One Sword to Immortality

327. I am a little green dragon

The ancient green dragon on its head seemed to have no ill intentions, which made Xu Lio's fear gradually fade away. He raised his spirits and shouted: "Senior! If I can break through the two realms and ten directions of the Vajra Embryo Hidden Formation, I wonder if Senior can escape on his own?"

The vast ancient voice was slightly surprised, then smiled and said: "Although I see that you are proficient in void magic, how can you break such a formation? This formation has suppressed me for countless thousands of years. If it could be easily broken, I would have been able to break it." Just got away."

Xu Luo's spirit suddenly shook and he shouted: "The world's magic is changing with each passing day. The magic that existed thousands of years ago has long expired, so it may not be impossible to break it."

The vast and ancient voice chuckled, and said in disbelief: "If you can break through the two realms and ten directions of the Vajra Embryo Hidden Formation, I will give you the blood of this god and make you a descendant of this god!"

Xu Liao was slightly surprised and shouted: "How can I become a descendant of a god if I am not a dragon?"

The vast ancient voice sneered: "This is just a small trick!"

Xu smiled softly and said: "Senior, don't lie to me. I have the inheritance of the Qinglong clan in my hands. How come I don't know that the Qinglong clan does not have such magical powers?"

The vast ancient voice sneered again and said: "I also participated in the creation of this inheritance talisman. How come I don't know what's inside? This spell was only created after the collapse of Heaven. How could it remain in the East Palace? ?”

Xu was shocked. He had never entered the inherited light egg of the ancient Qinglong clan. Naturally, he did not know the origin of this Qinglong. Listening to the words of this Qinglong, it was probably that it was still a figure from the ancient demon clan's heavenly period, so it was called the ancient demon clan. Heaven is Heaven, and the word "monster clan" is not mentioned, because I am afraid that these two words were not added in that era, but were somehow suppressed in the Longhua Club.

Xu Xu breathed softly, and then shouted: "Senior said! I don't quite believe it. Only if senior can transform the junior's bloodline now can he confirm this statement!"

The vast ancient voice chuckled and said: "You are quite clever. But even if I give you the blood of my god, what can you do if you can't leave here?"

Xu Leozheng wanted to test a few more words. There was a sound of thunder, and then a ray of green light broke through the boundless sea and soared into the sky, as if it knew the target, and fell into his arms by accident.

This ray of green light entered the body, and he couldn't help but snorted coldly, his body grew scales, and his palms turned into claws. The whole person rolled on the spot and turned into a small green dragon more than ten meters long.

He promised to grow clouds with his four claws and swam around for a while, and was shocked to find that no matter how hard he activated his magic power, he could no longer transform into a human body.

The vast ancient voice smiled softly,

He shouted: "I know you have extraordinary blood, but after all, it has been passed down for countless generations, how can it be compared with my own blood essence? If you don't cultivate the six magical powers of the Qinglong lineage, you won't be able to restore your body!"

Xu gave a wry smile. Knowing that this ancient green dragon is not an idiot, although he generously gave him the blood of the ancient green dragon, he also restricted his other bloodlines. Although the bloodline of the Imperial Clan and the Ten-Colored Flower Vine was inherited by the Heavenly Demon, as this ancient divine beast said, after all, it has been passed down for countless generations. How can it be compared with the bloodline given by it personally?

Especially, the magical power of this ancient green dragon is extremely domineering!

Although Xu Xu learned the magic of demon nerves, he also absorbed the blood of other demon clans. For example, he also used the essence and blood of Qilin to practice Qilin Transformation, but his own blood did not change. He was still the blood of the Imperial clan and the Ten-Colored Flower Vine. It's just that I can use this trace of essence and blood to practice Qilin Transformation.

But the magical power used by the ancient green dragon on this head is real. Forcibly turning Xu Liao into a green dragon didn't just give him a trace of blood essence. Allowing him to practice the ancient magical powers of the Qinglong clan.

What the ancient Qinglong said is right. Unless he cultivates all the magical powers of the Qinglong clan and his body can change freely, his imperial clan bloodline and Ten Color Flower Vine bloodline will be suppressed by the Qinglong bloodline and will never awaken again.

The ancient Qinglong bloodline is also the bloodline of the Heavenly Demon, which is no inferior to the bloodline of the Imperial Clan and the Ten-Colored Flower Vine, but Xu Xu still feels quite uncomfortable, but at this moment he has no choice but to accept it.

After Xu Xu activated his surging demon power for a moment, he felt that all his magic power was colliding. He practiced many kinds of spells, but they all relied on the blood of the imperial clan to be used in a mixed manner. At this time, his entire body was filled with the essence and blood of the Azure Dragon, and every move The muscles and bones, every inch of the body, the scales, horns and claws... are all the body of a green dragon, how can they activate the magical power of the imperial clan? How can we sort out various mana powers?

After promising, he could only let out a long groan and flew out the inheritance talisman. He had always called this object the inheritance light egg because it was shaped like a chicken egg. But now that he was reminded by the old dragon and knew that this object was called the inheritance sigil, he naturally didn't I will use the old name again.

Xu Luo found out a bit of spirit and wandered around the inheritance talisman of the Qinglong clan. He had the experience of inheriting the inheritance sigil of the imperial clan, so he was not confused in the world transformed by the inheritance sigil. He just took the six inheritance talisman of the Qinglong clan. The great magical power was withdrawn, so it only took a moment, unlike the long time it took for him to receive the inheritance before.

After a long breath, layers of water clouds suddenly appeared outside his body. This was the cloud-turning-rain-turning-dragon technique inherited by the Qinglong clan. He let out a dragon roar, jumped lightly with his four claws, and emerged from the black golden cloud light, flying into the air.

The vast and ancient voice let out a soft cry and shouted: "You are quite talented, you are actually able to comprehend the Qinglong Clan's Dragon Transformation Technique so quickly! Let's see how far you can comprehend it."

The surging demon power in Xu's body turned into layers of water vapor. He raised his claws and swiped, and the demon flags of the two realms flew into the air. Fortunately, the transformation of the jade cauldron was different from that of the demon nerves. There was no need to rely on the power of blood, and the demon nerves were all the same. All the magic power can no longer be used, but the seventy-two transformations of the Jade Cauldron can still be used freely.

He promised to use the demonic power of the Dragon Transformation Technique to activate the Dingxuan Mirror and the Two Realm Flags. Although it was more difficult than using the black gold demonic power to activate it, the demonic power of the Qinglong clan was extraordinary after all. He still Be able to use these two changes freely.

The changes in the Dingxuan Mirror were pushed to the extreme. After noticing a flaw in the formation, he suddenly flicked his long tail, making a thunderous explosion, and smashed a formation node into pieces.

This formation node was shattered, and infinite changes immediately occurred, and more than ten blue dragon illusions flew out.

He promised this time but did not follow the original method. He still used the green dragon talisman to crush the illusion of the green dragon, but he did not use the inheritance talisman to swallow it. Instead, he let out a long roar, opened the dragon's mouth, and swallowed with all his strength, swallowing these green dragons. All the illusions were swallowed up.

The vast and ancient voice couldn't help but be slightly surprised, and shouted: "You boy, you are really smart. Thank you for my using my magical power to turn you into a descendant!" (To be continued.)

ps: ps: Everyone, please throw in your recommendation votes, yes, the newly released thing!

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