District. Even though the Qinglong District is also very dangerous, they can't care about it.

Xu Zao also glanced at the group of heavenly ghosts, and couldn't help but feel a little regretful. If he could train all these two or three hundred heavenly ghosts, he didn't know how powerful his two realms of great demon flags would be. He might be able to compete with Thousand Falcon Pan. Generally speaking, it is the most valuable thing to achieve the Taoist realm.

However, even though Xu Luo was unparalleled in courage, he also knew that he alone could never defeat so many ghosts. This is no different from being in the Demon Prison, where most demons are not as fast as him, and they are alone, so they can fight and leave at will, without fear of group attacks.

The Heavenly Ghost's ability to move into the void offset many of Xu's advantages, and his numerical advantage suppressed him, plus there were so many of his fellow disciples.

If he only agreed, he might just end up with these ghosts. 【ㄨ】Try to see if you can defeat them one by one based on the changes.

Yun Qingke took the dragon boat back, but did not dare to release it again. A group of ten people still rode the Xuanjin Yunguang, racing all the way. They all want to get out of this dangerous area as soon as possible.

There is no land in Qinglong District, it is just a vast sea, boundless, almost no worse than any sea area on the earth, especially there are almost no islands. Without the island embellishment, it looks even more majestic and unparalleled.

After everyone had been flying for several hours, Li Qingya frowned slightly and whispered, "Something seems wrong!"

Not only Elder Li Qingya,

Yun Qingke, Lu Mingchi, and Xu Liao all realized that something was wrong. The Xuanjin Yunguang was extremely fast. If calculated based on time, it would have flown out of the Qinglong District long ago. Entering the next area, but now there is still an endless sea, something must have gone wrong.

After promising to shake the Great Heavenly Demon Flag of the Two Realms slightly, his face immediately turned pale. He resisted the urge to vomit blood and shouted in a low voice: "There is a void formation shrouded in it, and my Great Heavenly Demon Flag cannot break through it. I will suffer." Backlash!"

Bai Xianji was now in a calm state of mind. He was the first to react and exclaimed: "When you first entered the Qinglong District, didn't you use the Great Heavenly Demon Flag to drive away the ghosts and save me? Why can't you do it now?"

Xu shook his head and said: "Perhaps the void formation on the edge of the Qinglong District is not very powerful, so you can still use the void magical power. No wonder those ghosts dare not break in. It turns out there is this reason!"

Lu Mingchi was also somewhat proficient in void spells and tried it once. He couldn't help but smile bitterly and said: "It is indeed a void formation!"

Xu Liao asked: "Why didn't the people from the Eighteen Immortals Sect notice this situation when they came to explore this place last time?"

Yun Qingke said in a deep voice: "Because they saw the Qinglong flying into the sky from a distance, they didn't explore anymore. They just walked around the edge and left. Then this place was divided into a first-level area, and there was no one anymore. Having been here, there is no way to know the internal situation of Qinglong District."

Xu sighed, knowing this but no wonder the people who came to explore last time discovered the danger, so they didn't go deeper and issued a warning. Who knew that someone would be chased by ghosts and have to hide in Qinglong District?

He promised to keep the Xuanjin Yunguang flying at the fastest speed, while secretly activating the two great demon flags of the two realms. He had used too much force just now and was backfired by the void formation. At this time, he was prepared and slowly activated the two realms flags. Change and explore the secrets of the void formation, and naturally you will not suffer any more harm.

The transformation of the Two Realm Flags exhausts all void spells. Although the void formation in the sky above the Qinglong District is powerful and can even seal an ancient green dragon within it, its subtleties and mysteries are still not as good as those of the Two Realm Flags, leaving Xu an opportunity to take advantage of it.

The magic power of the two heavenly demon flags traveled around the void, and in conjunction with the changes in the Dingxuan Mirror, layers of formation restrictions appeared in the originally empty sky in Xu Lie's eyes.

The black gold cloud light they were riding on was being constantly moved, sinking deeper and deeper into the formation.

Xu made a move and stopped the black gold cloud light. However, the void magic circle covering the sky above Qinglong District did not stop changing. Instead, it continued to change, and even tended to become more bizarre and faster.

Xu observed it for a while and thought to himself: "The changes in the void formation here have no certain rules. They are definitely not running on their own. They should be fighting against some kind of existence. The ancient green dragon above is probably also resisting the void formation. , but he was too tyrannical, so the aftermath could reach our side."

Xu Lu gently shook the two great heavenly demon flags, and moved once in the gap between the void formations. This time, it did not provoke a reaction from the formations, did not suffer any backlash, and quietly advanced a short distance.

Xu Luo used a method to ask everyone to sit still and not use magic power. He shook off the two great demon flags of the two realms and moved forward cautiously.

After moving it seven times, Xu Zuo didn't know what changes had occurred in the formation. Suddenly, the sky and the earth shook, and with a long and melodious roar, a blue dragon appeared.

Everyone in the Dongxuan Immortal Sect was shocked, but Xu Liao waved his hand and said: "This is not the ancient green dragon on the head, it is an illusion evolved by the void formation absorbing the essence of the ancient divine beast!"

Several elders of the Dongxuan Immortal Sect were horrified and hurriedly activated their magic power to check. Sure enough, although the ancient green dragon had a far-reaching aura, it had an illusory and uncertain meaning and was not a real divine beast.

But despite this, this illusion of the ancient green dragon is as strong as the full-strength strike of this divine beast. The weakest one is comparable to a strike of the demon god level. Even if the Dongxuan Immortal Sect joins forces, they will never be able to take it. They will only be blasted to pieces. A portion of scum.

Without Xu's instructions, everyone restrained their auras and tried to get as close to the "stone" as possible to avoid being attacked by the phantom of the ancient green dragon.

But this is of no use... (To be continued.)

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